What's the weather like today where you live??


Forum Manager
Staff member
Just a little blurb to bring you all up to date on Olympic weather. El Ninio or however you spell it (her) has brought the best (worst) January weather to the Lower Mainland of BC in years. Weather is warm and not much snow on the North shore mountains where one of the main events (snowboarding and aerials etc) will be held. They have snow stock piled and all will be OK though.
Whistler itself continues to have great snow.

Those of us going to the indoor stuff in Vancouver all are hoping February is the same.
warm and not too much rain. yea!!!!!!


Staff Captain
It is a cold 38 this morning, warming up to the high fifties later this afternoon here is the low country. Those having snow, be careful driving


Staff Captain
We are having yet another dry day here in British Columbia. And quite warm.



Senior Flea Coller Tester
Yahoo! We had two whole days of no rain! Wheee! No sun, but no rain. Today we ran out several hours early for our walk in the park because it just "had that look." Yup, it's raining out!


Staff Captain
we have been having wonderful weather in calif and I am going to be happy while it last we are expecting another big storm the middle to end of next week. TEMP in the 60 very cold at night but we have lots of covers so we don't run the heat


Staff Captain
Good morning all, it will be rainy and around fifty today here in the Low Country. Those expecting snow, be careful


Staff Captain
As I posted separately, the Piedmont area of North Carolina, extending up to the Capitol reigon, is about to get slammed. Take care folks!

Susan lives in the Piedmont area of North Carolina and she is soooo done with the weather. She's excited about getting out of it when we go cruising next week.

Here in Vegas it is cloudy and supposed to rain later on. Supposed to make it to 58 today.

Brian B

Pool Attendant
It's going to be sunny and mild with a high of 50F which is about 10 degress above normal for this time of year. We had a record mild January which is creating havoc across the water in Vancouver for the Olympics