What's the weather like today where you live??


Pool Attendant
Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50 degrees in Italy

Hi Kathie I live in Italy ....but north!!!!!!!!!!! so, north italy is cold south is warm...... big difference



Staff Captain
A beautiful fall day today. Mostly sunny and 83.

Jack..one of my old supervisors was originally from Italy. When we would have pot lucks at work she always brought home made Italian sausage with peppers & onions. It was to die for! I sure miss Gina.


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Hello all you weather folks11 :)

We're doing okay over here in Detroit/Metro Suburbs right it's 62 degrees at 2pm. That's REALLY GOOD for Michigan!!

Might hit 70 on Thursday. Suppose to be the best day of the week.
Tomorrow and Wednesday we get off and on showers.

Any day in above 50 degrees in Oct is a good day in my book here in Michigan.

MBandy: Enjoy your nice temps.:clap:


<h2>His Lordship</h2>
83 degrees and sunny here in Gilroy today. Mid sixties and down to freezing at night on our ATV/Camping trip to Mount Shasta over the weekend.


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Hi all you Weather People.........and lurkers too!! :cool:

Nice day here in Detroit/Metro Suburbs today. Did some running around and it was great to see the RED/Yellow/Brown/Gold leaves falling like 'rain' from the trees. Love it when we get these great FALL DAYS.

Suppose to RAIN here around midnite. The leaves will be 1/2 gone for sure if it does.

Take care and enjoy your week all!! :spyglass:


Staff Captain
Very windy here in Vegas too, yesterday and today. A tree outside our office building went down last night. Cold here too. Only 46 when I left for work this morning. This is my first day for long sleves and my heavier jacket & scarf. YUCK.


<b>Queen Bee</b>

It started out Foggy here this morning, but it's Sunny now. Just not 90 degrees!! :cool: We're at 64 degrees here in the Metro/Detroit suburbs!!

The trees are dumping leaves like mad right now. Fun to watch them just fall to the earth!! We're suppose to get 35 mph winds tonight .......that'll make a lot of leaves drop faster!!


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Hi Everyone!! Lurkers too!! :cool:

Detroit/Metro Suburbs got some good hard RAIN this morning. Nice thing is that it stopped and the temps are not bad out there right now. 62 degrees is GOOD for this time of the year. It smells like a Forest outside with all the leaves that fell during the rain earlier.

Have a fun weekend all.

Welcome to Marcypan from Florida.. I hear it's HOT HOT HOT there lately. I'll have to look up just where your city is in Florida!! :shrug:


<b>Queen Bee</b>

72 Balmy Degrees here right now (7:23 pm Friday) In Detroit/Metro Suburbs.

Doesn't get much better than this for Oct. 30th. Suppose to rain and chill down late in the night and have winds of 35 mph. I knew it couldn't last!! :shrug:

Happy Halloween for tomorrow folks!! Boo!


Staff Captain
Happy Halloween, It is a very nice day here in the South Carolina woods. A little rain during the night . Trick & treaters have a safe night


Staff Captain
Nice and sunny here in Vegas today....and warmer. Supposed to be 73 today.

Nothing falling from the sky...except airplanes. I was watching TV yesterday and started hearing sirens, lots of them. I walked out to the front of our complex and found that a small two seater airplane had crashed in the middle of the street. (I live across the street from the North Las Vegas Air Terminal) The plane had bounced off the top of an SUV and came to rest on the side of the road. Fortunately only minor injuries.