What's the weather like today where you live??


<h2>His Lordship</h2>
Showers and rain here in Gilroy yesterday....showers today, then rain all weekend. Mid forties during the day, high thirties at night while we have the cloud cover.....colder when it clears up.


Staff Captain
fri dec 11,2009 it has warmed up some it started to rain last night I have no idea for how long it rained for I was asleep all night but it was wet when I got up and it is not as cold as it has been we expect lots more rain over the weekend. I am in southern calif


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Detroit/Metro suburbs is FREEZING COLD right now and 3 degrees if you count in the WIND ChILL. Just frigid as all get out.

STAY WARM FOLKS and have a great weekend!!


Staff Captain
Cloudy & cold for the last few days. We have some rain this morning which means more snow up on the hills but not down here (at least not yet). Official overnight temps (at the airport) have been as low as 30 but in the mid 20's out in some of the higher elevations. Up to 49 today and a heat wave of 56 tomorrow.

Got home the other night and steam was coming off the swimming pool. I had a long sleve shirt, heavy sweater, lined jacket and scarf on. It was 34 degerees. The steam from the hot tub was like a cup of coffee. There was somebody in the hot tub!! You can always tell who the tourists are :)


2nd Officer
Were finally out of the negative numbers but I am not so sure its a good trade...now it is all snow and its coming down pretty good. 1-foot this morning and somewhere between 1-3 more feet by tomorrow. Have been out clearing snow all morning.....


Staff Captain
Had a lot of rain yesterday morning and again last night (a lot of rain in the desert is 1/2 inch) It rained pretty much all night. Nice and sunny today and a lot less cold. Supposed to be 56 today and back in to the mid 60's by the end of the week :clap:

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Had fresszing rain all morning.

Temperatures are up -- for now -- and we are just getting rain.


Staff Captain
White ugh

I know what you mean Beryl. When it is cold and rainy as it has been the last few days here in Vegas, the Spring Mountains and the Sheep Mountains get a dusting of snow and sometimes down in the lower foothills. I'll admit it does look pretty up there. Here at work I sit close enough to the window to have a nice view of the hills so I guess if we have to put up with the cold we might as well have a pretty view.

But to be IN it, drive in it or shovel it.....UGH pretty much sums it up!


Staff Captain
Humm let's see I went for a walk on the beach and it was pure blue skies and about 82 degrees, than I stopped at the poold and went for a swim.. Let's see still about 82. The sun just set darn now it79 degrees. Another great day in paradise.


Forum Manager
Staff member
it's Official ... we got snow ....temps just at freezing so it likely won;t stay long.... we hope.


<b>Queen Bee</b>

28 degrees here in Detroit/Metro Suburbs right now and WINDY as all get out!!

Hooked: You live in the best area of Florida if you ask me. We've been going down to that area (Longboat Key) for over 30 years and love it. This year we're going to actually try Indian Rocks (Shores) something like that is just North of Tampa.

We got flurries today on and off, but that WIND is horrible. Bites your face something terrible.

Later all.........stay warm.:)


Staff Captain
Cloudy in Vegas today and 53 degrees right now. Supposed to make it to 55.

Kathie, I am guessing you are referring to Indian Rocks Beach or Indian Shores? Both are in Pinellas County which is the pennensula part of Tampa Bay. I used to live at Indian Rocks. Pinellas County is actually West of Tampa. Indian Rocks is on the Gulf of Mexico between Clearwater and St Petersburg. Along that stretch of beach communities heading South are Clearwater Beach, Indian Rocks, Reddington Shores, Madera ("Mad") Beach, Treasure Island, Sunset Beach, St. Petersburg Beach, Pass-A-Grille Beach, Tierra Verde and all the way to the South is Ft. De Soto Beach. Ft. De Soto was named North America's best beach by "Dr. Beach" in 2005. It is a really beautiful area. Make sure you have at least one meal at "Crabby Bill's" which is on Gulf Boulevard in St Pete Beach.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
The temperatures have been dropping all day -- 5 AM we were at 49 degrees.

Now we are at 33 degrees.


<b>Queen Bee</b>
Thanks Michael............everyone we have talked to about the area has told us to go to Crabby Bills to eat. We'll have to go their REALLY really early since it's Easter Week vacation and it'll be Packed.
We're right on the Gulf front beach 2 steps to the sand from our condo!! Can't wait.

It's 19 degrees and SUNNY here in Detroit/Metro area today. Don't know the temp w/wind chill and don't want to!! :( It's just COLD.

Have a good day all and don't go crazy out there!!