What's the weather like today where you live??


Forever Remembered
The sun hasn't risen yet, but it's 58F in the Phoenix metro area, forecast to be sunny and climb to the mid-80's. Are you all bored yet? :)

red stripe

Staff Captain
Mary Ann.. your remark about Flagstaff and the snow brought back a memory..
many years ago my previouse Husband and I had one of the large "Starmaster 8" pop top campers. My mother came to visit.. we lived in New mexico at that time, and we wanted to show them The grand Canyon.
It was June.
after a nice jurney with many stops along the way.. we arrived at the rim.
That evening was a perfect summers evening. We camped in the campgrounds near the El Tovar.
The next day was wonderful also. That evening we watched the storms race through the canyon while we stood high and dry above them.
That night we went to bed, and sometime in the night, my mother wanted to go to the restroom. So she and I walked in the dark to one.
As we were coming back we kept brushing off wet stuff from our faces, we thought it was sprinkling rain.
When we got up the next morning there was about a foot of snow on the rooftop.
Knowing how bad these storms can be, and not wanting to be trapped in a camper for a few days.. we packed up everything and headed down the mountain. Mum and I were freezing! So we stopped in the gift shop and snapped up two very thick sweaters that were on Summer Clearance :)

The drive was very hairy as we came down, But eventually we out-drove the snow, and were back into the sun.
So we pulled into a gas station to fill up. Once we stopped, the hot air hit us, so we got out in these great heavy sweaters and headed to the restroom to shed them.
The looks we received was priceless.. as the temp down there was about 100*

We knew that the weather could turn on a dime.. but we thought we were safe in mid June:D


Staff Captain
Currently is 57 In the SC Low Country, will warm up to 77 later in the day. Calling for rain Tuesday and Wednesday,

Red, you have so many interesting stories store in that head of yours


<b>Queen Bee</b>

68 degrees and overcast here in Detroit/Metro Suburbs on Mon , Nov 9th. Just a really great day to get things done around the OUTSIDE of the house. Pulled flowers, raked leaves and even mowed the lawn. I try and mow the lawn at least once a year in hopes of getting over my FEAR of that machine. I'm sore now.

I can see all your cute pictures thanks to a tip from Suers!! Thank you Sue it worked.:dance:

Later all.........



Forum Manager
Staff member
Another rainy replay in the Lowermainland of BC Cool & wet :thumbdown: tomorrow the same I think


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Only 58 degrees today in Detroit/Metro Suburbs!! What the heck happened to my SUNNY DAY that the weather people called for?? Hmmmmmmm one of you folks steal my sunshine?? Come on now give it back. :cool:

Red Stripe: Nice story about the snow and you and your Mom in the camper. We were in the Grand Canyon and got a few snow flakes one year. Amazing how cold it can get when you're up that HIGH.

Have a FANTASTIC DAY all you "Weather Reporters"!:clap:


Staff Captain
Cloudy and cool and ugly today. Maybe rain later. Yuck!

red stripe

Staff Captain
64* at 4 in the afternoon.
but we are ready to get dumped on.. as the remains of the storm that Charles has been telling us about moves in. They have already issued a flash flood warning.

I went and picked a few more tomatoes and Bell peppers in the garden in case they get drowned or beat to death.

Donna.. keep the snow :)


Staff Captain
Made it to 71 today with a cooling trend predicted by the end of the week. It is cloudy now and getting dark. Our sunset today is at 4:35, about 20 minutes from now.
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<h2>His Lordship</h2>
Gilroy, California......similar to Las Vegas.......67 and quite cloudy......more of the same for tomorrow.

I can't tell where some of you are reporting from. It would help if we knew the city that you lived in.


<b>Queen Bee</b>
RED STRIPE: We have no idea where you live, so it's hard to get a feel of what your weather should be!! HELP!!

Donna: You used the "S WORD" ........might get put in the naughty chair .......way too early for that kind of stuff!! :cool:

We had a nice day here in Detroit/Metro Suburbs with 58-60 degrees our tops and partly cloudy. Got all our low evergreen shrubs trimmed. My back is going to be killing me tomorrow morning!



<b>Queen Bee</b>

SAN: Is so right about NOT KNOWING WHERE some of you nice folks are reporting your weather from.
Go into your User CP and list your CITY and STATE in your profile and then we can just look to the upper right hand corner. Or just put it in your message each time!! THANKS!! :clap: