Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Good MONDAY morning Wrabbits!

Rained sometime during the night. Supposed to do that on and off today. 74F and still HUMID outside. :rolleyes:

DAVE: The protein drinks are the BEST EXTRA COLD. I'm wondering if you pour them in a blender with the ice if they would taste like a Shake?? I know I could never drink them warm.
It's nice when they are ON SALE at Costco. I like the Choc Mocha flavor.
Hope that
BILL stocks up on some and started drinking them before his surgery. The protein is good for CELL and BONE repair!
Kathi's Key Lime Pie sounds yummy.

I have nothing else for you folks right now. Might bake up some Choc Chip cookies for Art.

Karen: I hope Ginger is feeling much better today.

Have A Good Day GIF

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Wishing you all a “gooder” Monday as I head out the door.


Wacky Wabbit
Mike: Here’s a picture of my 1st Red Patio tomato. I cut off all the huge thick Green leaves.
I saw that done somewhere on Facebook. Suppose to let the fruit get bigger instead of the leaves. This tomato plant has small fruit. So what you see is how big they will be.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I think that’s a store bought red tomato stuck in the stems! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:


Chief Security Officer
Wednesday can't come soon enough as far as I am concerned.
As far as protein drinks go, I have been
drinking them for some time now and can't decide whether I prefer the strawberry, chocolate or vanilla flavored ones so I try to buy each of them when I am running low.

Still not sleeping well so I actually look forward to them giving me something to let me sleep through the operation. The hospital is supposed to call me sometime tomorrow afternoon to let me know what time to arrive before the operation.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Gosh Bill, that combination of drinks sounds like the old Neapolitan Ice Cream. It used to come layered in a brick style container. There was always somebody who would carve out their favourite flavour from the block!


Wacky Wabbit
BILL: Good to hear you've been drinking the Protein drinks. Keep up the good work.
All the best to you on this surgery. Take a sleeping pill or Melatonin so you're rested up for the big day!

Do you remember the Neapolitan Ice Cream in SLICES, wrapped in a thick white paper individually? Use to get those at Weddings with a slice of the cake. These days you're lucky to get the slice of cake! Ha Ha.

Made a nice batch of Choc Chip cookies with some Heath Bar chips and White Choc Chips mixed in. Turned out this batch made 60 cookies.

Art got the last of his stitches removed at the Dermo Dr's office earlier. While there they Lasered some spots on the front of his forehead and froze off a few spots on the back of his head. He got his monies worth at this visit.

I see Trump now has a V.P. running mate from OHIO.
JD VANCE (James David Vance)
Dave, do you know anything about him?
They interrupted my TMZ program to make the announcement. :supris: I haven't bothered to listen to the delegates ramble on and on as they gave their votes to Trump.
I will listen to his speech to see if the grazing of his ear knocked any sense into his hollow head. I doubt it, but I want to hear it 1st hand and not from all the crazy TV people.

HOT and HUMID here after the on and off rain earlier. It came down pretty hard at one point. The water company must hate Mother Nature for cutting into their water bill profits.
The bill is STILL always HIGH even though we don't water the grass because the rain does it. Go figure.

Later gang. I sure could go for one of those nice Bloody Mary's I had yesterday. Somehow, they are never as good at home!

Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader
We just got back from the eyedoctor. My optometrist saw something and sent me there/ I have dry maculart degeneration. I could have told thm that. I have had it for years but it is now showing itself a little more. I check it with an eyechart thing.
K2 Your tomatoes are larger than mine. It looks like thou are going to have enough to feed the entire neighborhood. What knid of tomatoes are they? I never heard of cutting off t he leave, may try it on onew of my cherry tomato plants. I for ne do not care too much for Vance.
Bill, they would call me to be at t he hospital early in the morning for a afternoon opeation. I hope you have better luck than me. Hang in t her, jut one more day.
Lee, two of our hibiscus flowers came out. They are large as usual and I think we will be getting show of them now. I may try to get some pictures of them. I do believe you are right about t he store bought tomato on t he plant. Who would do a thing like that?
Dave, if you saw my writing you would suggest I type everything. I have to control when I write, my pen/pencil goest over t he entire page. I haven't tried to write in years. Unfortunately my typing isn't a whold lot better.
Kc, how is ginger?
I can't open the size button, hope you can read t his
I found it.


2nd Officer
"I think that’s a store bought red tomato stuck in the stems!" Me too Lee. Nice try K2. :)

Sounds like your favorite protein drink is the same as mine, K2. Cafe Mocha. By the brand name of Ensure. Only because that brand is the only one that I've seen that has that flavor. Try that ice-cube trick yet? Pouring that stuff out of those little plastic containers is when you find out how thick it is.

Bill; You are going to be so happy when that surgery is done and over with. And moving around a lot better.

As for J. D. Vance.......Didn't vote for him when he ran for senator. And am definitely not voting for him and the Buffoon this time either.

Sorry to hear about that macular degeneration, Mike. Do they have you on vitamins?

Any updates on Ginger, KC?

I don't think I mentioned it, but in Cleveland they've been filming the newest Superman movie. Closing down various streets, including some downtown ones. And decorating various building to look like the City of Metropolis. Renaming signs on one building to be The Daily Planet. Kinda cool seeing clips of this on the local news.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
We had a little rain last night which seems to have broken the humidity. For now. I kept an eye on the overcast skies on our early walk. If I’d seen a hint of lightening or heard thunder we would have hightailed it home.
I had to look up macular degeneration to fully try to understand it Mike. It seems to be one of those age related things and the suggestion was to learn different ways of doing things to deal with it. HUH?
It’s always amazing to watch cinema wizards turn a place into completely different place Dave. Our old home of Ayr was the setting for Cold Creek Manor, 11.22.63, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days as well as a couple of episodes of Murdoch Mysteries. For the most part the actors involved were very good to the folks and businesses in town.
If I miss you before tomorrow Bill, we’ll be thinkin’ good things for and about you.
Not much else for now. As usual the weather guessers are all on different pages ranging from a brief shower before 8:00 to chances of pop up thunderstorms throughout the day.
Have a great Tuesday folks.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid Mirning Wrabbits!

I’m on the deck watching a family of 4 Tiny Duck-chicks walking above the water line by creek. So cute. A late hatching for sure. The BlueJays are enjoying the Peanuts in the shells. And the Yellow Finch’s are having Thisle Seed from a hanging bag feeder. Oh, and I did see one small Rabbit. :clap002:
It’s perfect out on the deck with a nice breeze.

We had a Very BRIGHT LIGHTENING / Thunder storm going on about 3:00 am. Washed everything down big time.

Mike: The name of the REAL TOMATO plant is called “Bush Tomato”. Nothing fancy. I’m about to pick it any day now.

My niece who lives in Indiana sent me pics of the Tornado cloud that was in her area last night. :eek: She said she thought the windows were going to get blown into the house. Lost power to the house.
Lots of other Serb friends said the same thing. They were in the basements. We were lucky by our house.

I need a coffee refill, but hate to get up from here to go get it. Art is biking or I’d bug him to do it! Ha ha.

Have a good day all.

BILL : Have a nice “light meal” today and all the BEST tomorrow. Show Rita how to give us an update on here or on FACEBOOK.

Karen: Hope all is well over your way.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon! Lot's of rumbling going on around here so hopefully I can get this posted before the power blips & I lose it all!

Bill, sending prayers & good thoughts for your surgery tomorrow! Ditto what Kathie said about Rita giving us an update when she can!

Kathie, glad your niece is ok after the tornado scare, I have never seen a funnel cloud and won't be the least bit upset if I NEVER do!

Mike, where do you find the "magic" repeat key on the keyboard? I have lost so many posts lately due to fumble fingers and it drives me nuts!

Dave, that would be super cool to catch a glimpse of the movie filming! They have done several movies here in Ocala but I never seemed to be in the right place at the right time to see any of them being done.

Lee, I remember those blocks of ice cream, that's the kind my parents always bought, with 4 growing kids it was an easy way to please us all. Glad the weather didn't deter you & Ava from your morning walk

Ginger seems to be back to her old crazy self again, she is currently hiding under the bed because of the thunder. She is eating & drinking good & went potty finally last night so I'm confident there is nothing left in her to block things up, sorry y'all asked now? :D

Not much exciting going on around here, I was going to mow at Jane's today but she said it didn't really need it, so I've just been puttering & relaxing. We will probably get together tomorrow at the pool if the weather cooperates.
Enjoy the rest of the day all!


2nd Officer
It's your lucky day Bill! It may not seem so right now, but in the long run it will be.

So nice to hear about Ginger, KC. I too NEVER want to see a funnel cloud.

Yesterday was a cooker around here. But it'll be cooling down a bit for the next few days. Hopefully the same will be for you K2 & Lee.

Not sure about your weather in southern Ohio, Mike.

Thanks for the Archie Bunker video, K2.

In a bit, the pooches are off to the groomers. Being short haired, Jack only gets a bath and a nail trimming. Fuzzbutt has to also go through all the combing and trimming of her long locks.

We'll probably hit the grocery store while they are getting beautified.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
3:38 am. Two mornings in a row my eyes have popped open at 3:38 and the rest of a good sleep has pretty much turned into a series of niddy nods.
Again Bill, thinking of you and Rita a little more today than other days.
We dodged a couple of sprinkles on our early walk.
I’m going to put my feet up in the La Z Boy and try to doze off like I used to be able to do.
Ah, “those were the days”. :)
Everyone have a really good day.



Wacky Wabbit
Mid-Morning HELLO Wrabbits!

BILL -- RITA: Hope all is going well with your surgery. Hopefully you are done by now and just waking up from LaLa Land!

I have just spent the last 45 mins with a TECH person from Beaumont (now Corwell Health) hospital working on getting Art's Chart to be able to be shared on MY Chart's screen. Since Art has NO CLUE how to access his hospital and test results chart this was a necessary job to get taken care of. The DOUBLE VERIFICATION to get into any of these charts is a joke since the hospital has been HACKED/HIJACKED or whatever you call it 2 times this year. The hackers can get into my chart and thousands of other peoples, but I "cannot" get into my own chart. Go figure. Seems with the help of a VERY PATIENT TECH person I'm all set now. Whew.

It's a NICE SUNNY 75-degree morning. Not supposed to get much past 80F today and the rest of the week. Evenings are supposed to be cooler with less humidity. LIFE IS GOOD!

Hope you get that nappy in. I wish I could lay down and NAP during the day. Never could and most likely never will be able to. :confused:

Not sure what's on the TO DO MENU today. I don't feel like doing much of anything!

Art has already washed down the wooden steps going up to the deck in the back. They were starting to get
GREEN MOLD around the corners. That happens from all the rain and humidity we've had this season. A little soapy Bleach water and all is good again.

Sure glad I froze 1/2 of those Choc Chip cookies I made the other day. There are 3 left in the bag. Art sure likes his cookies. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

I have to plan dinner around that RED TOMATO that will get picked off the deck plant!
I have that homemade Mozzarella cheese and some Basil leaves that I can put on top of the slices. Maybe a nice homemade hamburger will top things off. I'm trying my best to cut back on how much food we eat at dinner time. Not easy when you like to cook and bake.

Dave: Hope the pups look and smell good after their Groomer Visit.
Jill had Manny all washed up and trimmed yesterday by the Van that comes to their house. It's more expensive, but little Manny doesn't have the stress of being in a crate and waiting around for his turn.
Like Jill will tell you.........she WORKS for her dog! Ha Ha.

Karen: Hope you have a fun day. When does your company leave. Must be about time!

Bye Bye Hello GIF

By the way: I tried to watch some of the RNC convention and just COULDN'T do it. Had to click it off ASAP.

Mike/DAVE: The more I read about JD VANCE the more he is a #1 A-HOLE and worse. If Trump wins the election, we are MORE THAN IN TROUBLE. The man's history is horrible.

Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader
K2, the only thing vance did is write a book and Fay told me it wasn't a very good one. Enjoy your tomato. Loved the video of Archie. Did I see a sucker on your tomato plant?????
Dave. I take Areds for my eyes. A few dr.s told me it is a good vitamin for eyes.
Enjoy your day Kc.
I think a nice long nap would go well for you Lee.
Hope fully the surgery is over and everything is okay.


Wacky Wabbit
Looks like it just might SPRINKLE here in about 1/2 hour. Getting over cast outside. But the temps are still really nice.

I'm waiting for some yeast dough to rise. I'm making my own Brioche Hamburger Buns. Yup, I'm crazy as all get out, but I saw it flash by on Instagram earlier and thought I'd try it out.
I'll let you all know if they turned out as good as the video I watched! Ha Ha.

The more I read about how horrible JD VANCE is the more I know just why he got chosen as Trumps running mate. LORD HELP US ALL. Especially the females who at no fault of their own need an abortion to save their lives. JD Vance is totally again ANY REASON for that. S.O.B.

Later gang.

Hope our BILL is doing okay right about now. :wink2:

Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader
Lee, all I have been told about dry macular degeneration is it will get slowly worse but hopefully I won;t go blind. I don't think there is anything for the dry but to take the vitamin. Did you get a nap in???
S. Ohio is hot Dave but only 84 now, the temp may still go up.
I had to look up brioche K2.
It is now 87 degrees.