What's the weather like today where you live??


<h2>His Lordship</h2>
I have red wine here in Gilroy....Barefoot and Menage e' trois.
Clouded up this afternoon.....68 degrees F

Jack, do you commute back and forth to Italy each year? [Quite a few TransAtlantics in your signature]


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Cio Jack!! Nice to see you posting on here.

It's colder by you than it is here. :(

Tonight here in Detroit/Metro suburbs it's 43 degrees. Suppose to get warmer during the rest of the week during the day.

SAN: Good catch on all of Jacks Trans Atlantic cruises.


Staff Captain
A little chilly in the early morning, around 40 and warming up to about 60 later in the day here in SC Low Country.


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Detroit/Metro Suburbs: It was 25 degrees early early this morning and FROST all over the grass. And it's suppose to get up to 57-60 by Sunday! Now that's CRAZY WEATHER at it's best.

Jeanie: I would think your area would be so much warmer than what you have going for you now. Brrrrrrrr. But I would take 60 everyday for Winter in a heartbeat.

Enjoy your weekend FOLKS...........RED WINE for everyone from Jack!! :boogie:


Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
We import our weather from California


Forever Remembered
This looks like a great thread!

I'm in the Phoenix metro area - right now, our weather is pretty boring. Sunny, high in the 80's, very low humidity. Chamber of Commerce weather - day after day.

Welcome to our part of the world! Hope you don't mind my joining this thread!

Oh, BTW, California oftentimes sends us their weather as well.
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Forum Manager
Staff member
It's Dark and I can't tell right now. We get Zipp from California except lettuce and other veggies.

SunFlower Star

Ordinary Seaman
Still supposed to be 86 here in the desert today. Our normal high for this time of year is 71 so we're still 15 degrees above normal. Today's record is 87 (set in 1950) so who knows, we may get there. We're supposed to be down in the low 70's to upper 60's by Monday.

I feel for you Hot Stuff. I used to live in Michigan (Ann Arbor) and grew up in Indiana so I remember those c-c-c-c-cold winters.

Global warming??? Son lives and works down there in construction - wishes every day someone would turn down the heat.


Staff Captain
Good morning , it is a low 46 at the monment but will warm up to 76 later in the here in the low country.

Have a great day


Staff Captain
Good Saturday morning. It is in the low 50's right now and supposed to get up into the mid 70's today! An excellent fall day here in KC.


<b>Queen Bee</b>

WELCOME ALL Weather folks!!

Bob: Thanks for moving this thread to the AFT DECK.
Wow.......lots more people posting here.....I love it!! :clap: :clap:

Folks: Try and remember to tell us what City,State or Country you're weather news is from. Makes it so much more interesting!! :spyglass:


<b>Queen Bee</b>
Connie: Keep sending us your nice temps from Chicago.

Detroit/Metro Suburbs are experiencing a warm front for the next week! Going to be in the low 60's today.:boogie:


Staff Captain
I'm right outside of St Louis in Illinios, about 40 miles away and we are supposed to be in the mid 70's today and tomorrow. Love it!


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
It's like spring!!!!
Here in the Twin Cities of MN. it's 51 now & they say it should get up into the 60's or so with sun.
The deer hunters arn't too happy, too warm sor them.
I'am loving it. Hope to get out for a bit later.


Forever Remembered
Good morning, folks. Well...I said ours will probably sound like a broken record (if anyone remembers back that far).

Here in Scottsdale, AZ, it's currently 60F, partly cloudy and expected to climb to the 80's.


Staff Captain
So, the weather thread has been moved. This has been on the Royal Caribbean board for almost three years. The anniversary is coming up on November 20th. Nice to see so many new faces here. I hope everyone enjoys it.

Sunny in Vegas today and supposed to make it to 74.