Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Unbeknownst to me, I see that Kathi posted a picture of me as we were beginning to watch the eclipse. THANKS Kathi!

It's funny, as I was looking at that picture from Monday, there were no leaves yet on the trees. And yesterday for the first time, there is now leaves on some of them. Spring is in full swing. It's interest every year to totally see a house on the street behind us in the winter, but it totally disappears in the summer because of all leaves on the trees, obscuring our view.

Speaking of my view; I picked up my new prescription glasses yesterday. I'm completely satisfied with them. Once home, I put them to the test by comparing them against my last pair. I kept changing back and forth testing to see which pair was clearer and sharper in distances from far away, medium, and close up. Both are no-line bifocals. The new pair won every test.

Yes Lee, Direct TV paid the shipping to send back the old box and TV remote for the living room TV. We dropped it off at UPS yesterday.

Have a good day, Bunnies!


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Now that’s a good question Kathie. To say I noticed charging stations I’d be lying like a cheap rug. But when we went to Gettysburg last year the big rest stops along those routes were all building multi station charging points. Still, ya gotta stop to charge and that takes longer than pumping a few gallons of fuel. Try to sleep in this morning.
With the rain we haven’t been to The Navy Yard for our walks. It will be interesting to see how many leaves have started to pop in the park and around the neighbourhood here Dave. Your yard looks beautiful! It’s nice that your glasses are noticeably better.
Speaking of walks, I best get Ava out and around the block.
Be good today everyone.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Has been a quiet day. I have been taking the pain pills and probably will continue for at least a couple of days.

All have a good night.

Well I never posted this last night. I will take a pill soon.

Last night I took a dose of Philips Milk of Magnesia and it worked, woke me up and actually went 4 times before I was able to get back to sleep, then slept real good.

Only plan for today is watching NASCAR.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Sunshine GIF
Finally the SUN decided to come out! Yippee.

Dave: Glad the new glasses are working for you.
I’m sitting here with my new Bi-Focal glasses on and getting use to just lifting my eyes to see the TV in the distance and then looking down to type on my iPad. I like it!
Lee: Enjoy your stroll at Navy Park. I’m sure Ava will.
I’m going tomtry and find a GOOD VEGGIE BASED Dog Biscuit recipe to make for Manny. No sugar or salt for sure.
You all have a good day. I have some cleaning to do around here while Art is out biking with his friends! Best time to get things done around here.

Come back later and tell us about your day!


Chief Security Officer
Weather has been pretty crappy since we got home, so haven't been doing very much - just resting up for the series of doctor's appointments next week. Three different doctors on three successive days plus one trip for lab work.
We had a Chevy Malibu rental car those last few days in Florida and when we were driving anywhere and was beside an SUV, Rita claimed that the Malibus was so low that she had to look up to see the driver of the SUV. She is so used to sitting up high in her RAV4 while I am used to the lower seat in my Prius.
Speaking of haircuts, I probably should include one in my schedule for next week.
I see that the price of postage stamps is due to rise again sometime in July. I guess that the days of the penny postcard are long, long gone.
6 tonight BC takes on Denver for the NCAA hockey championship. For a while it seemed possible that the final would match Boston College against Boston University but BU lost to Denver and BC beat Michigan (sorry, K2) 4-0.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Quite breezy down by the water this morning. But so nice to see the sun out! Not a lot of action in the tree budding department though.
We made dog biscuits a couple of times Kathie. Oats, carrots and natural peanut butter. Never use processed peanut butter in treats for Manny. Heck, it isn’t even that good for people!
The stamps to send you your M&M’s from Canada to The USA were darned near as much as your winnings Bill!


Wacky Wabbit
Bill: Good luck with all those doctor appts. At least you get them over with in one week.
Thanks for the Heads Up on postage stamps going up. Seems like it just happened a few months ago. I need to just break down and buy more this time. I really only use them for greeting cards and about 2 doctors that still don’t have online payment or phone in payments. Very old school. Ha ha.
I do still write checks at church and for our lawn-man.


Lee: I was reading up different FLOURS for the dog biscuits and they say Almond and Coconut flours are really good. Not to use All-Purpose flour.
I’m thinking of grinding up carrots. No peanut butter. The cost of natural peanut butter without sugar or salt is crazy.


Wacky Wabbit
And just like that we have PUMPKIN-Almond flour with some ground up oats. No salt, no sugar and no egg. Very BLAND! I do like the small bone cookie cutter I found at the baking supply store 2 miles away! :clap002:
Jill said I should think about selling them at the Choir’s Bake Sale! Ha ha.

I made use a pan of Lasagna and a small 8x8 one for our next door neighbor! Left it on his stove after calling and finding out he’s not home right now! He’s always so appreciative of FOOD DELIVERIES. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Tigers lost their 1st game earlier and are on the way to loose this one soon.

Still sunny here.



2nd Officer
Good evening, just dropping in for a quick check in! Today was work day at church & I'm beat! It was a perfect day for working outside, sunny but cool so after I finished at the church I came home & did a few outside things around here. Should have just came in & kicked up my feet & relaxed as it always takes a couple hours to catch up with me. Oh well, it got a few projects crossed off my list for Monday.

Mike, thanks for the info on blossom rot, that looks pretty much like what is happening with my tomato's

Kathie, Your grand dog isn't spoiled in the least with organic homemade treats. I'm sure Mr Manny will love them! Jane has made doggie ice cream treats for Hansel a few times with greek yogurt & fruit.

Dave, nice shades & your back yard looks so green & pretty! Glad you were able to get the TV up & running so fast.

Bill, sorry the weather back home hasn't been so great, good luck on the Dr. appointments. And thanks for the heads up on Stamp prices, I missed it last time and could use a book of the forever stamps now before they go up again.

Lee, glad you were able to make it to the Navy Yard this morning, to bad there was more greenery to see, but I'm sure with all the rain it will be in full bloom soon.

Catch up with you all tomorrow!


Wacky Wabbit

RED WINGS WON IN OVERTIME. They needed to win tonight in order to stay in the playoff race.

Karen: Good post. Hope your body can slow down enough to get a good nights sleep.
I hope Mr Manny likes the biscuits once I deliver them.

Church and a quick choir rehearsal afterwards. There goes my Sunday! Duh!

You all have a nice Sunday. :emoticon 0115 inlove: :clap002:


2nd Officer
There was a bummer-story on the news last night. About a small town in Ohio, Orange Village, which was in the path of totality for the solar eclipse, which had clear skies, but couldn't see it. The mayor of this town purchased 1,500 pairs of those solar glasses for the citizens, and handed them out. Great. But this batch of glasses was TOO dark, and NO light came thru them. He didn't get to see the eclipse either. But glasses from the same company, he ordered for their school district DID work properly. Something tells me, he's not getting reelected.

I've got to ask, K2; How many of those dog treats did Art eat before you told him they were for Manny? :) It's so nice of you to share your cooking with your next door neighbor. If you ever do go for a an electric car I bet it would be easy-peasey for Art to install in your garage a charging chord. But for now, maybe a hybrid might be something to think about.

Bill; The price of postage stamps is getting to be ridiculous. There'd be very little need for Forever-Stamps if they didn't jack up their prices so frequently. Good thing we don't use as many stamps as we did 15 years ago.

You are right, Lee.......Totally electric cars are not good enough yet for people that take long trips or only have one car. One of Kathi's sons has a totally electric Chevy, and he loves it. Had a charger chord put in his garage. But his wife has an all gas powered SUV.

It seems that many days of the week are "work days" for your church, KC. But what you do there, I'm sure it's greatly appreciated.

Mike; Around here they are already setting up tents in parking lots to sell posies and things like tomato plants. I've got a feeling that these businesses are planning on making more money from people buying them this early. Because once the plants they buy now freeze, they'll be back to buy replacements.

Beautiful sunshine and warmer here yesterday. Today, more sunshine with the temperature into the lower 70s.

Ya'll have a fine Sunday all you different Bunnies. And find something you like to do.


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A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A gabby bunch yesterday. Just a group of everyday people chatting. And isn’t that nice.
This morning I don’t have a lot to bore you all with.
But there’s always the chance that my mind will kick in to gear later on.
You’ve been warned! Run while you still can. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
Have a wonderful Sunday.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well I took the bandage off and have put on a large regular bandage.

We are going out to lunch to Casa Amigos and Bruce just said he has to go to Home Depot for some paint.

A few years ago I bought bunch of Forever stamps, I knew the price would keep going up. I have enough for a few years yet.

Then will watch the race.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Well a bit of a mixed results in Boston sports yesterday: BC lost to Denver, but the Red Sox and the Bruins beat their respective opponents. Watched a bit of the Masters yesterday and it brought back memories of the two times that I actually saw them in person while I was stationed at Fort Gordon in Augusta. Tomorrow is a holiday in Massachusetts and Maine (Patriots Day) and day of the Boston Marathon.
Most, but not all, of my doctors' appointments will be fulfilled this week but I still have to see my dermatologist and my ENT doctor later this month. Yet another reason that April is the cruelest month. Hoping that the meeting with the orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday will lead to early scheduling for whatever he decides to do to deal with my hip problem.
At least a book of stamps seems to last longer these days since so many of our bills can be paid electronically.
It has been several years since I had a backyard garden, but I remember having that same blossom rot problem with some of my tomato plants but don't remember if there was a solution to preventing it. My gardening days pretty much ended when we moved from our Colonial house in Hanover to the Condominium in Rockland. Nowadays we depend on the local
farm stand a mile or so away for our corn and tomatoes during season.


Wacky Wabbit
Left the house at 9:15 a.m. to go to church
Just got back into the house at 2:35 pm. :mad: o_O
It's our lent time and too many people in line for confession. They only come a few times a year and think it's okay to take up everyone else's time by being there at 10:00 am instead of 9:30 for confession.
Then we had a quick choir rehearsal at the hall.
I think it's time for me to go out on the chaise lounge and chill out.

Birthday Happy Dance GIF by Minka Comics


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Kathie, we left for church about the same time, (8:45 for me) and got home about the same time. But mine was for a better reason, my friend Pam took me to lunch today at Cracker Barrel for a belated birthday lunch. Meal was very good & the company even better!

Dave, what a bummer for the poor mayor, he was just trying to do something nice for the town residents, poor guy, he just did to good of a job!

Lee, you know we always look forward to a word or 2 or 50 from you whatever time you happen to drop by.

Bill, according to an article I read there is supposed to be some calcium supplement you can buy from Amazon to spray on the tomato plants to stop the rot. Didn't check there to see how much it was or what kind of reviews it got.

Another perfect Florida day here today, cool & sunny this morning, warm & sunny this afternoon.
I was in bed by 7pm last night & slept pretty well, ended up being awake at 6. Managed to stay in bed until 6:30 then went ahead & got up, gave me plenty of time to get ready for church.
Only 6 more weeks of double church services for me & then choir breaks for the summer. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be going back to choir in the fall, it's a lot more commitment than I expected & even though I don't mind going to 2 services, I always feel rushed in between having to get back to the choir room for practice. I don't get a chance to talk to anyone from the 9:15 service and by the time we finish up after the 10:30 service I don't much time to talk to anyone else then. I will miss my friend Pam, but we are in most other groups together so it's not like I won't still see her.
Off to spend some quality time on my porch & "maybe" even catch a Sunday afternoon nap

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
79F but feels like 82 under bright sunny skies. A Pure Michigan um, beautiful Ontario day.
We got our “outdoor living space” furniture, or whatever they’re calling it this season to be able to charge more for it. That after I got the front yard cut. I was chatting with my neighbour and he’s thinking of getting a load of topsoil. I told him to let me know because I’d be interested in splitting the delivery and cost. We need to top dress our front to try to get the grass to come in a tad thicker.
A nice belated treat for your birthday Karen. I’m guessing you may miss your choir time. Were you able to set a trap and catch that afternoon nap?
Kathie, maybe there should be an app to book confessional time! Heck, there’s an app for everything else in the world these days. I bet your pet treats would be big sellers at a church bake sale.
Speaking of apps Mike, there’s one out there where you take a picture of a sick plant and the program detects the problem and how to resolve it.
The NFL draft is taking place just across the border Bill. Hotels on both sides of The Detroit River are near capacity! I didn’t realize it was such a big event. I’m sure The Bills will be looking to replace Stefon Diggs.
Seems like a nice, juicy burger on the BBQ is on tap for dinner. Did I mention it’s a nice, juicy Beyond burger? Yep, a meatless burger. I’ve figured out how to cook ‘em and, when done right, they do taste pretty good.
Everyone enjoy the rest of their day.


2nd Officer
YIPPEE! Today is Monday and unless the Buffoon pulls some last minute legal maneuver out of his big butt, this will be the day the first of his criminal trials begins. Jury selection. My money says he sits in court scowling for the entire length of it.

I stand corrected about something I said about cars. Kathi's son who has a totally electric car, is right. But his wife's lease on her gas car ran out, and she just recently got a hybrid. Both gas and electric. And with those you don't have to plug them in for the electrical part.

A beautiful and sunny day here too, yesterday. And it almost got to 80 degrees. (Not something we should get used to just yet.)

And that's about all I can think to gab about this morning.

Wakey, Wakey Bunnies!


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I’m up Dave! The tap dancing from your happy dance woke me up. Isn’t funny. To me “woke” was what I did at 5:30. I don’t understand the new reference at all.
Coincidence? The previous defendant, OJ Simpson, in what was the trial of the century passed away last week. This week sees the start of the moron’s trial. New century. New trial of the new century.
Like Dave and Kathie we were in the mid 70’s yesterday. This mornings walk started out in the mid 40’s headed towards the mid 60’s. The swing in temperatures and weather in general does indeed fascinate me.
Hopefully whatever the weather brings your way today you all have a fantastic Monday.

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