Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I have to admit looking up Lego Flowers Nancy. I was amazed at how many there are. I imagine that the one thing all Legos have in common is that they hurt like heck if you step on a piece in the dark in bare feet!
that's all folks GIF by Space Jam


Wacky Wabbit
FR DAVE: Sorry about Ohio States loss to Missouri in the “ COTTON BOWL! I stayed up and tried my best to cheer OHIO to a win. :crying:
Bill: Ouch on Kevin’s broken vertebrae.
Good for you grabbing a few bucks from the ships Casino!
Hope the plumbing issue gets fixed and stays fixed.

Karen: Sorry about your wet/dreary days. We’re about to grow Mushrooms if this misty/rain continues much longer. But for us Northerners it’s better than SNOW & ICE any day! :emoticon 0111 blush:

BY WAY we got a porch drop-off this afternoon of a huge tin of Garrett’s Carmel Corn straight from Michigan Ave in CHICAGO! Jill’s Godparents were there over Christmas and brought it back for us! It’s the best ever! They make it fresh as you watch. Will sample it when they come for a visit on New Years Day!

Okay, I’m off to Nanny Land!


2nd Officer
Last weekend of the month. And last trip for us to the grocery store until next year. Bet ya the booze section of the store will be busy.

K2; Those E-mails I received that went directly into my Spam folder definitely didn't have your E-mail address on them. The first half of theirs was random numbers with random letters making up the second half. Hoping you are right about "no news is good news" about BB. Lucky you on getting by with a new prescription for glasses. At my eye exam yesterday I was told that a new pair of glasses wouldn't help me. I need cataract surgery. It's been getting a little worse every year for a decade. Oh goody, another part of my old body breaks down.

Looks like the Buckeyes broke down too.

Speaking of medical costs; WOW Lee, that's a ton of money for you to be medically covered when you are out of Canada. But like you said, you've got to have it.

You are so right Bill on how annoying it is when large companies stand in line to spend millions to slap their name on stadiums. At least for now, the NFL stadium has gone back to just being called The Cleveland Browns Stadium.

Random thought; You might of thought we were having a pizza party at our house yesterday. There were 9 small pizza boxes sitting on our counter. The reason is because my Arizona daughter sent us a nice gift card to a local pizza shop. The BEST pizza! So Kathi got 9 half baked pizzas, which she puts in Food-Saver bags and puts them in the garage freezer. So when we crave pizza we just reach in, grab one, and finish baking it. Only 15 minutes, even though frozen.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning. Saturday morning I believe.
Not much planned for today. Indoor decorations will go away for another year.
We have a dandy fairly new popcorn place in town Kathie. They make a number of flavours daily. It’s surprising how busy they are especially around all holidays.
Every city and town lays claim to “The Best Pizza”. We have a place in town with an award winning pizza chef. Dean has won best pizza in Canada and placed third at a world wide competition in Las Vegas. Is his pizza good? Darned straight. Ask for the x-ray style replacement lenses Dave.
Any time you come out of a casino with more money than you went in with it’s a good day Bill.
Because of Christmas recycle day is a day later so I best get my buns moving and my bins out.
See you later everyone.


2nd Officer
Dave I had Cataract surgery two years ago and when I had a full exam after I only need glasses to read and I can use readers you get at the grocery or Walmart, so a lot less expensive. I had the computer cut for getting the lens out and in and it was so easy.


2nd Officer
Good morning!

Dave, getting old is not for sissies that's for sure. I've had cataract surgery on both eyes, 2 yrs apart. I'm sure you remember all the drama from the 1st one, but the 2nd surgery was a breeze. I didn't get the fancy lens so I still need glasses to see & read.

Kathie, my sister & I were talking yesterday about how we couldn't handle living up north during the winter with long dreary days, we are spoiled with our winter sunshine!

Lee, that's quite a chunk of change for out of Canada insurance, but agree that compared to a hospital bill here it's well worth it. You have quite a lot of interesting eateries in your little burg, one of these days I may swing by & pick up Kathie and come for a visit!

Bill, welcome back to dry land! Sorry the temps are that great right now, but at least I can pretty much promise you won't get snowed in!

Got some laundry done & a few more Christmas decorations packed up yesterday. Then Jane called me in a panic, she couldn't find her wallet & the last time she remembered using it was when we went shopping at Aldi's the 18th of Dec.


Wacky Wabbit

Oh poor JANE losing her wallet. That’s 13 days ago. She must be beside herself. Let’s pray that it was turned into Aldi’s or the police station.

Dave: Don’r hesitate for even a second to get the best cataract lenses you can afford. The surgery is a SNAP! Worse part is all the constant DROPS!
Lucky you have Kathi there to help with putting in the drops. You’ll wonder why you waited so long. Might have to wear glasses for reading. Just depends on what choices you have. DO IT and see the world around you clearer.
I had both eyes done.

Karen…excellent idea of meeting up in Lee & Lu-Ann’s neck of the woods and spend a day exploring their quaint town full of all kinds of coffee shops, a world renown PIZZA maker shop, Naval Park, a winery or two! LET’s make this happen. :clap002:
Lee are you up to it???

Later all.
( still no news on Pat) :rolleyes:
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2nd Officer
Kathie, my internet went out when I was posting & I didn't realize all of my message didn't post, I found Jane's wallet for her, it was under her bed. She was pretty sure before that she hadn't left it anywhere as there was no activity on her bank account or credit cards, but she was still driving around without her drivers license & didn't know it. I'd love to make a trip up to visit you & Lee, maybe late Spring we can work something out!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
...and don't forget your hat. If you're planning on coming that is. Lu-Ann and I would love to show you both around our town and county.
Oh Karen. I'm picturing poor Jane being stopped by the local constabulary and being asked for her driver's license. At that exact moment REAL panic would set in because she would realize that she didn't know where it was. But like my little signature line says, it all worked out in the end. We still have to get going on the indoor stuff.
Birbiglia. Who? Mike Birbiglia. He has three comedy specials on Netflix. The kind of comedy that, well, Karen could watch with Reverend Lisa, Lu-Ann and I and nobody would cringe at his language or topics. Lu-Ann and I have actually laughed out loud at some of his bits. So, why did I mention him? Well, we were looking to see what other specials he may have and "2024 Tour Dates" popped up. It figures, he's in Toronto. But wait. He's also at The Hard Rock Theatre in Universal City Walk Orlando on February 16. What a coincidence. We're in that part of Florida on February 16. So, for Valentine's Day we're going to see him. We're looking forward to it!
Here's a picture of a Lego Orchid which I think is what /Nancy was talking about. They have some really impressive floral collections for adults! Who knew?
Well now, 12:10. Lunch time and then the decorations will come down. Then I have to hit the treadmill.


2nd Officer
Lee, I have never heard of the comedian you mentioned but will definitely have to check him out, clean funny comedians are definitely a rare breed!

It didn't make it on my original post but this afternoon was our community block party, first one they've had in ages & it had a great turn out. Not sure if anyone got a full head count but I'd guess there were at least 30 people or more there. Some came & ate & left, some came late & ate and some of us ate & hung around talking. The hosts (our new Hoa president & her hubby) provide hot dogs & hamburgers, several other ladies on the block did potato salad, baked beans & all the sides and several of us brought desserts. Beautiful sunny day for it too!


2nd Officer
Lee, that is exactly the Lego Orchid. I have ran into a problem with 4 pieces and Bruce has gotten them in for me, now back to putting more on it.

All have a good night.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It sounds like a good afternoon with the community Karen. It must have been nice for you that you could enjoy it as a resident and not a board member.
I think we‘ll need a picture when your orchid is completed Nancy.
Good night everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Looks like ghe Lions are going to loose this Football game unless a miracle happens in 5 mins!
Happy Juhuu GIF by KleinerSpatzWesterstetten
So happy for you finding Jane’s wallet. How the heck did it get under her BED? :eek: And another GOOD SISTER SAVE by Sister Karen. You’re the best.
Nice to know that many neighbors showed up for the Block Party. Nice of the new President & wife to provide the meats for the event. Let’s hope the HOA moves ahead smoothly this coming year!

Dave: Good for Kathi taking care of all those Pizza’s. I never knew you could get a pizza 1/2 baked! Great idea.

Lee: You’ve got my attention on the Comedian. I’ll be looking him up! Kudo’s on getting to see him in person while in Florida! You missed your calling as a entertainment co-ordinator!

Bill/Rita: Hope you both are doing well and almost in your Winter rental! Was Kevin able to get home okay? You both please be real careful while out and about.
I’m out of here. It’s been a long day. I feally don’t know where the time goes lately.


2nd Officer
Good morning Bunnies.

I've got diddley to yak about this morning, so I'm just going to wish you a good what's left of weekend and a Happy & Safe New Year's Eve.

For us, not going out on "Amateur Night".

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Um, Dave, 3:42 barely counts as morning! I hope you had some ice cream, hot wings and ??? and went back to bed.
I’m not surprised The Lions lost Kathie. The Cowboys had just come off two losses in a row and they had a 15 game home winning streak on the line. They came back and tried but failed on the 2 pt conversion for the tie.
Bed and sleeping. Another whole area that ignites the observational comic in me. Now, one of the things about Parkinson’s is that it can scramble your sleep pattern. We tend to go to bed, usually, between 10:00 and 10:30. It’s not unusual for Lu-Ann to be awake at some ungodly hour for at least an hour, usually more, reading. Either on her phone or newly acquired Kindle. I on the other hand sleep from the time I go to bed until, usually, 5:00 a.m. Yet my Sweetie who gets up around 7:30 inevitably says “why were you up so early?” I, again usually, blame Ava. That’s because other than looking at us with her cute little face Ava can’t talk to add her view of things.
Enough rambling from me.
You all have a really good day.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy New Year Vintage GIF

Wishing all of my extended Wrabbit family a SAFE New YEAR’S EVE!

I must say I only WISH I COULD SLEEP LIKE Dave does. To be able to get up and post on here and then fall back to sleep would be fantastic! Bless you FrDave!

Art gets his Pneumonia vaccine at 10:30 am appt at our local Kroger Pharmacy. Always something!

Pat is still in the hospital. Holding her own and even making major decisions regarding her care. Pneumonia is under control. That’s it unless you got a email. Some did —some didn’t. :oops:

Bill/Rita could explain more if
You email each other. :emoticon 0111 blush:

Staying home this year. No dinner out with friends this year, and most likely watching more football. I’ll Bang on a Pot or blow the Train Whistle at midnight. :clap002:

Glad to see 2023 over! Can only pray 2024 will be better!
(Hey, I can dream ) Ha ha.


2nd Officer
I have to admit looking up Lego Flowers Nancy. I was amazed at how many there are. I imagine that the one thing all Legos have in common is that they hurt like heck if you step on a piece in the dark in bare feet!
that's all folks GIF by Space Jam's all folks GIF by Space Jam
Yes, I stepped on one and it took a year and a half before that foot did not hurt.


2nd Officer
A late good morning. Glad to hear that Pat is slowly on the road to recovery.

We have had the heat set to 68 and last night it came on and also this morning a couple of times.

After lunch today we are going to Kohl's to return a couple of things we got for Christmas that we just can't use.

I plan on having Snow Crab legs and Spinach salad for dinner tonight, both easy to fix. And we will be in bed before midnight.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Patriots return the opening kickoff for a TD! Really? Bill, do I have your address?


Wacky Wabbit
Well if I didn't know I was in MICHIGAN I would "swear" I was in Seattle or Portland! Misty, puddles on the sidewalk, dreary and NO SUN in DAYS! Oh well, other than the SUNSHINE I'd take this for the next 3 months! :loveya:

Lee: I take it you have the Patriots!
Dec 31, 2023
Week 17 · NFL

Q3 · 05:25



The Lions game last night was a tragedy. The REF really blew it for the Lions. Such a shame he couldn't stand up to his mistake and reverse his horrible call. Such a close game in the 4th
quarter. I also, think our coach should have gone for the KICK and tied the game. Oh well, they're doing better than they have in decades, so I guess we have to take what we get here in Detroit! :rolleyes:

Okay, I was just passing by and always like to use the BIG KEYBOARD to send you lovely folks my posts. So much easier than the cell phone or even the iPad. Old habits of loving to type on the keyboard are hard to break.

Lee: How you and Lu-Ann doing on emptying that refrigerator? I see some carry-out food coming into the house as your deadline approaches. And vacuuming as you shut the door behind you! Ha Ha.

Later gang! ;)
