What's the weather like today where you live??


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Rain, very high winds, rain, thunderstorm after thunderstorm after thunderstorm. Hail, rain, mudslides, rain, disgruntled dog because walks are out of the question, and more rain.


Staff Captain
Good morning cruise addicts around the world.
We woke up to a cool 47 this morning but will be warming up to 57 here in the South Carolina woods


Staff Captain
Here in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia we still don't have rain. Today is cloudy and still above zero. The buds are really large on the rhodendrons and the crocus' are poking out of the ground.



Staff Captain
It rained every day from Monday through Friday this week. We got more rain in those five days than we got in all of 2009. Lots of snow up on the hills all around the valley. It looks pretty up there but it's close enough for me.

It was nice and :sunny: here today.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
We have had rain for about two weeks now, and they forecast rain until Friday of next week. Ugh. The rain is best described at torrential. It was endless, pounding rain, with hail and thunderstorms and lightening. Today we had tornadoes! But the last two weeks with next weeks rain gives us the three solid weeks of rain in January that we seem to have in the last 4 or 5 years.

We had breaks in the rain yesterday and today, so Kiefer got his walks! He was so joyous! :biggrin:

Tom S.

Deck Crew
31 Degrees F. Freezing Drizzle changing to snow. Wind at 25mph out of the NE. and tomorrow doesn't look very good either. I'm serious!! From Minnesnowta, TOM


Staff Captain
Still no rain or other precipitation here in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia.



Staff Captain
It is 47 and cleared here in the South Carolina Low Country, warming up later in the day
Have a wonderful day

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
After 2 warmer days -- with lots of rain -- now it is cold again -- light snow -- rivers on the rise -- some roads closed due to flooding -- some people have lost furnaces due to flooded basements.


Staff Captain
It is looks like it is going to be yet another nice day here in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia. It is starting out cool but there is no rain or wind.



Staff Captain
As I mentioned before, we got more rain here last week than in all of 2009. It is raining again. It started around midnight and still going at 1:45 PM.

I have used my umbrella more in the past week than in the past few years. :spyglass: