What's the weather like today where you live??


<b>Queen Bee</b>
Detroit/Metro Suburbs at 45 degrees this morning. But the good thing is that the 35-40mph winds are gone!! :clap:

OH MY Goodness Michael!! That's a real happening type of event. Glad to hear the people were okay. So do I take it you now have to look into getting CRASHING AIRPLANE INSURANCE!! :cool:

Jeanie: So tell us exactly what are the TEMPS (number wise) in South Carolina??

Have a fun Sunday All!! And if we have "lurkers" on here why not join in and let us know what the temps and weather is like in your area!! :rolleyes:



Staff Captain
So do I take it you now have to look into getting CRASHING AIRPLANE INSURANCE!!

Not a bad idea. About a year and a half ago there were two crashes within a few days at North Las Vegas. One in to a field just south of the airport and another into a house west of the airport. Both of those had more tragic endings.

We have had a reprieve from the cold snap we had last week. 70's and 80's for the next 10 days. :boogie:


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Detroit/Metro Suburbs.............got up to 52 degrees!! WOW a regular heat wave. Still raking leaves over here.
The trash man is going to hate picking up those 15 bags by the curb. Tons more leaves still need to fall.

Have a good week all.


<b>Queen Bee</b>

FrDave: How nice to see you post on here. Now don't be a stanger and show up more often!! :clap:

SAN: Good reply.......but can you make it happen in EARLY SPRING instead of the usual MAY!! I'm talking about like MARCH 1st please.

Jeanie: I'll take your temps right now for sure. Lucky you. Nice to know where you live now too!! What city in South Carolina.

Sunny and a tad chilly here in Detroit/Metro Suburbs today..........44 degrees. Could be warmer for my taste!


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Dave: Thank you for doing a "THANK YOU" for me. Too cool to get one of those!!

SAN/MBandy.........you guys sure do have it easy over your way from now until April. We freeze here and you guys are just cozy comfy! :cool: I should be moving your way for sure!!

41 degrees and Brrrrrr cold tonight. Should get up to 50-60 on Sat & Sun. I can only hope!!

Have a good day tomorrow folks.

Jeanie........did it warm up enough for you today? :(


<h2>His Lordship</h2>
It really cooled down here a lot.....yesterday we were in the 80s.....today we're in the mid sixties.

Frosty elsewhere on here though.


Pool Attendant
HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So... wether in Italy???... crazy like me! windy, raining and chilly.....
40 degrees, I Need red wine, Barbera, chianti and Barolo, yep it sounds good
HALLO Kathie!!!!!!!!!! How are you doing!!? Ciao!