What's the weather like today where you live??


Staff Captain
Brian B - are you in BC? I am in Chilliwack and it looks like it will be a nice day here but it is too early to tell. It is dry and the mountains are showing up against the sky. But there is a lot of pink in the sky so maybe it will be going downhill later.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
We are in the midst a major snow storm.

Alrready have over 2 feet of snow and it is still coming down.


Staff Captain
Dreary and rainy earlier today, now just dreary. More rain on the way tonight but they siy it is going to be a light rain. 50 degrees right now.


Forum Manager
Staff member
Some news guy got of the Plane in Vancouver and said wow. It was the same temperature when he left Tampa in Florida.

Still warmish here Lots of Snow in Whistler and lots of flower buds in Vancouver. I saw a full Japanese Cherry tree here in bloom yesterday.


Staff Captain
Good morning folks, it is a cold 32 here in the SC woods, no snow, it cold enough for Snow but some reason we do not get much


Staff Captain
It is still warm and raining on the Olympic party.

Liz (in the upper Fraser Valley of BC)

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
We still have tons of snow -- and more is on the way tomorrow.

It is only in the 20's -- thus the snow is not melting away.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Another cold day. At one point we were at 6 degrees this morning. might get into the 20's this afternoon.

Just waiting for the next round of snow.


Staff Captain
A beautiful day in Vegas. Sunny blue skies and it is supposed to make it to 70 for the first time since before Thanksgiving.