Happy Anniversary, PH. Glad you and Dennis had a nice day before he had to leave.
I couldn't get on here earlier either. First chance I've had to check back. Glad to see things working again.
Was you store as busy as the stores around here? I was wondering what they were giving away at Publix when I drove by there. It'll be even worse tonight as people get home from work.
I made the stuffings for tomorrow earlier. Even made enough to freeze a smaller pan for us to use when I make our turkey. Bert hit Sam's bright and early to pick up a pumpkin pie and a bottle of Reisling for those who want it. Not for me!!
He also went to our new liquor store right outside Bellalago. He brought home a new product - Raspberry flavored White Russian! It is:lol soooo good! He's on his 3rd one, so he must like it.
Happy cleaning the oven! If I don't catch up with you tomorrow, have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Don't eat too much!