What's the weather like today where you live??


Staff Captain
It was pretty nice today. Got up to around 60. Down to 40 tonight and 60 again tomorrow.


Staff Captain
We are living up to our name of the 'wet' coast! It has been raining off and on most of the day washing the snow away. We are in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia.



<b>Queen Bee</b>

Good Morning WEATHER Folks!!

The SUN is out in full force, but it's only 19 degrees here in Detroit/Metro Suburbs!! Our predicted HIGH is 28 degrees today. :cool:
As long as the SNOW stays away it's okay! I still have some stores to run around to later and don't need any extra challenges with snow or ice. It's hard enough dodging cars lately!!

MBandy.......I'll take your temps right about now!!
Popcorn: Hope your rains don't freeze!

Have a good day.


Staff Captain
in southern calif weather is getting warmer will be in the 70 by the weekend. That is the weather we love not the cold weather like it was last week.


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Jeanie: I've been hearing about your horrible weather. Just don't send it our way.

Here in Detroit/Metro Suburbs it has started to snow ever so slightly. You can still see grass as I post right now at l:45 a.m. Yup, it's late but there's just so much to do this last week. We could do without the SNOW. I have tons of pick-ups to do for a after church luncheon I'm having at our house for family & God children going in from Chicago. And I HATE driving in snow!!

Have a safe weekend all.:clap:


Staff Captain
Looks like the folks back east are getting dumped on with snow pretty badly. Lots of airport delays too. A classic example of why you should head for your cruise a day early and always purchase travel insurance.

Denise's "Winter Wonderland" thread has some amazing photos.

Mostly sunny and 60 here in Vegas today. Only supposed to get down to 41 over night.


Bar Steward
in southern calif weather is getting warmer will be in the 70 by the weekend. That is the weather we love not the cold weather like it was last week.
Kia ora,
Global warming hasn't hit here yet either. Summer in Aotearoa but only 20degrees c in the Bay of Plenty (aprox 70F).


Forever Remembered
Sunny and pleasant here in the Phoenix metro area. Currently 48F, sun is rising. Forecast high today is the low 70's with sunny skies. Delightful.


<b>Queen Bee</b>
Great Weather reports folks. Keep up the good work!!

Auarians: Wow.........you're really far away. Nice of you to stop and post. Enjoy your "Summer". :clap:

MBandy: I bought Travel Insurance for our Trip to Puerto Vallarta Jan 21st. You just never know what kind of "Snow STORM" may hit here in Detroit/Metro area that time of the year. One thing for sure is we will be watching the weather and if we have to we can always pay the bucks and go stay at one of the airport hotels a day early in order to get out on time. I just hope that isn't the case. I would die if I had to stand in line for 6 hours or more like some folks did this past weekend. :bbat: Heads would be flying.

Be safe out there all you Weather Reporters.


Staff Captain
Here on the west coast of British Columbia it is crisp and cool but sunny! I will take it!



Staff Captain
Right now, we have a layer of sleet on top of a layer of ice, and we're having a thunder snow blizzard. That's a thunderstorm with snow instead of rain. All the turnpikes around us are closed and they're thinking about closing a couple of interstates, but other than that, it's okay. It's like walking on millions of ball bearings.


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Had a fantastic Christmas Day with family here at our house in Detroit/Metro Suburbs!!

Our temps on Christmas Day were 42 and RAINING. POURING RAIN early in the a.m through 1:00 PM and then constant drizzle. At least the temps stayed up high enough and people weren't sliding around on any ice. :clap:

JacquieP: YIKES........you are having some horrible weather. Stay safe. :eek: