What's the weather like today where you live??


Staff Captain
Cool wet drizzle here in the Pacific Northwest of Canada.



<b>Queen Bee</b>
Detroit/Metro Suburbs......had a hard frost last night (Tues), but the SUN is burning it off right now and it's suppose to a FANTASTIC DAY again!! :clap:

Beryl :
Where do you LIVE?? City, State??? Makes it more fun when we know your locations!!

Hope you all have a great day. Love all the posters we're getting in this AFT Deck Community. Keep up the good work.
BOB..........how's the weather where you're at buddy??

SAN: Hope you feel better soon.


Staff Captain
Overcast and about 76 degrees on Florida's Sun Coast. The remnants from IDA will be moving out today tomorrow will be the start of beautiful days again.

Keith & Rita

3rd Officer
It's Indian Summer here in the Lower Ohio River Valley!


Staff Captain
red lives here in NC with me and keeps me in my place. :cool: Right now its raining Cats & Dogs but hopefully it will end by tomorrow if the weatherman is right. :shrug:


Staff Captain
Beautiful sunny day here. Temp is cooler than it has been, but still 60. Not bad for November!

Donna can keep her "Lumi" to herself, Speaking of Lumi, has anyone heard from Tero???


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Still nice here in Detroit/Suburbs . Suppose to get down into the 40's tonight and per Jerry Hodak, our weather person on Channel 7 Thurs is suppose to be FANTASTIC and FRIDAY even better. Bring it on.

LOVE everyone's neat pictures and Cartoon. I'll have to work on getting something on my page here!! :banana:
Nite all............


Forum Manager
Staff member
A little bit of cloud/rain and everything here in the valley today. At the cenotaph service this morning however the sun broke out around 10:30 and by 11 all was warm and very nice.
By afternoon the weather had returned to normal.
It's 4 degrees Celsius right now and there's fresh snow on the mountains...


Staff Captain
cold, cold cold, with frost on the ground this morning. Sun is shining, tho and supposed to be in the 60s today. I missed the whole summer, I want it back again!


Forum Manager
Staff member
First real heavy frost here last night. but a beautiful sunny day today simply gorgeous with a skiff of fresh snow on the mountains.


Bar Steward
Kia ora,
Here in Rotorua, AotearoaNZ it's late spring. Weather has been cooler than usual this spring - temperatures in high teens (Celsius). The first cruise ship of the season docked at Tauranga this week. Cloudy & no rain for passengers who came to Rotorua, the north island's 'must see'

red stripe

Staff Captain
We are still getting the remains of Ida or whomever she is..

so this is our forecast for today taken from the local weatherbug...

Friday Nov 13th...

"Cloudy. Rain and drizzle likely...mainly this morning. Breezy with highs in the mid 50s. North winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. Chance of rain 70 percent."

after two days of solid rain and high winds.. I am ready for a change.


Staff Captain
Good morning, it is a very chilly 40 this morning but warm up to the mid sixties later in the day here in Varnville, SC


<b>Queen Bee</b>

60 degrees in Detroit/Metro suburbs! :dance::clap:

RED: How's the weather in NC. My niece lives in Raliegh, NC. Said she lost her Electricity the other day.


SAN: Hope you're feeling better. Cough, Cough!