What's the weather like today where you live??


<b>Queen Bee</b>
Detroit/Metro suburbs: 66 degrees and SUNNY! Can't get better than this for Nov!!:clap:

MBandy........glad you found us!!

ShipMaven : We spent the month of FEB in Scottsdale this past Winter. We got into town right when Flagstaff got the 24" of snow!! Lucky we missed that mess!! I loved our month long visit. We climbed Camelback Mtn and other and biked and had fun. And yes, we got into the condo pool and looked like fools!! The natives just don't go into the water in the Winter!! :duh: So we looked like "Snowbirds" for sure.

This year we're going to Puerto Vallarta in the middle of Jan. Got a new condo and can't wait to get to the HEAT and WATER!!



Forever Remembered
Kathie - January/February are our high season months. We can generally pick out the "snow birds" - they're wearing shorts and t-shirts while the rest of us are in slacks and long-sleeved shirts! :cool:

Flagstaff, up north, can be one of the snowiest areas in the lower 48. Its elevation is around 7,000 feet - it's high enough that most storms will dump snow there. But seeing the Grand Canyon in winter is beautiful, as long as the roads are passable. Oftentimes in winter, ADOT (AZ Dept. of Transportation) will only allow 4-wheel drive vehicles or vehicles with chains up in that area.

I hope you'll enjoy Pto. Vallarta this year!


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Ship: I noticed at a restaurant that the "Locals" had scarves around their necks and jackets!! The mornings were a tad chilly, but by 10:00 a.m. it was perfect for me. We had to go climbing real early to beat the heat.

I like Carefree and the other place that has that huge water Fountain . Fountain Springs?? :shrug:



Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
Michael, she was kicking and screaming but we made her come over here anyway..........


Forever Remembered
Kathie - are you referring to Pinnacle Peak Patio? No ties allowed?

Yes, the town with the fountain is Fountain Hills, as Michael said.


<b>Queen Bee</b>
Still nice here weather-wise tonight!!

Ship: We went to Pinnacle Peak too. All those places are nice.

I'll have to go downstairs and find the bag with all my Arizona brochures and get the name of that other town. Tomorrow!!

MBandy: I would still like this to be a STICKY at the top. Hate looking for it each time I come to post. :cool:


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Detroit/Metro Suburbs : It's foggy here right now, but the SUN is doing it's best to BURN it off.
Suppose to get to 67 degrees High today. :clap:

Have a fun Sunday all!! :)


Staff Captain
Here in the metro St Louis area it is 67 already, and the sun is shining brightly! No rain expected until Tuesday. Simon and his brothers have been lying on the kitchen table enjoying the sun coming thru the window.


Staff Captain
In KC it is in the 60's already also! Highs today in the 70's :clap: We are definitely getting our October weather in November.


Forum Manager
Staff member
7C or 44.6 F here in a overcast noon hour in the Valley. Snow came down almost to the valley floor last night. Bah Humbug !!


Staff Captain
Cloudy in Vegas today and 71. Only supposed to make it to 73. In the morning it is a little warm for my heavier suede jacket but by the time I go home at 7:30 it's too cool for my light cotton jacket. Decisions Decisions :shrug:


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Hi All!! Here in Detroit/Metro Suburbs its 55 degrees already early this morning!! Suppose to get into the mid-60's today.

On Sunday we hit 69 degrees here! UNREAL for Nov in Detroit area!! Loved every minute of it.

I'm wondering why I don't see your Signature Avatar pictures on some of your peoples posts. They're cute when I "click" on and open them up, but they really should be showing up each time you post. Just thought I'd run that by you. I'll make a list of the people who's don't show up on my end here and post it.:shrug:


<b>Queen Bee</b>
Okay here are the people who have a "small picture" at the end of their posts and it doesn't show up.
