Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Nice posts today Wrabbits.

Dave: Looked upBob Ross and saw he died in 1995 at 53 yrs old. Had Lymphoma. He was on TV doing Painting Lessons. Loved watching him back in the day! And yes, a perfect example for a Chia Pet!
Add me to the Bah Humbug list. If people would only give all that is spent on crazy presents to the truly “needy” the Christmas Spirit of GIVING would mean so much more. Buying ‘gifts’ is way out of line. I have cut back drastically the last few years. And my family still seems to care for me! Ha ha.

No updates on Mama Bear. Tests today! :eek:

Okay out of here for today. Be safe…wear your MASKS!


Wacky Wabbit
Looks like MICHIGAN is right in the Middle of the Testing Positivity chart. :eek:
I wore my Mask at PTherapy today! :clap002: Not a big inconvenience to try and keep Covid at away. Just would hate to catch that damn bug! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:


We got our FIRST actually SNOW FALLING from the silly skies this afternoon. WET STUFF, more like rain by the time it hit the windshield. HATE IT.

Out of here.

Hope you are all staying DRY and SAFE.


2nd Officer
Good evening. The appt a the Dr went well. She said she did not know when but that it sure looks like I will need a Total Knee Replacement. She gave me a Rx for Prednisone to get the swelling down and that should help with the pain.
And the referral request has been sent so hopefully I will get a call about seeing one of the Dr's at the Ortho place.

We have been having problems with our ice maker so we bought a counter top icemaker and it is pretty nice. Right now am doing a cleaning of it and tomorrow and Wednesday I will make ice and put it in the freezer so we will have it in case we need it when we come home next week.

Tomorrow morning we are supposed to get down to 45 and then the high for the day 66.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
The Circle GIF by The Circle Netflix (US)

Just saw this posted on Missy’s Facebook page around 9:30 pm Tues.

Please pray for my mom. The procedure she had didn’t didn’t go as optimally as hoped. I don’t have specifics. I just know we all need prayers as many as we can get.

Lord please watch over our dear friend.
Prayers Praying For You GIF by MOODMAN


2nd Officer
Thoughts, hopes, and caring going out for BB. Sure wish Missy would give some details. It wouldn't take that much longer.
Damn computer gremlins, (and sometimes our own oopses),KC.

Lee.......What's the names of those two grumpy, but funny, old Muppet characters? So many memorable characters on that show. One of my favorites was the Swedish chef.

Ah yes, what other goofy items became best sellers around Christmas? Remember the mounted singing fish or that pocket-fisherman? I wonder how many people still have their Pet Rocks.

How cute that the "kids" brought over Manny, your therapy dog, K2. Interesting Covid map. We heard on the news that Ohio is #3 with infections.

It got pretty here yesterday afternoon. All the lawns got a nice coating of snow. Making people's Christmas lights look even more magical once it got dark.

But by the end of today all that snow will be history.

Kids and many adults aren't going to be too thrilled this year. No White Christmas. Heck, the temperature will be around 50.

Not joining the morning coffee/tea clatch this morning K2? :)



Wacky Wabbit
Good morning Wrabbits! Dave I was up a tad earlier, but wanted to just go to bathroom Ang’s try to just sleep again. So much for that idea. I’d love to just be able to sleep ON MY SIDE! :sleep002::sleep:

Dave if I see anything on Missy’s Facebook page I’ll be sure to post. Just try and stop by to check here every so often during the day.
I don’t get on Facebook as much lately, just not enough time with everything going on here. I’ll do my best for all of us to know how Mama Bear is doing. My heart goes out to Bert. He is TOTALLY devoted to BB! Has to be hard on him. And I haven’t heard of any of the other siblings coming to his aid.

Just hate when a post vanishes. We all put a lot of effort into our posts. I’ve been using my iPhone and the keys are so tiny.
Did you get any of that massive rain & winds your way?

Bill/Rita: Sure hope you can get of on your flight on time. Seems like the WINDS and strong rain closed down some airports. You two take care. Seems like there is always an issue for you guys “weather wise” when you plan on traveling. Keep in touch please.

Lee: If you’re reading on here before walking Ava PLEASE watch out for ICE on the sidewalks and driveways. We don’t need you falling or Lu-Ann for that matter.

Art is staying home from biking today just because of SLIPPERY conditions. You know things have to be bad for that to happen.

Be safe and keep Mama Bear in your thoughts. Love you all.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Not the news I was hoping to see this morning about Pat’s situation. Thank you for the update Kathie. Extra thoughts, prayers and hope headed her way.
We missed this little bout of winter Katie. When it’s below freezing Ava and I don’t venture out this early. Neither one of us is a fan of windy, cold and dark. Good call by Art. You two be careful if either of you have to venture out.
Named for the famous hotels, the old guys are Statler and Waldorf Dave. Would you believe that our first dance at our wedding was “Rainbow Connection” sung by Kermit. The ORIGINAL Muppet Show is still, as far as I’m concerned, one of the best and wittiest shows ever done.
Bummer Karen. I hate it wh
You all have a great Tuesday and don’t forget an extra thought, prayer and hug for Momma Bunny, Bert and the family.


2nd Officer
Good morning, will try this again & save as I go, my computer lately has a mind of it's own!

Kathie, not the news we were hoping for with Pat for sure.
Glad you got some puppy therapy the other day, that always makes things better! We got quite a bit of rain, but not nearly as much wind as they predicted.

Dave, regarding your Christmas question, I do find myself more centered on the real meaning of Christmas & I give the credit to that to my new church. There are so many opportunities to serve the community & connect with people who are really in need. Makes me even more grateful for all the blessings I have.

Bill, hopefully you are in the air & winging your way to Florida! Safe travels.

Lee, wise move by you & Ava to stay inside where it's cozy warm and watch the sun come up with a nice hot cup of coffee. It's funny how as we get older shopping becomes less of an "adventure" and more of a get in, get out & get done! Except for online shopping, I'm enjoying that a little to much sometimes.

Going out again this afternoon with Rev. Lisa & one of my choir friends Pam to sing Christmas carols to the shut in's from church.
Tomorrow it's off to Barb's to help her clean for Christmas & deliver presents to the 2 families we adopted. Hopefully that will be the end of my running until church on Sunday but I'm not counting on that.
Stay safe & warm my friends!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well it is CHILLY here this morning, 50 degrees and windy so the feels like is in the 40's. No plans for me today.

Hope things have gotten better for Pat and continue to do so.

Will say that even though I have only taken one dose of the med I got yesterday my knee is not hurting as much, so nice.

Bruce gave out 6 of the 8 cakes he took yesterday and today will give the other two.


Wacky Wabbit
Busy morning over here.
LOVE the
SUNSHINE outside right now. Still really cold.....30F. I see my big flag waving, so the WIND CHILL might bring that temp down.
Florida has been RATHER CHILLY the past week or so. But heck, IT IS WINTER for you too! :loveya:

Karen I love that you and your sisters adopted a family. It's so heartwarming making those kinds of deliveries. For some reason our Church didn't do a Christmas Adopt a family this year. :rolleyes:

Okay time to ICE this knee.
I only stopped to post because I was in this spare room changing the sheets and the big computer is in here and it's so much quicker for me to type on. (Did I ever tell you I LOVE TYPING) Yup.
Last edited:


Wacky Wabbit
sad rabbit GIF

The latest from Missy. THIS IS HER QUOTE:

Right now we don’t know much. She had a heart attack during the procedure yesterday. She’s on a vent to breathe but she is also responding to light.

It's not getting any better for our dear friend. Take a moment and say a prayer. :emoticon 0106 crying:
(I posted this at 11:53 a.m. Tuesday.) Didn't see it until after my other post. I'm off of here.


Chief Security Officer
Made it to FL early this morning and Jamie and Kevin met us at the airport and drove us to the hotel where I badly need some sleep ( getting little or no sleep last night and getting up at 3 am to get to the airport ain't fun) Have a couple of days to wind down before we sail.
Hoping for better news about BB who will be
in our prayers. Just too much sad news in recent days and we don't want any more.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thank you Kathie. I know it’s not easy for you to share the news that none of us wants to read. Let’s all try to be positive. Another good prayer can’t hurt either.


Wacky Wabbit
BILL/RITA: Thank you so much for letting us know you MADE IT to destination FL.
I totally forgot that you and Kevin and family were cruising!

Enjoy the time together and there’s NO SHAME in WEARING A MASK when walking around the ship or if in an “occasional buffet line”. We don’t need you guys or your family getting Covid. :emoticon 0111 blush:

Lee: Speaking of Covid, if you have any of those HOME TESTING kits around your house you might want to put them in your suitcase. Just to “ward-off” the dang bugger.

Loving the Sunshine.
Trying to stay upbeat ….and it’s hard.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good to know you Bill, and Rita, made it safe and sound to FL. If we don’t get a chance later I’ll wish you both a safe and fun cruise now.
We picked up a couple of test kits the other day Kathie. :)


2nd Officer
Kathie, thank you for the update on Pat, will say an extra prayer for her tonight & light a candle at church tomorrow.

Bill, glad to hear you arrived safely, get some rest & enjoy your cruise!