What's the weather like today where you live??


Staff Captain
You don't want to know :thumbdown: It snowed just a little overnight and now it is a rain/sleet mix.


Forum Manager
Staff member
9 C cloudy with rain and more rain and windy and more wind coming... ugh!


Staff Captain
It was a beautiful fall day here, in the upper 60's. But as soon as the sun drops down below the hills it cools off fast. I saw snow up on the mountains for the first time last Monday.


<h2>His Lordship</h2>
66 degrees and clear skies here in Gilroy......pretty much the same as Michael has in Las Vegas. No snow on the mountain tops yet, though.


<b>Queen Bee</b>

High suppose to be 54 today and overcast. But I'll take that anyday here in Detroit/Metro Suburbs!!

Lots of GOOD College Football today! GO GREEN & WHITE! GO MICHIGAN STATE!!:clap:


<b>Queen Bee</b>
Welcome to all of you who stop by and post!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.........just in case I don't make it back by Thursday or in case some of you are traveling!!

51 degrees in Detroit/Metro suburbs.........just loving this extended break in the weather. Should be good till the end of the week according to the weather people.:clap:


Forever Remembered
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Kathie.

It's currently 71F and sunny in the Phoenix metro area. Supposed to go down to the low 40's tonight and back to the mid-70's/sunny tomorrow.


<b>Queen Bee</b>

51 degrees here in the Detroit/Metro Suburbs!

But it's overcast. Can somebody send the SUNSHINE BACK to Michigan!! Thanks!

I bet all the kitchens are getting gear'd up for Turkey day right about now. I go to my brothers and bring the "Mashed Potatoes" so not too much to do here! I do make a small Turkey on Friday to have around for the long weekend for Hot Turkey Sandwich's. Always nice to pick at during the week. Then I make Turkey Soup from the Carcase!!

Happy Thanksgiving All!! :clap: