What's the weather like today where you live??


Staff Captain
Sunshine here in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia at noon.



Staff Captain
Wow, this thread just passed 1500 posts!

We've kept it alive since November 20, 2006. :doubleup:


1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
80 here today in So Cal. Beautiful spring day


Staff Captain
It is 27 degrees and snowing. I can't believe when we got off the ship in Ft. Lauderdale this morning it was 72 degrees! Guess which I prefer?????


Forever Remembered
We had a picture-perfect Chamber of Commerce day in the Phoenix metro area - warm (70's), lovely breeze, sunny. Wish it were this way year-round!


1st Officer - Navigation
Well it's 10:20pm here in the DFW area and it's snowing. I was ready for spring and sure hope the snow doesn't do too much damage to my flowers. Oh well at least the roads shouldn't be too bad.


Staff Captain
Raining here in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia and 10C or 50F.



Staff Captain
We had a picture-perfect Chamber of Commerce day in the Phoenix metro area - warm (70's), lovely breeze, sunny. Wish it were this way year-round!

People who live in the desert always say that when it is in the 70's and 80's Mary Ann. The problem is that if it were this way year round the Phoenix city limits would extend to Flagstaff, Yuma and Tucson. We need those 110's to weed out the faint of heart. :biggrin:

Looks like a great day for Vegas. Lots of sunshine and 74.


1st Officer - Navigation
Still cold as far as I'm concerned. In the low 40's but at least the snow is almost gone. As a rule doesn't last long around here but will be glad when weather is warmer. (And I'm going to Alaska in late May LOL)