Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. We got to Jennifer's about 2. Traffic was very good. Only had one problem. There is a phosphate mine and it is very big and they have at least one train a day go in and today we had to wait at least 30 minutes for it to cross the highway into mine area.

I told Jennifer that either tonight , tomorrow night or Tuesday night we will go to Outback for dinner as I have gift cards.

The med the Dr gave me has helped my knee with the swelling so the pain is not so bad but still there.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
It's the shortest day of the year, but still 24 hours.

Put me down as a belly sleeper. The way God intended. :)

Great bedside manor, Doctor Lee. Jello shots made with wine. If they are going to make you eat Jello in the hospital, it might as well be fun. When I was in the hospital our nephew/contractor convinced Kathi to bring me in a couple of those little airplane bottles of vodka. That was a GREAT Willie Nelson show. Wish it had been longer. One of the few music shows where I was familiar with almost every song.

I agree with you K2; Being on blood-thinners tends to make you chilled easily. (That's why you've got a thermostat on your furnace.) Yes, yes, yes, elevating your leg is very important for your circulation. Something I also have to do.

So nice to see you popping in Bill. Once you finish your cruise, I'd bet you'll need a couple of days just to relax. At this point in your Florida schedule, there is no need to rush doing things.

I'm guessing this weekend is going to be very busy with your church, KC. All done with the caroling at people's homes?

A quick run to the smaller grocery store is on our agenda for this morning.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning. I already have a coffee. I don’t often go there first but today I just wanted one.
I used to ”run warm” until I had to start taking the blood thinners. Now at this time of year I usually have at least a light sweat shirt on in the evenings. And the early morning.
It sure doesn’t seem like Christmas with no snow in sight. Around here the weather guessers don’t even have any in the 7 day forecast. It’s good for those who have to travel I suppose.
Dave, were amazed how much Lukas Nelson sounds like his Dad. Tonight we can catch up with Mr. Dick Van Dyke. We recorded his birthday special last night.
Has anyone else noticed that networks now don’t even expect you to watch their programming live? Here we get a little on screen reminder to “set your PVR”.
Hopefully all is well with Kathie. It’s not like her to only pop by once in a day.
Our printer cartridges need replacing. The new ones came last evening from, where else, Amazon. We almost had a new printer because, on sale, it was cheaper than replacement cartridges. That’s nuts! Then I thought I’d try Amazon and sure enough they had recycled and refilled ones for a fraction of the cost of “new” Canon ones or a new printer. For as often as we really need a printer hopefully these will be just fine.
Everyone have a great day. Please be careful if you’re out and about what with distracted Christmas shoppers out there.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well it is cool here today. We will be going to BJ's today to get Crab Legs, for a dip for Christmas Publix to order Rib Eye steaks and fish for Christmas dinner. Jennifer has ordered mini cupcakes and mini bites for Christmas dessert, I wanted something different. She ordered a dozen of each and since there will be 9 of us for dinner that is a good amount. She will also get what she needs for a salad she will make.

Tomorrow we are going to my brother's. It will be the 5 of us as Michael and Clara have to work. And we will go to the Fish Market for dinner, they have very few items on the menu that are frozen almost all of the items are fresh. I have bought their frozen shrimp and chowders to take home. And will see what they have for specials to buy.

Yesterday Jennifer said that Clara's sister and brother-in-law want to come over Christmas morning and watch us open gifts. She is not sure how they will feel when they see how many gifts we all get. They used to go to his Mother's for Christmas but she died so now they come here, for both Christmas and Easter. And starting this year now to our niece's for Thanksgiving. I just told Jennifer that when we are are Publix today we will need to get another thing of the Cinnamon Rolls that we always have Christmas morning since the containers only have 5 rolls and that with having nine people it would be best to have 15 rolls instead of 10.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good morning from cool grey Belleview, glad I have no where to go & can stay inside toasty warm!

Lee, Amazon does have some good prices on Canon cartridges, I paid $18 for one from Walmart & found the same one for $11 on Amazon, so I went ahead & ordered a back up. I mainly only use black ink, which helps save some $$

Kathie, hope all is well with you, not like you to check in first thing in the morning. I feel for you not being able to sleep on your side, I always start out on my side but end up on my back later on.

Dave, I have to say you are the first person I've ever known who had mini bottles of booze snuck into the hospital for them! Yes, all the visits to the home bound are done. Sat. night is the Spanish service at church, with 6 people being baptized. Not planning to go to that. Sunday morning is 8 am Mass & then 10:30 is the children's Christmas pageant, I'll go to that with my friend Deb & then 8 pm is the Christmas Eve candlelight service. Not thrilled about church starting that late but the choir is singing so I'll be there. Then there is Christmas day service at 10, which I won't be going to either. Rev. Lisa is going to be ready for her vacation after this weekend!

Bill, hope you & the family have an awesome cruise! I forget where you are sailing to but I'm guessing it's someplace warm!

Hard to believe Christmas is just 3 days away, where in the world did the time go? Sure hope Pat get's sprung from the hospital before then, but if not then she's where she needs to be for the time being.


Forum Manager
Staff member
Yes its only 3 days to the big day for lots of folks. I hope that y'all get a cruise ticket in your sock. Thats if you rascally rabbits do hang up socks of course. Merry Christmas from the other side. YOu all have been very good this year so you should make out like bandits. Once again Merry Christmas and best for the New Year.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
You sure do have a busy schedule over Christmas Karen. Like Kathie says, “make sure you set aside a little Karen time”. It’s been dreary here all day as well with off and on showers.
My smile of the day came from the young fella at “Joe”, a coffee shop in Kingsville about 30 minutes from here. We were on an errand and popped in for a coffee. The young guy asked if I would like a chocolate chunk “fitness” cookie. This intrigued me. I said “Tell me more about this “fitness cookie” thinking it must surely be healthy. He said it was a really good chocolate chunk cookie and after the first bite I’d be “fitness this cookie in my mouth”. Well, I bought one, it was and I did!
Hope to hear from Kathie soon…


Wacky Wabbit
Well, just where the heck did the day go???
Got to sleep in past 8:30 am. If mother nature didn’t call I might have stayed in bed even longer!
THANKS TO ALL OF YOU Wrabbits for the concern about me not posting. You all sure know how to make a gal feel wanted. You’revthe BEST!
BOB: Merry Christmas friend! We all appreciate you checking up on us Silly WRABBITS! Ha ha. Stop by more often. :sign merryxmas:
Karen: Good you’re home today, because your upcoming schedule looks like it’s full. And that’s a GOOD thing.

Dave: Turning up the “thermostat” just doesn’t help when you have this cold ice machine on. I just bundle up with more blankets. ;)
I convinced Art to let me go with him to Krogers. He dropped me off at the door. I use a cart to lean on and managed to do quite well filling the cart.
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Wacky Wabbit
PRESSED THE WRONG BUTTON. GEEz! Can’t get the print bigger sorry.
I convinced Art to let me go with him to Krogers. He dropped me off at the door. I use a cart to lean on and managed to do quite well filling the cart. He had the list with 6 items on it. I managed to walk around and when we used the self checkout our bill came to $98.00 bucks. Ha ha. Hey, somebody has to make sure our Kroger Super Store doesn’t close up! :emoticon 0116 evilgrin: Tge place was so full of shoppers I was amazed we got in and out as fast as we did. Parking lot was Grid-Locked. Not going anywhere until PT appt.

Lee: Glad you got the printer ink cheaper. I’d love to be a FLY at Amazon and follow how a order is processed.
Hope our Mama Bear is on the mend. Haven’t heard anything from Missy or Pat. I sent Pat a message, but not sure if she is up to using her Computer or cell phone or whatever she has with her. “ NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS”!
I have to cut this short, Jill is messaging me. Be safe Wrabbits.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well Jennifer, Bruce and I went to Publix and ordered fish and steaks for Jennifer to pick up Sunday. Then we went to BJ's and got Dungeness Crab for a dip Christmas day.

Tomorrow morning Jennifer has to pick up the mini cupcakes for Christmas, then we will be going to my brother's and we will all go to a nice small place to eat.

All have a good night.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Sounds like you’re all set there Nancy.
Thank you for checking in Kathie. I bet your first trip out to the store was filled with both excitement, hesitation and relief when you were done. Well, relief until you saw the $98 bill.
Part of me thinks The Celebration Health and Country Club is the best place for Pat over the festive season too Karen. I’m not sure she has a “don’t overdo it” button.
As always I’m keeping Momma Bunny in my thoughts and prayers.
G’nite my friends.


2nd Officer
I too wish you a Merry Christmas, Bob. Question is; Have you been a good lad this past year?

Sounds like you need a score card to keep you up to date on all the things going on at your church, KC. Yes, it is unbelievable what you can find on Amazon. Big or small.

You do like your coffee, Lee. I'm nosey, how do you take it most times? For me it's just black with nothing in it. Another "joy" of taking blood thinners is all the black & blue marks we get on our bodies by just brushing against something.

Hope your recovery and build-up time is going well, K2. I'd say yes, after your trip to the grocery store. I too use shopping carts to lean on and help my balance. It probably felt real good to go in a store. Anywhere but a medical facility. Have you talked Art into serving you breakfast in bed yet?

We did make it to the smaller grocery store early yesterday morning. Along with a LOT of other people just there for a few things. Almost everyone picked a miniature shopping cart to get their stuff. One item there is sure to be on sale next week. They have gobs of Christmas candy. They way over-ordered that stuff. The staff was cute. They all wore reindeer antlers on their heads.

Yesterday, Kathi finished up a T-shirt quilt she made for one of the grandsons. He's autistic and focuses heavily on soda pops. Talks about all the different brands every time you see him. Plus he has dozens of T-shirts with pictures of them on it. So this quilt is appropriate.

I'll ask Kathi to post a picture of it. Along with soda pops she also used T-shirts from his school's events.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I hope Santa has a good set of tires on his sleigh to get through the rain!
In a cute article Transportation Canada has completed the safety inspection on Santa’s sleigh and reindeer and they’re good to go tomorrow night.
I like my coffee with a little cream and a little raw sugar Dave. But not so much as to take away from the actual flavour of the coffee. Oddly enough if I have a pure Kona from Hawaii or pure Jamaican Blue Mountain I enjoy it black.
We have to brave the grocery store either today or tomorrow for a couple of fresh things.
And why this Christmas song? Because I like it. I hope you do too…

Have a wonderful and safe day out there.


2nd Officer
Good morning!

Kathie, glad you were able to get out & about yesterday, how are you feeling today after your big adventure? I remember back in the day when spending $98 on groceries would last a month & fill up at least a couple shopping carts, now they can usually fit it in 2 bags

Dave, that quilt Kathi made sounds like it will be a big hit with the grandson, can't wait to see a pic!
Luckily the church prints a newsletter every month with a calendar on the back page, otherwise I would be lost as to where I needed to be when.

Lee, thanks for another musical delight to start our day! Glad to hear Santa's sleigh passed inspection & is ready to fly.

Well, I almost got away with 2 days in a row of doing nothing. Got a call last night asking if I would help deliver the Christmas cards that folks in the community didn't pick up from the clubhouse, so of course I said yes, it doesn't take that long & is good exercise. The lady who organizes the Christmas card exchange was going to drop them off around 9 this morning. Just before 9 I got a call from one of my choir friends at church, she was supposed to be at church at 9 this morning to help the Altar Guild reset the church for Christmas eve. On her way here she hit a pot hole & shredded her tire, she didn't have a cell phone but was able to borrow someone's to call me. She asked if I would go to the church & let them know she was broke down & waiting on a tow truck. Luckily I'm less than 5 mins from church so it was no problem. When I got there the lady thought I was coming to help too, but I said No, I'm just the messenger & kept on moving! They tried to get me on Altar Guild before but that's just to intense for me!
Got home & got all the cards delivered, now I'm ready for that 3rd cup of coffee! It's a beautiful day outside sunny & just cool enough to make walking comfortable!


2nd Officer
Good morning. We are all getting ready to go to my brother's this afternoon. The place we will go to eat is a small restaurant and fish market, so we will take a small cooler with ice bottles in case we do buy any of the fish/shrimp/chowder that they sell. It is all so good and the prices are not bad either.

This morning Jennifer has to pick up the mini cupcakes for Christmas, as the baker won't be open tomorrow. They put them in a plastic container so we know they won't dry out like they would in a paper container.

Hope all is going well with Pat.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Now that is a GREAT piece of art Kathi. Yes, it may well be a quilt but it is also a work of art.
It’s always good to find a place with good food and that sells their product Nancy.
As usual Karen you have done more before 10:00 than most people get done all day. I
wish I could echo the weather you are having but unless you like rain today is not going to be much of a day.
How does this happen? We went to LaSalle, a town just north of here, to get a couple of things at their no-name grocery. Well, didn’t we stumble on to yet another cafe / bakery. Of course it wouldn’t have been right not to stop in. And that was a BIG mistake...
Hope the day finds the rest of the gang doing well.