What's the weather like today where you live??


2nd Officer
SNOW & COLD....and a lot of it!!!

Here is what we got since last night. We had none on the ground yesterday so everything you see is just in the past 12-18 hrs. You can see its almost 1/2-way up the street sign?



Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
Snowblower wins we only got 10 inches.............................


Staff Captain
About to get interesting! Looks like Maw and JK are in it now, heading for us later. No accumulation they say, but cold, and wind gusts up to 35MPH. Not sticking my head out the door!



2nd Officer
We ended up with 3'+ of snow in less than 18-hours. It has stopped snowing but now it is real cold (-16F) for California standards. I hear is is going to warm up on Thursday then start snowing again....so much for global warming!!!!


Forever Remembered
We had a very stormy night in Arizona last night - blizzard conditions and closed highways in the north and in higher elevations. In our area (Phoenix), we had very strong winds during the night and more rain that had begun earlier in the day. Some areas of AZ had winds in excess of 70mph.

Our yard is strewn with tree limbs of various sizes and some of the Christmas decorations were blown over.

There are power outages in several areas of metro Phoenix.

But all these are inconveniences (except for the auto accidents) compared to what is in store for many areas of the country now.

Snowblower, I bet you have one happy pooch!


Staff Captain
We had the same storm in Vegas yesterday as Mary Ann had in Phoenix only not quite as severe with the winds. Had lots of rain yestrerday so just like San, we have a dusting of snow up on the mountains.

It is sunny today and supposed to make it to 45. Down to 30 overnight tonight. Definitely hot chocolate weather


Staff Captain
it is very cold here in our area southern calif we took our dog for a walk this morning in the temp was 33 we lost power sometime during the night the sun is out now but it is still very cold


Forum Manager
Staff member
Lotus land is cold (for us ) still no snow but it's only -8 C (18 F) this am. Watching curling on TV. We are pickin' our teams for the Olympics. Now there is where ice should be..in the rink or the bottom of one's glass.


<b>Queen Bee</b>
Detroit/Metro area of Michigan is SUNNY and 16 degrees right now. I guess it's Winter out there for sure now!! :thumbdown: I'll try NOT to complain too much for the next 4 months!! :(

I feel bad for all of you in California that got all that cold the other day. Yikes......that's just NOT right at all.

Take care and be safe out on the roads. It's the crazy time of the year!!


<b>Queen Bee</b>
Love the great pictures some of you posted! :clap:

Would be nice to be able to look at the right hand corner of your post and see just WHERE the pictures were taken!! Here's how to get your STATE,CITY in that area:

Look for User CP in the upper LEFT hand corner and click on it.
Click on EDIT.
Then go to the Bottom of the page and fill in WHERE YOU LIVE in the appropriate box and CLICK SAVE CHANGES!!
Then we'll ALL know where the weather report/information is coming from.

Just a suggestion. I know some folks might want to keep that information to themselves!! :cool:

Enjoy your day all!! And stay warm.