What's the weather like today where you live??


Staff Captain
It is a cold high thirties this morning but will warm up to the low sixties this afternoon here in the Sc woods

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Started out cloudy and 37 degrees. Mised the overnight snow -- went east of us. Now it is very sunny -- we might get to 45 degrees.


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Detroit/Metro area......SUNNY :clap: but CHILLY we're at 43 right now at 1:00 pm. Sat. I better get use to it!! :(

Krazy K: Glad the snow missed you and you don't have Rain. Stay warm.


Staff Captain
Cloudy & drippy here in the eastern Fraser Valley of British Columbia.



Staff Captain
Pretty nice here in Vegas. Sunny and 60.


Staff Captain
Cool but sunny here in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia.



Forum Manager
Staff member
What Popcorn said only 2 Klicks further south lol


Staff Captain
It has been chilly most of the day in the mid forties in the SC Low Country. Actually is is normal for this time of year.


Staff Captain
Turning colder, rain, winds picking up and then the nasty s word for later this evening. May or may not accumulate on the grass but not on the roads. So it goes in the St Louis area.


Staff Captain
Pretty nice again today. Supposed to make it to 61. Then a cool snap. Highs for the next few days only in the 50's with overnight lows in the 30's :(

Overnight low on Thursday 32 :(

Overnight low on Friday 33 :(

I want my triple digits back :boogie:


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Hi there MBandy.........

Detroit/Metro suburbs were up to about 55F today and we are on a DOWNWARD spiral fast the last hour or two. It's 44 F right now and dropping. Might actually see some "WHITE STUFF" late in the night. :thumbdown:

Nice to see so many people posting on here! Keep up the good work and keep letting us know what CITY/State you live in!!

Enjoy your evening all.


Staff Captain
clear cold and sunny here in the Fraser Valley of B.C. And a full moon that was still shining at 7AM.



Staff Captain
It is a cool 56 this morning but will warm up to the mid sixties later in the day here is the SC woods

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
We are under a high wind advisery.

Temperature was 52 at 5 AM and has been dropping and will continue to do so all day.

Rain will change to snow flurries this afternoon.