What's the weather like today where you live??


Deck Crew
very cold!! want to be in a cruise!


<b>Queen Bee</b>

Hi Gang!!

We're at 15 degrees and WINDY here today. Not sure what the windchill is and really don't want to know. Makes me cold just thinking about it.

Michael.........you must be freezing with temps in the 58's?? Hope they get warmer soon.

ShipMaven........that's rather CHILLY for AZ even for Winter. We lucked out last year for the month of Feb and had great weather temps in the high 80's.

Stay warm folks.:cool:


Staff Captain
Here on the west coast of British Columbia it is a chilly wet just over zero day.



Social Host
Another cold and windy day in Montreal!!!


Staff Captain
It has been warm today (I have only turned the heat up now at 4PM). But the rain is due to start falling anytime now and that will cool things down again.
