Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Biden looked and sounded pretty good at his news conference last night. Sure there was a couple of flubs, but if I had to speak for an hour without a script I'd have a couple dozen mis-speaks. I'm still behind Joe.

Thanks Lee for the song to listen to while eating some Key Lime pie.

Did Ed, your lawn guy, ever make it out to mow your lawn, K2?

I'm with you Mike, people who work for themselves do tend to be harder workers. Great idea on that combination lock on your front door. When I was delivering for Meals On Wheels I went to one of my people's houses and the window on her front door was boarded up. I asked what happened. She had fallen and couldn't get to her front door to unlock it when she called the fire department. So they broke out the glass to get the door open.

You're tougher than me KC. Don't think I could handle a room full of 11/12 year-olds. Thought of you yesterday when I was watching the boob-tube. A Cleveland company had an add advertising their company; "KC Roofing".


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good, like it matters to us, Friday morning. Ah yes, I recall when Friday’s meant that we had two days off before it was Monday again. ;)
I had a good chuckle at The Navy Yard yesterday morning. It was a nice morning and all of the regulars and their pups were out. Anyway, we were all chatting and I knew I had to keep an eye on the time because we, Ava and I, had to pick up Lu-Ann from physio. I said “Well, I best be on my way. Have a great rest of your day.” Robin didn’t miss a beat when he looked at me and replied “Don’t tell us what to do!” It made the entire group smile.
That lock is a good idea Mike. I was wondering how it worked until I, of course, googled it.
You mentioned Meals on Wheels Dave. I was thinking of your other volunteer time with Habitat. We have 5 light fixtures that we have swapped out since we moved here. I’m going to pop them in the car and take them up to Habitat’s “Restore”. If they can sell them cheap or put them in a Habitat Home it beats them going into landfill.
So Kathie, did Ed make it around yesterday? Yes, Lu-Ann’s physio session was good. Kari seems to really know the best way to make a long term plan rehab specific injuries without straining the effected area. She also works with another young lady who is trying to specialize in physio for PD patients. Knowing we pays out of pocket she has told Lu-Ann to just come in every three weeks but to video call her weekly and they can continue to adjust the plan as needed.
Heading out for breakfast with Lisa and Lu-Ann in a bit. I’d encourage you all to have a great day but after yesterday’s comment at The River I may just say “See you all later”.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi Hutch Buddies!

GRASS didn't get cut yesterday, but it did get cut today!
Trash pick-up is with a new company that took over and so far so good. I say that because some folks in Michigan haven't had the good luck we have so far. Seems the new company didn't realize a lot of the trash pick-up trucks were in bad shape and need big time maintenance. Hope our usual team stays on our route. Hate to see trash piling up in this humid hot weather.

So, earlier this morning I got dressed in "church clothes" and went to church.
A young 47 yr old parishioner passed away and I just felt I had to go to the service.
I got there way too early and was able to observe a young baby being Baptized. Kind of like the "circle of life" going on in the church today.
I'd say there were about 130 people at the funeral. The fella's mom was our full-time cook when our hall was being rented out. Lady worked herself silly for various catering events. Bless her soul.

It rained on the way to church enough to keep the wipers on. And now the SUN is OUT BIG TIME and so is the HUMIDITY.
Cat Melting GIF by Mira & Ink

Dave: I don't care how BAD or GOOD President Biden is, I WILL VOTE FOR HIM OVER that Moron, self-centered, cheating, Felon any day. The man has a lot of wisdom and even though he moves slower and has a few dozen GAFS here and there, he's better than the golf crazy idiot.

Off of here right now. Need a COFFEE BOOSTER right about now.

Lee: You have to watch what you say to that one group at Navy Park! :glow: :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I WILL VOTE FOR HIM OVER that Moron, self-centered, cheating, Felon any day.
Ya Kathie, but what do you really think? :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Interesting observation about the circle of life at your church today.
The folks at Habitat were so nice when we took the lights up. Two of the fixtures still had the “Edison” style bulbs in them. The young fella, thinking I had forgotten they were there, was going to take them out for me. I said leave them with the lights because we have no fixtures that we could use them in. He had the nicest smile as he thanked us. And that in itself made it worthwhile.

Mike Elias

Security Guard
After supper Fay and I sat out for a while. It was a perfect evening but the strange thing we didn't hear a bird or see a squirrel.
Lee, that comment see you all later may get a reply, not if I see you first or thanks for the warning.
K2. I feel the same way, I will not vote for Trump. I will never understand the people that are going to vote for him and some of them are close friends.
Dave, I felt Biden did okay but according to what I have been reading he is going to have to do much better to change people' minds. I'm hoping the nxt debate will make a big diffence for him.
Weather Channel has the next 3 days as hot, I think Tues. high will be 90
I hit a key and everything disappeared, just guessing I hit the repeat key and it all came back. I also keep hitting the italic key, I'm Greek/Czech, not Italian.


2nd Officer
We almost made it to 90 degrees yesterday. Today we probably will, as the humidity takes a big jump up. So it's going to be hot and muggley. As it will be tomorrow and Monday.

Mike; These home computers can drive us nuts, once in a while. It's almost as if they have a mind of their own.

Instead of just pitching your old lights Lee, I was happy to hear you donated them to Habitat's Restore. Good looking lights are in big demand.

K2; I found it interesting to hear that you were at your church when one member was "coming" as another was "going" at about the same time. Glad to hear you're backing Biden. His body may be a bit slower but he has years and years and years of knowledge in his head, wisdom to know how to get things done. Plus he's kind and is a decent man.

This morning it's off to the stationary bike. There's something special about exercising while sitting down. :)

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Another day. Another heat warning for our area.
I love your sense of humour and wit Mike.
I find the bike tougher than the treadmill Dave. And it’s not like I doddle along on the treadmill! I guess the bike uses a whole different bunch of muscles that daily walking and the such don’t regularly use.
It’s only two weeks until registration for the Disney 5K Princess run opens. We’re pretty sure this is the last time we’ll do it what with the entry fee constantly rising.
I best go water the front flowers. I forgot to do them when Ava and I came back earlier.
Treat yourselves well today my friends.


Wacky Wabbit

Fox is ALREADY shouting all this is President Biden’s fault.

This blame game has to STOP.

Lord help us all. :oops:


2nd Officer
3 guesses what will pretty much be the only thing on the news for quite a while.

The attempted assassination of the former President.

Over and over the same pictures, same videos, and same stories.

That guy is one lucky fella. Another inch or two to the right of his ear, and it would have been a fatal head-shot.

So sad to hear that three innocents in the crowd were also hit with a bullet. Killing one of them. When is enough hate filled speech enough?

Changing subjects.

Lee; It's interesting that you find the stationary bike more difficult to use than the treadmill. For me, it's just the opposite.

And like you say, I "doddle along" on both of them. :) (Pacing myself like a trained athlete.)

Ya'll have a good Sunday.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
And the political situation in America continues to deteriorate. ‘Nuff said about that.
In the good news category, we finally have some beautiful dinner plate hibiscus blooms this morning. I’ll get a photo later and share it with you all.
It’s already 70+ degrees here this morning. Another heat warning is in place. I dont see any grass being cut here today!
I have a 9:00 ophthalmologist appointment tomorrow. Two of the main roads I have to take are under construction. Usually it’s only about 35 minutes. Tomorrow??
Enjoy this Sunday as best as you all can.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Sunday GIF

WOW LEE.........that's my very favorite COLOR and that flower is FANTASTIC! Does that come back every year? How long do the flowers stay open like that? Hope it's longer than the Day Lilies we have over here.

74F right now and suppose to climb up to the higher 80's. Jill & Ashley went out to the Cottage yesterday and paddled around in the Kayaks and then dragged the huge Innertubes out and floated around the lake. They said they were amazed that for a SAT there were hardly any boaters out and about.

Karen: How you doing with your company and your VBS group? How many weeks is VBSchool? Hopefully, you're getting some pool time in to wear out the Amanda & Alyse!

NEGC: Well buddy, it's almost "D-Day" for you. Hope you bought a supply of the Protein Drinks to have on hand. The higher the Protein level (30) the better. It helps to repair your cells after surgery. Hope you're getting some good sleep before the surgery on Wednesday.
Will you be going into a Rehab Center for a few weeks afterwards or coming straight home? All the best to you.

DAVE: Good that you switch off and on with the treadmill and bike riding. That way you don't get totally bored with either of them.

I saw on Facebook that Tony's daughter, Angeline, and her family are on a 2 week cruise. A new ship. I think it started with "SUN". Anyways, they have gone to Spain and will be going to Italy, Greece and a few other stops along the way. They have the 2 kiddo's with them, but Nancy didn't go. I think it's great that they ventured out of the usual Alaska cruise to do something so different with the kids. They're at the right age to soak in some history.

Not sure what's on board for us today. I'm skipping church since I was there on Friday. Shame on me! ;)
I'll tell you one thing.......the TV will not be on around here today. Too many repeats of what went on yesterday.

You all have a wonderful and safe day. Have a cup of coffee! I'm pouring! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Tired Good Morning GIF by MOOT

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Promptly at 09:00 the string trimmer and lawn mower started up. I hate to say it but it was my trimmer and mower. It was overcast and the humidity or rain hadn’t started so I took the opportunity to get the job done.
The blooms last about three days Kathie. Then they drop off and make way for more to pop. There is a white flowering hibiscus behind the pink one. I recall counting over 50 blooms all out at the same time at one point last summer. And they are perennials so in the spring I pull the spent stalks and new growth shoots right up. They hardly looked like twigs when we brought them home!
That’s a darned fine coffee you have brewed and poured. Thank you.


2nd Officer
Good evening! By the skin of my teeth I did manage to survive VBS week! Not sure I will commit to being a crew leader next year unless I can have the younger kids again. Thurs night Ginger got a hold of something elastic & ate it & then vomited it back up. I wasn't sure what she had eaten or if it all came up so I took her & the "evidence" to the emergency vet. The x-ray showed nothing in her stomach, but they said there were gas pockets in her intestines that could be blockage. They kept her there over night & gave her fluids, I got home a little after 1 am Fri morning. The vet called at 6 to tell me she had done well during the night, but they still wanted her to be seen by her regular vet for another X-ray. So I picked her up from the emergency vet & took her to our vet by 7:30 when they opened. They took another x-ray & wanted to keep her for a few hours, give her fluids & take another x-ray, so she ended up staying there till a little after 4 when Allie & I picked her up & took her home before VBS. I did finally figure out she had gotten hold of the elastic band they put around the legs of rotisserie chicken, Allie & Amanda had been eating some at my house for lunch on Wed & the band must have fallen off and no one noticed. That little adventure set me back $1,200 but it could have been much worse, she seems to be doing ok now and you can bet if rotisserie chicken comes in this house again the leg band will come off & go straight to the garbage! I made it to VBS friday night on about 2 hours sleep and am still trying to catch up with myself!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
At the end of the day Karen, Ginger is OK. Lots of people wouldn't have taken the time to make sure their pet was OK. But you did. That's just the kind, kind being the operative word, that you are. I'm willing to bet that if VBS needs someone next year you'll be there for them.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen... so glad that all is well with Ginger. What a harrowing time you had girl. And then you had to go do the VBS!
Happy Good Morning GIF by Emilia Desert
I'm sure this is what Ginger would want to say if she could talk.. meow it out.

Art and I went for a drive and Late lunch - Early dinner up in St Clair, MI by the water. There's a great restaurant that has outside dining and it wasn't humid up there outside, so we had a nice view of the water traffic.
Got to see a Ocean Freighter go by as we drove up there but couldn't find a place to pull over to take a picture. IT WAS HUGE!
The meal was oh so yummy. And when I asked our waitress if I could buy some of the rolls they served she said "Oh let me just wrap some up for you two!" Well, she gave us 9 rolls.
If I could bake rolls like that, I'd be a millionaire. So good.

I'll try and get on my cell phone and post a few pictures. For some reason my pictures don't transfer over to this crazy lap-top like they're supposed to and I don't care to take the time to find out why. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Lee: Glad you got your lawn cut. It never rained here today. Just got more humid all day and even now in the evening.

Mike: I hope you stayed inside today. Just too hot and muggy to be sitting outside.

Dave: How's that TUMMY of yours doing lately? Did you manage to give it a few days rest from SPICY HOT FOODS? Hope so.

Later gang.

Mike Elias

Security Guard
Lee, your hibiscus look fantastic. They look like the same as ours. Ours just have buds on t hem. I keep checking for some red tips on the buds but so far nothing. There is a lot of buds on the plants. I think our flowers last about 3 days also. I also think I posted picture of them here. Thanks for the very nice comment/
K2, I stayed inside then it rained and cooled things off so fay and I sat outside again. It sounds like you had a busy day.
Kc, glad Ginger is okay.
Dave. I like the rest of this group have had a computer for ages and I still learn something new every once in a while, mostly by accident. I something disappears I scroll up and down, if I'm lucky it willl show up or maybe hitting the repeat key does the same thing. I just lost everything but the the repeat key and it came back. I'm closing before I lose everything again.


2nd Officer
Lucky Ginger for having a "Mama" like you KC. And also lucky to have you willing to pay for all those Vet expenses. Many pets aren't so loved. I understand the stress that you must have tolerated during VBS dealing with 11/12 year olds. (Which is why some animals eat their young.) As I said before, you're tougher than me.

WOW Lee, those "dinner plate hibiscus blooms" are gorgeous. It's good to hear that they come back every year.

Mike; I have more faith in #2 pencil technology over computer technology, any day.

Something tells me you like dinner rolls, K2. :) You've mentioned protein drinks a couple of times. I drink those too. One thing I've learned is that since we don't chug them from that little bottle, they tend to warm up quickly as they sit sit by our meal, which makes them not taste so very good. So when you open them just drop a half dozen ice cubes in a drinking glass and pour the protein drink in on top of them. Much gooder!

Kathi made her own Key Lime Pie yesterday with a graham-cracker crust. Also much gooder than the store's, with a chocolate crust.

Since it's Monday, ours and all the neighbor's plastic 2 wheeled soldiers are standing at attention at the end of drives.
