What's the weather like today where you live??


<b>Queen Bee</b>

So did you ALL survive Christmas!! :clap::clap:

Today, Sunday, it has been SO SUNNY and fantastic outside. Had a flurry of snow blow through for 5 mins and then stopped. Went to my daughters for a Christmas reunion of my hubbies side of the family. Fun!

Might get a dusting of snow late tonight.......:shrug: not sure! But the parties over so it can come anytime.

One more party on Monday night and then dinner with 12 people at a Italian restaurant on New Years Eve and then we're done for awhiile! WHAT ARE ALL YOU UP TOO?

Temps here in Detroit/Metro suburbs are at 25 tonight!! But with NO WIND it doesn't feel that cold. :)


Staff Captain
It was cloudy and gloomy earlier today. The clouds are gone now and it is supposed to make it to 50 today.

We're supposed to have nice weather for the huge New Year's Eve celebration on the strip. That will please the few hundred thousand that will be down there. Me? I am staying home and watching the coverage on TV. No way you'd find me in that crowd. One of the local TV stations did a poll and 82% of Vegas Locals are planning to stay home. Less than 10% said they would be going to the strip and 2% said Fremont St.

One cool thing Vegas does is that the city busses are free on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day in hopes of keeping some of the drunk drivers off the road.

I hope everybody has a safe and happy New Year's eve.


Staff Captain
Warming up here in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia but it has been snowing lightly all day. Oh well, at least it was great weather for Christmas.



<b>Queen Bee</b>

HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!! May it be a healthy, safe and fun 2010 for all. Pray for Peace in the world. (hey, it can't hurt) :cool:

Detroit/Metro Suburbs is at 23 degrees, slight wind out of the North East (that's different) and no snow. Streets and sidewalks all but clear of the white-stuff for now.

Made it through December and now we have the worst months January and February.

Happy :spyglass: sailing all!!


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Beryl: Bummer about having that SHOVEL hanging out at your place. Hope you don't get too much snow.
Let's see I think you're in British Columbia??? :shrug: Add your STATE to your profile!!

Off to see a Movie right now called: It's Complicated with Meryl Streep. I'm going with a girlfriend. Hubby is staying home and watching FOOTBALL!! :clap:


Staff Captain
Good morning, it is cold here in the South Carolina Low Country. Hopefully, it will warm up later in the day.


Staff Captain
Wet - been raining all night here in the Fraser Valley of BC.



Staff Captain
The sun is trying to come out here in the Fraser Valley of BC.
