Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
5:47 a.m. and I’m not even close to being the first bright eyed and bushy tailed bunny to check in.
Many retailers here don’t allow returns until at least December 28. I guess it gives their staff a chance to deal with the early boxing week sales. Which we are not heading out too. We already have enough “stuff” without adding to it!
I’ll send you the email I sent Kathie Dave. It has all of the dates and stops. Of course, I will check in from the road too. Well, actually, from the hotels. It’s not safe to use your device while driving. ;)
If you’re able to nap Kathie, today would be a dandy day for one.
Time to put my feet up for a bit and then decide what mischief the day may bring.
Back later.


Chief Security Officer
In St. Maarten today, our last port of call before we head back to Port Canaveral. Kevin had a CT scan while in St.Thomas and it confirmed a break, so he will require surgery when they get back home. He is able to walk around but is in pain so will likely spend much of the remaining time resting in the stateroom
A number of ships in today including P&O, Azamara
and a couple of other lines and a yacht owned by a British millionaire that allegedly cost $150 million.
Sunny and hot today but the sun feels good. We limited our activity off the ship to checking out the various shops at the pier.
Big game this weekend, Lee. My memory is failing me, so please remind me if we are using the spread (12.5 pts) or not to determine if this game will result in a wash or I can expect a payment of untold millions in CDN?
Not encouraged by the news on Pat but praying that the doctors can turn things around and get her back in shape so that she can return to her home and family.
Food has been very good onboard but last night's menu was so less than thrilling that all of us ate in Johnny Rockets. Tonight is UK night, so I believe a lot of fish and chips will be ordered.
Take care on your drive down, Lee. Look forward to seeing you and LuAnn while we are all in FL.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Just checkin’ to see if there are any updates…
Geez Bill, poor Kevin! Not the kind of souvenir you want to bring home from vacation! Although I have it on good authority that ”a scar is like a tattoo but with a better story”. Dating back to the days of “The Master” we have always used the spread. You can expect, if you win, untold millions in Canadian Tire Money. And a couple of crisp George Washington’s.
I think I’m going to pull the outdoor Christmas decorations in. The next few days are supposed to get cooler and I don’t get paid extra for dismantling stuff in the cold.
Be good everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Dave, Lee, Karen I sent you an old fashion e-mail at around 4:25 pm 12/27/23!
(Bill you get your info from Rita on BB!)

Bill just WHAT DID KEVIN BREAK? I feel so bad about him being in pain. Hopefully, he got a decent supply of meds from ST Thomas doctors.

You and Rita please watch yourselves while on the cruise and on land in Florida.

I have to lay down now. PT was excausting, but so good at the same time. Go figure.

Karen: Hope all is good with you! Check your e-mail.

LEE: Art did take advantage of the nicer temps just like you did (although misty and dreary) to take down the OUTSIDE LIGHTS. I’m not worry about the tree and other thing on the INSIDE of the house. I have enough on my mind right now!

Be good and stay healthy!


Wacky Wabbit
FYI: You have e-mail.
Karen -Lee thanks for your memo. Dave thanks to you too. ;)

Got caught up watching a college bowl game that is SO GOOD. Louisville-Cardinals vs USC (Univ of South Calf - Trojans) HOLIDAY BOWL!
USC WON. 42/28. Over and out.
I should be in BED! Duh!

Tired Good Night GIF by Muffin & Nuts
And I’m praying I’ll get some sleep tonight.

Take care my Wrabbits…..the NEW YEAR IS ALMOST HERE and we can START ALL OVER AGAIN! Lord help us all.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
So, one day the teletubbies met the bunnies…
Thanks for the early morning smile John.
OK, I’m going back to bed for a bit.


2nd Officer
Good Thursday morning, Bunnies!

Cute video John.

Ya'll sleeping in?

And tonight the almighty Cleveland Browns will win their game and thereby be on a run to the Super Bowl. (Yea, Right,) Us Buckeyes can hope.

Art and Lee already taking down the outside lights??? Worried about the cold. And here I thought you Michiganders and Canadians were made of stronger stock.

You are going to be so much stronger when all this physical therapy is over with, K2. Never having had your type of surgery, what's the normal time to return to normal function? Months, years?

With all the stuff your church has going on KC, do they have anything now going on after Christmas?

Come to think of it, I can't remember when the Serbian Christmas is.

Now don't you be hurting yourself skydiving while in Florida, Bill.

Got a SPAM E-mail in my spam folder marked "Pat update", last night. The sending party's address had lots of letters and numbers in it. Definitely somebody trying some sort of scam. Anybody else get it?


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
And, we’re back.
I checked and no spam Dave.
Ah SPAM. “Specially Processed American Meat”. Or so one urban legend that I recall says that is the acronym for. I have to admit to enjoying the very occasional fried SPAM sandwich. I remember enjoying a Spam McGriddle from McDonalds in Hawaii.
I did get an email from Southern Oaks Inn where we are staying in St. Augustine. They were offering 3 nights for the price of 2. I rang then up and talked to Jake on their front desk. Within a few minutes he adjusted our reservation to reflect a free night and sent a new confirmation. THAT is customer service!
43. The number of “Bowl” games this year. That question in my head because of Kathie’s mention of The Holiday Bowl. And who names these Bowl games? The Avacados From Mexico Cure Bowl? Really? The game is in support of a very worthy cause, breast cancer. But that name…
Have a fantastic day and be safe everyone.


2nd Officer
Morning, wet & gloomy here in the sunshine state today, with more predicted over the weekend. A good day to do nuthin!

Dave, Nothing in my spam folder either. The church office is closed this week & Rev. Lisa is on vacation so other than choir practice tonight & church on Sunday everything else is on pause.

Kathie, I hope you were able to get some much needed sleep last night. After all the PT and everything is over will we be seeing you in a Disney 5K with Lee?

Bill, dang poor Kevin, that is sure not the souvenir you want to bring home from a cruise, hopefully he will be able to get his surgery quickly & be on the mend.

Lee, that is a great deal for a hotel stay in St. Augustine it's such a pretty place to visit the extra day will come in handy!

My outside decorations are still up, it's been drizzling rain off & on the last several days, I will unplug the time on Jan. 1st and take them down when the weather improves. Tree will come down Jan. 1st and I am going to start packing up some of the inside decorations today. It just seems like this year flew by even faster than usual!


2nd Officer
Good morning. We are getting rain, which is supposed to stop about 2. And the temp is only 58. When Bruce and I went shopping before Christmas I had picked out a velour leisure suit for him to give me for Christmas and decided to put it on today. It is very comfortable and not real thick so I have ordered 2 more.

It was the right thing to drive home yesterday, traffic was not bad at all. There was more traffic going West than East.

Jennifer and Mike took us out to eat Tuesday night as payment for Bruce fixing a toilet and then the bathtub, we had leftovers so brought them home and that was our dinner last night.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
I sent out an update from Missy to your e-mails.
I guess it didn’t work. Oh well. I won’t post on this Bunny thread.
I suggest if you know Mellisa send her a message to get added to the info group she set up.

Dave asked: K2. Never having had your type of surgery, what's the normal time to return to normal function? Months, years?
I’ll be sure to ask the surgeon on my after visit Jan 3rd!

:D Could be decades! HaHa
I saw that Our Insurance paid $16,530 bucks for the new knee! :eek: I pay $187.37 ! Works for me. (Let’s hope it works!)

Rained here earlier. Now it just looks like “A Rainy Day in Seattle!”

Later. Hugs to all.

Bill: Food getting any better? Hope Kevin is coping with his injury and not in horrible pain.


Wacky Wabbit
Signing off and off to bed. I need to start watching the 10 O’clock news and get to bed earlier. Nothing good on the news lately to loose sleep over. :oops:
Cat Sleep GIF by Pusheen


2nd Officer
Good Friday morning Bunnies!

How's about those Cleveland Browns!

Lucky me, got another E-mail yesterday in my Spam folder with the exact same e-mail address that someone sent me on Wednesday that said "Pat update". Only this time there was no subject. The first 5 numbers of it's E-mail address is "58620...". Does that mean anything to anybody? Oh well, I didn't click on either of them.

That's one expensive knee you've got there. K2. Don't lose that receipt. :)

That is a crazy number of Bowl Games, Lee. They used to be something special, but not any longer. And naming them is even crazier.

KC; I think the lull in church activities is good after all the stuff you had to do before Christmas.

My big excursion out of the house today is an eye exam this morning. It's getting a little tougher to read the small print they often have at the bottom of the TV screen during football games. Or watching a movie or show that occasionally have subtitles in English.

Of course it doesn't help that I sit 20 feet away from the TV.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning!
I agree about the “real” news Kathie. We used to have a one hour “lighter news” program from 5 - 6. They cut that to a1/2 hour and added a national newscast. Then the 6:00 local news repeats most of the “hard” news with very little local content. When we see the cost of medical care in The US we know why we make sure we have out of Canada health insurance.
I was surprised The Browns didn’t wind up with way more points after that first half Dave. I start most days checking suspicious email originating addresses, blocking the senders and sending them to “junk“. The bad guys just keep trying. I’m OK with the print on TV. Sometimes I have trouble with the audio. But we do tend to watch a lot of British and Australian shows so the accents don’t help.
Today I get my PTH, pre trip haircut, and then pop to the pharmacy for the meds we need to get us through our 9 week get away.
Rain in the forecast again for later on and temps are supposed to drop throughout the day. No snow yet though.
That’s about it from here this morning. I’ll check in later to see how the rest of the gang is doing. All of you stay safe and watch out for the other guy.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-AFERNOON Wrabbits...... Wow where the heck did the morning go.
(I did get a lot of paperwork done this morning and part of the afternoon.) Good feeling to get that done.

DAVE... LEE... Anything you got in your "Junk or SPAM mail" with PAT UPDATE on it must be from me trying like a good bunny to get you information. Sorry about that.
Hope I didn't get
BLOCKED by anybody! :eek: But I can't blame you for being careful.
Anyways, I'm done sending out updates. Haven't seen anything in 2 days from Pat's daughter Missy. We'll just go with the saying:

Hope you're enjoying your break from all the church activities. I'm sure things will pick up after the 1st of the year. You've been a good Christian doing good things with your church choir and pastor. Keep up the good work.
Hope Scooter is doing well these days. And hope your Sisters and Wendy are good too.

DAVE: Good to get those eyes checked. And I don't think 20 ft from the TV is that far away.
I got my eye Exam 12/7/23 (day before knee got done) and complained of the same thing you just did. Can't see the FINE Print on the TV screen! Got a new prescription. :clap002: Just a tad stronger. Also, one for reading. I can't do the Bi-Focal lenses. I'd just rather flip back and forth when needed. Ha Ha

Lee: Now don't you look all HANDSOME with your new "Vacation haircut"! :emoticon 0140 rofl: Good that you get the OUT OF CANDADA Insurance. You just never know when you might go JET-Skiing! Please DON'T EVEN THINK of DOING THAT!
Keep cleaning out that refrigerator and freezer.
I take it someone will check on your house occasionally.

Bill: Not sure if you're still checking in or not. But wanted to ask how Kevin is doing? How has the Casino been on board. Did you manage to get some good wins?
Do you all get off the ship on Saturday, 12/30 or Sunday?
Take care when you get your feet on LAND and keep in touch. Hello to RITA!

Out of here to lay down and ICE and REST after my long morning/afternoon.

Be good little Wrabbits and enjoy your weekend.

Note: Feel a tad sorry for all the folks that rushed down to Florida for the Holiday and are dealing with much LOWER TEMPS! Brrrr.....! :(

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon.
I always check the sender’s return email before I block and send them to junk / delete Kathie. I do appreciate the updates on Pat when they are available. I also appreciate your discretion to send personal stuff by email. So, enough of that. We’ll use your “no news is good news” theory for now. Yes, we have friends check the house weekly.
Out of country medical is very pricey! Roughly $850.00 per year covers unlimited trips up to 30 days. It’s an additional $750.00 for the additional 35 days! But we have to have it!
I trust you’re getting a chance to put your feet up Karen. Reverend Lisa will soon return getting her flock back into action!
Was it Kevin’s daughter Taylor who had the back procedure Bill? If it was she and her Dad can compare scars. And I’m sure she will encourage her Dad during rehab.
It‘s started to rain again. Sure beats snow. But I feel bad for all of the seasonal businesses and recreational facilities that rely on the weather to generate revenue.


Chief Security Officer
Kevin is doing reasonably well despite his broken lower vertebrae.
The ship diverted to Grand Turk last night because the medical staff determined that one of the passengers needed to be transported to a hospital. So we will be arriving in Port Canaveral a couple of hours later tomorrow morning than originally scheduled. We have never been to Turk and Caicos before but it was dark by the time we arrived so we really didn't see much.
Have had varied experiences in the casino but this morning I took $60 with me and came out with $140 so overall I didn't lose anymore than I was prepared to and had a good time while

Rita received a message from the woman who owns the home we are renting asking if we could delay our arrival by a day. It seems that they had a water leak and the plumber can't get there until tomorrow. So I have a reservation at a Fairfield Inn about a mile away and with the Marriott points that I have accumulated our one night stay is basically free. Just glad the water leak occurred while the owner was there and not after we arrived.
Our youngest granddaughter,Jaclyn is in the culinary arts program in her high school so she and Lisa are taking a galley tour today. I will be interested hear her comments about the food operation on the ship.

Dave - I fully agree with your comments on the commercialization of the football bowls. And that extends to sports arenas and concert venues. We used to have a concert venue which was called Great Woods and it wonderfully reflected the area where it was located. It has since been renamed a number of times after various commercial entities and is currently called Xfinity Center. Boston Garden, home of the Boston Celtics and Boston Bruins is now officially the TD Garden because TD Bank bought the naming rights. To Boston sports fans it is still and always will be The Gahden. Fortunately Fenway Park has managed to escape this practice.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Went to Winn Dixie this morning and bought a bag of Snow Crab legs, that we will have New Years Eve, and they had some Kerrygold flavors Irish butter that I will mix together with some regular butter to put on the Prime Rib for New Years Day dinner.

I tried again to work on the non Lego flower and because the size of the bricks is very small and some where I messed up I put it all in the box and started the LEGO Orchid kit and have almost finished the first part, just a few pieces to put in and four are hard to get in right.

Jennifer got me a pair of earrings that the stone sits on the ear and it has a piece of metal that goes in the hole but the holes on my ears are too far back so they won't fit, so she found the receipt online and sent me the link so I have started the return and she gave me the gift receipt for a funky hat she had gotten Bruce and a pair of heavy slipper socks for me, but I can't wear them as I need a hard type sole for walking and they are too fat to go in any of my slippers, so we will take them to Kohl's for return on Sunday after lunch.

All have a good night.