What's the weather like today where you live??


Forum Manager
Staff member
Well after a week of spring almost summer weather and all sorts of sunshine the wet coast has again reared it's ugly head and we have rain showers and wet snow along the mountains here in BC for the Olympics.
Still just cool though around 6 C here in the valley. What a change:doubledown:
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Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
We had sun this morning -- but now the clouds have moved in again. Getting ready for more snow.


Social Host
We have a mixture of snow and rain today, isn`t that just Great!!

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Very cold -- 23 degrees with a wind chill of 5. It is snow -- again and the winds are very high.


Staff Captain
Found this way back on page nine. Hate to see this thread die after so many years.

We had a nice day today first time it hasn't rained in a few days :sunny:


Staff Captain
Here in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia, it was another dry day (at least where I live!) but I heard of snow in other places. But what are you gonna do! The weather will do what it wants to do where it wants to do!


Staff Captain
A beautiful, spring like day today. 71 right now and lots of sunshine. Supposed to make it to 73. This is the first 70's day in a long time. :sunny:


Staff Captain
Here in the Fraser Valley at 3:30 it has just started blowing and raining.
