Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Lee, I get the feeling your wallet is MUCH lighter after your visit to the cafe/bakery. But to quote our Kathie, you can't take it with you so you may as well spend it now & enjoy yourself!


Wacky Wabbit
Good EVENING Wrabbits!
Whoever thought that taking a shower and washing and drying your hair would take so much effort! Ha ha.

Dave: I’m just not a breakfast in bed person. I do have one of those trays
(without the legs) and it’s right next to me on the bed with kleenex, glasses, nail file, magnifying glass and a little box with those unused pills they had us get! :emoticon 0119 puke:
Make sure to tell Kathi that the Soda pop quilt is a HIT! Kathi does amazing work. I’m sure the grandson will get hours of use out of it.

KC: Referring to how little you get for your money these days it’s so true. Because some of our items were in bulky boxes they took up more room in the thin grocery bags. We got 4.5 for our money. SAD.
Feel badly for the lady that got the flat tire. OUCH for replacing it. Funny the lady had your phone number and not someone in the group that was at church. Good thing you live close.
Seems like the folks organizing the card exchange HAVE YOUR NUMBER! They knew you wouldn’t say no to helping with delivery. That’s our Karen, always so willing to help! Kudo’s my friend! :clap002: You’re a good soul!

Nothing from Mama Bear or her family. I know that Bert is hard of hearing and I’m not sure he would answer the phone. Don’t want to bug him.
Missy and her gang should be headed home from their cruise. Hope she sends us a update!

If any of you are brave enough to venture out of the “HUTCH” please be very careful on the road. Hugs to all.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Just as I was getting ready to send out The RCMP Kathie checks in. :)

canadian mountie GIF


Wacky Wabbit
Announce Breaking News GIF by Biteable

7:04 pm update from Missy.
QUOTE by Missy:

She’s in a regular room and at some point in the future will go to a long term rehab. She passed her swallow study so she can have fluids and pudding.

That’s all I have. Sleep good my little Wrabbits.

Note: 16 days without Coffee! :eek:


2nd Officer
Good evening. Good news about Pat, am sure neither her or Bert will be real happy about long term rehab but better than the hospital.

We had a very nice visit with my brother and sister-in-law. And of course the late lunch was very good. Only Mike and I came home with leftovers, but I had ordered a mixed fried platter, shrimp/ scallops. clam strips and oysters and this time I got a bunch of oysters. After ordering I checked the market and found some things I knew I would buy. Well I bought, they had cod at 12.99 a pound and one pound is two very nice pieces so I bought 2 lbs, and they had a very nice price on Little Neck and Middle Neck clams so I got a bag of each to take home to have. And they had two kinds of Salmon dip and a Lobster dip so I got one container or each for Christmas day that we can all munch on. Since Max has found that he likes fish he at first was going to get the salmon but then decided he would try the Swordfish and he liked it but did say he does like Salmon better because of the flavor, but he ate the whole piece so that is good. It is so good to see him eat more than just Chicken strips. And of course he had a very good time playing with the cats, he is allergic so does not get near cats very often. And they now have a laser light that the male cat loves to go after so they had a good time together.

Jennifer picked up the mini cupcakes this morning and decided to get a second dozen because they are mini but they look so good, am sure we will all enjoy them.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Now don't just be sitting there. Get up off your butt and get in the car to get your loved ones, and maybe yourself, that most wished for Christmas gift. Today is the last chance to bring joy to many. Yes, you know what I'm talking about. A Chia Pet! :)

Thanks for the update on BB, K2. She's slowly making progress. Long term rehab still sucks but it sure beats being in a germ and virus filled hospital.

Thanks ya'll for the kind words about Kathi's quilt.

Make sure you keep those unused pain pills for possible future needs K2. It is amazing how much energy & effort it takes for everyday activities following a medical procedure. They were just a "nothin" just before the surgery.

KC; I see our little angel, you, has come through again when there was someone in need. I'll pass the word along to Santa Paws that you've been a good girl this past year.

I too like your Christmas song, Lee. A little "raw sugar" in your coffee. For some reason it makes me think you reach in your pocket for your pocket-knife so you can cut off a piece of some root or stick to put in your cup.

Time to get back into bed as I ponder what to have for breakfast. Yes I've already had a chocolate mini ice cream cone.

Yesterday's breakfast was a weird mix, even for me. Started off with the usual ice cream cone, then had a hot dog, then 3 hot-wings and finished up with a salad with 1,000 island dressing.

I should have been a dietician. :)


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
7:00 a.m. That’s when the grocery store opens. I always make Lu-Ann bacon and eggs on Christmas morning. I don’t have eggs. :( Yesterday at 10:00 a.m. the small no-name grocery only had two checkouts open and long, long lines. How long? My green bananas would have been ripe by the time I got to the front of the line to pay for them.
Geez Dave, salad for breakfast! A perfect side dish for the hot dog and wings. Yes, I trim a small piece from the sugar cane I keep in my pocket crush it with the spoon and add it to my coffee.
A quick check online this morning and everywhere around here that had Chia Pets is out of stock.
You all behave and I’ll see you later on.


2nd Officer
Good morning & Merry Christmas Eve!

Dave, that breakfast combo actually sounds not so bad & really kind of on the mild side for you. And trust me, I am NO angel, I have my grumpy moments same as everyone else.

Kathie, considering you are only a few weeks post op I'm not surprised at all that showering & washing your hair is still a challenge, slow & steady girl you are doing great!
I'm guessing that Pam still had the piece of paper in her purse with my phone # on it that I gave her. She doesn't have a cell phone so that's the only thing I can think of.

Lee, hopefully the trip to the grocery store will go better this morning, I'm sure most places will be packed today. Other than church I don't plan on venturing out at all!

Good to hear Pat is recovering nicely, and as much as it sucks to be away from family, long term rehab is probably NOT a bad idea. Otherwise she will be over doing things again & right back in the hospital, the lady has no slow down button at all!

Woke up early this morning for no good reason & tried to snuggle back and go to sleep but it didn't happen. So here I am coffee'd, ate breakfast & dressed for church and don't have to leave for another hour & a half. Guess I'll go read for a bit until it's time to go, have a great day all & stay safe out there!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well Jennifer was at the grocery store early to get most of the things needed for tomorrow and after a bit will go pick up the mini bites and the meat and fish.

Michael and Clara should be home early today being Christmas Eve and the restaurant closes early today.

I do think that pretty much we are ready for tomorrow.

Tonight we will have our normal Christmas Eve dinner, pizza.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Christmas Eve GIF
Just enough time to read your FANTASTIC posts and say Hello.
Wishing you ALL a FANTASTIC Christmas EVE, hopefully of just sitting around with some Spiked Egg Nog, and togetherness with family or pets.

I have a list of things to do and have been at it since 7:45 a.m. Sure can't wait until I can sleep 8:30 am would be really nice.

Sending my heartfelt love to all. BE SAFE if you're going out for anything.
Lee....try and call a local CVS or Rite-AID they might have eggs in the milk area? It might save long lines at ANY grocery store.

About PAT: She will have her work cut out for her when she finally gets to Rehab. Bert can't lift her and shouldn't. If she had a heart attack on the surgery table and was being tested for SWALLOW TEST recently she's a long way from going home. Some of us know this from our own relatives heart illnesses. Prayers still going out to her to get through this.
Time to send a few cards to the house and hope that Bert can deliver them to her. I don't want to attempt calling her now.

Out of here. Christmas and getting things together.....Bah Humbug! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme: :emoticon 0152 heart:


2nd Officer
Afternoon, the kids Christmas program at church this morning was cute as they usually are, lot's of stars, trees & Angels running around. Hoping to maybe catch a beloved nap this afternoon before I have to be back at 7 for choir rehearsal.

Lee, hope you were able to get eggs today, if not you can always start a new Christmas tradition for LuAnn, if you're cooking I'm sure she isn't going to fuss about the menu.


Chief Security Officer
Greetings from Labadee,Haiti-
had problems setting up my laptop but a fellow at guest services did what was needed. Weather has been terrific since we left FL and I only had a
quick peek at the boards. Will check back in later but the casino is calling my name. Glad to see Pat is doing better. Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hey there Bill! Thanks for checking in from Labadee. I hope that “Casino Claus” is good to you.
Usually little folks put on a good show Karen. Hope you get that beloved nap.
The Great Canadian Egg Hunt was a success. Our grocery opened at 7:00 and I was there bright and early. Eggs, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, cream and home. All of the checkouts were open and there were no lines. Yet.
We don’t have CVS or Rite-Aide here Kathie. Our main pharmacy chain is Shoppers Drug Mart. Their selection may not always be the best. DON’T you overdo it with the things on your list.
The haunting sound of fog horns has been filling the air since early this morning. We couldn’t see across The River at all. It’s hard to believe that it is Christmas Eve, 45F, and there isn’t a hint of snow in the forecast.


2nd Officer
Bill, sounds like you are having a great time on the cruise, hope the casino is kind to you!

Lee, didn't get my nap this afternoon, my niece Amanda called so spent an hour chatting with her & Alyse. Luckily the church service only lasted a little over an hour so I wasn't out to late tonight.

Gifts are all loaded in the sleigh(truck) for the trip to Barb's tomorrow. And now I'm ready to toddle off to bed. Will check in before I leave in the morning.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Video Game Christmas GIF by Leroy Patterson

From Lu-Ann, Ava and I to all of you and your families
Have a very Merry Christmas.