What's the weather like today where you live??


<b>Queen Bee</b>


We here in Detroit/Metro suburbs got up to a warm and SUNNY 40 degrees today!! :sunny: That's like a HEAT-WAVE for the middle of January!!

I like all the new Smiley Faces. Cool.

I just realized today that next week Wed we're going to be going on our 2 week vacation to Puerto Vallarta. YIKES..........:egyptian: I need to get out suitcases and try and fine WARM weather clothes FAST!! I'm not a last minute person, so I'm actually behind in doing this!! This will be me on Thursday evening!! :beach:


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Hi there Weather Folks!!

We had a decent day here today. Got up to 38-39 degrees if not warmer and the Sun did finally show itself later in the afternoon. Things melted quite nicely. Still needs to melt a little more to get to total grass on the lawn.

Hope you all have a :sunny: Sunday !!


2nd Officer
snow and a lot of it. Somewhere between 2 & 3 feet since last night. This is supposed to be only a warmup for later in the week. We are forecast to get anywhere up to 10-feet by Friday. Going to be a rough week around here.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Rain on Saturday, rain on Sunday. Today we had rain, but what rain it was! It was coming down so hard that you could only see a grey haze and about 15 feet visibility. And lots of wind. It was great! :doubleup:


Staff Captain
well it is mon evening and the rain has stopped for the time being we had a good amound today very very windy and it rained very hard it is going to rain off and all heavy at time the rest of the week I only hope we get blue morning walk IN every morning we walk at 7am or there about


Staff Captain
Here in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia at almost 9 PM, it is dry, clear and cool.


Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Another cold and cloudy morning.

May get rain -- may get snow -- may get freezing fog -- just love those weather people!!


Staff Captain
Currently, it is 58 this morning and warming up to the high sixties in the SC Low Country.

Have a wonderful day


<b>Queen Bee</b>
Hi there Weather GANG!! :sunny:

30 degrees here in Detroit/Metro suburbs. NO WIND and the sun comes and goes. Things are continuing to melt.

Hubby and I are out of here soon for our 2 week vacation in Puerto Vallarta. Can't wait, now that we're packed. Put almost everything in huge plastic zip/lock bags to keep "other" peoples hands out of my stuff! YUK.

Keep the Weather Board going and I'll check in from Mexico!! Taking a small NETBOOK computer with us. Should be fun on those long nights! Not too much on TV over there! :egyptian: Love these Smiles!! :doubleup:


Staff Captain
Well, the big news is that we are actually having weather here. Not just the usual sunny blue skies. We had a storm front come through on Monday which brought rain. Another one yesterday which brought more rain. There are three more fronts to come. One this evening, one tomorrow which is supposed to be the biggest and another one on Friday.

It has been chilly. Only supposed to make it to 50 today and the rain has brought snow to the hills around the valley.

Have a great time in Mexico Kathie :smile: