What's the weather like today where you live??


Trivia Specialist
In the SE corner of British Columbia it's cold...very cold....-15C which translates to 4F but at least no snow! I don't mind cold as long as it's clear and sunny....and it is :D !


Forum Manager
Staff member
Well in one of the other corners of BC it's cool. =1 C. but contrary to the past while we have had a bit of sun and some blue sky yesterday and today looks like it might not rain. yeah !
Skiff of fresh snow just about every day on the mountain tops around the valley. Very very preety as long as it stays up there.


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Yikes Beryl and BseaBob.........that's just not right being that COLD THIS EARLY into Winter. I guess I'll have to stop my complaining for sure now!! :duh:

Here in Detroit/Metro suburbs we got our first FEW SNOW FLAKES tonight as I was driving home from Choir practice. They melted as soon as they hit the car window and street. The weather people were RIGHT ON about them showing up tonight!

Take care while driving in the snow folks. :spyglass: Don't be spinning around like this guy!! LOL


Forever Remembered
In the Phoenix metro area, it was another Chamber of Commerce picture-perfect sunny day with pleasant temps.

It's currently 55F at 9:50pm. Supposed to get down into the 30's tonight and only up to the low 60's tomorrow. Heavenly!

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
We are in the 30's and going to stay there all day.

Cold for us at this time of the year.


<h2>His Lordship</h2>

Yikes Beryl and BseaBob.........that's just not right being that COLD THIS EARLY into Winter. I guess I'll have to stop my complaining for sure now!! :duh:

Uh huh, and when is that going to start happening? :)

34 degrees here in Gilroy, California this morning......will warm up to a sunny low fifties.


Forum Manager
Staff member
Yikes Beryl and BseaBob.........that's just not right being that COLD THIS EARLY into Winter. I guess I'll have to stop my complaining for sure now!! :duh:

Here in Detroit/Metro suburbs we got our first FEW SNOW FLAKES tonight as I was driving home from Choir practice. They melted as soon as they hit the car window and street. The weather people were RIGHT ON about them showing up tonight!

Take care while driving in the snow folks. :spyglass: Don't be spinning around like this guy!! LOL

I wasn't complaining YET If it stays above 0 C all winter I would be happy. New York set High records yesterday.

This AM here 1.5 C and a skiff of snow here on the valley floor. I'm about to start complaining. Drivers in BC do not react well to snow. LOL


Trivia Specialist
BSea........Drivers in Lotusland don't do well in snow...Here in the mountains it is only scary on the first snowy day...that is today! I'm just home from lunch out and a little shopping and those intersections are slick and the snow is sifting down still! It's not the big fluffy flakes that add up it is that cra* that sifts down. So far I have seen only one sanding truck and it wasn't throwing any sand at all :) !


Staff Captain
It was 38 when I left for work this morning and only made it in to the 50's today. As soon as the sun dips down below the mountain it really cools off quickly. Already down to 48 and it's just past five here. Supposed to get down to 35 over night and only 51 tomorrow :( Supposed to get some showers on Monday.


<h2>His Lordship</h2>
Huh, our weather today and the forecast for tomorrow in Gilroy is exactly the same as MB's in Las Vegas......'cept we had fog this morning at 3:30 on the way to the hospital in San Jose to see our newborn grandson.....born at 3 AM


Staff Captain
It has been cold here...well cold for Vegas anyway. It was 39 when I got home last night and 35 on the way to work this morning. Only supposed to make it to 49 today but it is sunny out so that helps. We're supposed to have a front coming through that will bring wind and then rain by morning.

The weatherman mentioned the "s" word last night. If we get the precip they're predicting then Mt. Charleston will get a good bit of snow but they're saying the snow level could go lower. It was December 15th last year that we had six inches of snow in Vegas. That was crazy. I am hoping we don't get a repeat of that performance.

SAN... Congrats on the new arrival.


Staff Captain
At noon it is sunny and very windy here in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia & a chilly 1C with a wind chill of minus 8.



Staff Captain
At noon it is sunny and very windy here in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia & a chilly 1C with a wind chill of minus 8.


Well, let's see... 1C would be 33.8F. Not too much difference than here. But -8C would be 17.6F which is way to cold for my blood so I guess I shouldn't complain. :)


<b>Queen Bee</b>
Glo-Ree-Bee..........We DON'T know where you're giving your weather report from?? What CITY, STATE are you in??? Much more fun when we know where you live.
Might want to put it in your UserCP area!!

Popcorn: Yikes I thought you were freezing cold until MBandy helped me out with the F's and C's!! I need to download a chart and have it handy here next to the computer to translate temps!! :cool:

It was around 35 degrees here today and Sunny. No snow so far, but they're telling us to expect rain, sleet and snow maybe Tues nite!! JOY JOY!! :no:

Have a fun and safe week everyone!!

Tony, congrats on the new Grandson!!:clap: