Staff Captain
Anyone wanting to visit the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor should plan on booking the earliest possible excursion in the morning. The lines build quickly and you'll lose a lot of time standing in them if you don't go early. And a reminder to the men that shouldn't even need to be made - please remember to remove your hats/caps out of respect while in the Memorial. Since 9-11, access to the Punchbowl is very limited. Continuing on Oah'u, some enjoy going to the Polynesian Cultural Center out near Laie.
Mary Ann is right about going early. Something you might want to consider is renting a car. It's a great way to get around and see a lot in a little time. I rented cars in each island and saw much more than in a escorted tour. A helicopter tour is excellent option on the big island. Try to find one that has smaller helicopters and not where they pack 4-5 across so the people in the middle don't get a good view.