Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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meant to ask ya San,how are the pups getting along??? You gonna take both of them ATVing with you or that just for the "guys"??hahahaha


Kris, that crazy DIL of mine, just left. She'd been out shopping since 4:30 this morning! Guess where she's storing everything she bought? Yep, right here. Bad enough I have our bedroom piled high with bags & boxes. Now the one guest room is filled also.

We're going back to K&G's for dinner to eat leftovers. She's calling it "Thanksgiving Part Dos"! I'm not really even hungry. We ate a late lunch. Guess I'll have to fake it at dinner in about an hour. If I had my way, I'd be taking a nap right now. For the third night in a row I woke up at 5:15 and couldn't go back to sleep.

Never got anything done on the tree today either. I now have a kitchen filled with 8 storage boxes of decorations. Oh joy!!!!:cool:


Enough of these holidays....wouldnt it be great to be cruising during them instead??

Just called to inquire about an upgrade for the NV.right now they have 15 suites left............you would think with only 17 days left, they would call...........noooooooooooooooo,they are making me sweat it out............

They had me pick my amenity(really was hoping they didnt ask so I could on the pretense of asking about that later)............ONLY wine choices.......Berringers whie Zin or Woodbridge Cab........(and a sparkling wine).......no whites........boy have they gotten cheap with the choices.............after all, whos gonna pick the strawberries or fruit when you already get them???


Good morning..........

gonna be a beautiful day here with temps in the 80s and SUNNY!! Too bad Dennis isnt home cuz it would be a good day to hang lights........oh well, hope its not too bad tomorrow for him.........hes in Key West now taking his required break............

I need to go to the post office to get a priority box(EBay),then to the recycyle center.......then maybe a mani.............

Booked the MN last night for next weekend....... $119 each(Inside guarantee)......total is 364!! too cheap to pass up.........

Still waiting for RCCL to call me for an upgrade for the NV......I know,dont hold my breath...................still 15 of them left with 16 days to go(but whos counting) hahaha

Have a good day one and all......................................


Good morning!

Good luck on the upgrade, PH. You've got to wonder what they're waiting for. Those wines really stink, don't they? Next up - strictly LeTerra wines!::eek:
Nice call on MN too. I've been watching those prices and hoping we can go on one soon too. Unfortunately, there's no time this month for us to do anything. Hopefully, January will look better for us.

Time to get a few things done around here before I settle down to watching the Gators kick some Nole butt!!!:)D


That game, what a flood out.

You all have a good evening and I did get my tree done today........ Still a few other things to do......


LOVE your tree Marcia.........I bet your one at home is just as nice........................I have been cleaning out some stuff today.........have several boxes to go to Goodwill.....................and if I had more boxes,I'd pack up some more..............

Looks to me like UF will win.............no doubt.........now if only they win by 40 points,it will be AUCE Chix at Sonnys tomorrow,,,,,


Good Sunday morning all................

have some errands to do today and maybe some Christmas decorating.................really not in the mood to do that,but times a ticking..only 25 days or so left........yikes!!

Nice day here FOR NOW.............sunny,really windy and in the 80s..........gonna have some major rain later.........

Enjoy your day one and all..................


Good morning! Looks like we're in for some dicey weather out there today. From Marion to Osceola Counties we're under a tornado watch. And man is it ever windy!

That was some game last night. It was great to see FSU's stadium turn into the Swamp ... Perfect for Gators to do their thing and they sure did it!!!

I really need to get my fanny in gear and get this Christmas stuff up. Just found out that company's coming next weekend. Gotta make the place look spiffy!!!

Hi Rita!:wave Bags packed yet?


I wasn't kidding about the weather ... Got a call a little while ago that a small tornado may have touched down in Laurie's backyard. She's got trees snapped off, her mercury light is all twisted up and she lost some shingles off the house. She was home alone with Addie and is completely freaked out. I finally convinced her to get out of the house for a while, so she's going to Missy's. Ron was at work at the time and he'll meet her at Missy's, so they can go home together.

A mother doesn't need to hear this kind of stuff ... Definitely not good for my heart!!!


It got really wicked out earlier..........but the warnings were for Morrison and that area,but it got really windy.......we were eating at Ruby Tuesdays and the lights flickered............

and now with this weather,no outside decos today..............got the tree up....................not sure how much more I am doing.............just not in the mood..................

Hope all is ok at Lauries.......


Laurie lives only a few miles from Morrison. She's in Rainbow Park. I haven't heard anything further from her, so I guess all is ok.

It got pretty wild down here too this afternoon, so outside decorations went up. I did get some stuff done in the house though, but not the tree yet. Can't do everything in one day, ya know.;) Kris, Gary & the kids are coming for dinner. I've got a piece of eye round in the oven and the smell of it cooking is driving me nuts! Hopefully, we'll have plenty of leftovers as I love roast beef sandwiches whether they're hot or cold.

It sure has cooled off outside. I did have to put the AC on though as it was about 75 in here and I was roasting!

Time to go fix the veggies. Have a good evening!


Most of the decorations are up except for outside and it is raining so I'm not going out now.....

PH, I used the same avatar somewhere else and it won't twinkle like it does here??????? Oh well.....


Marcia--------I find that sometimes(if you're talking about CC)...........some will animate here,but not there...........guess it has to do with the size or something................

Nite all.....


Good morning........

Off for an oil change at 9:30..........so I will check back in later..........

Morning Marcia:wave


Talking to myself......wahhhhhh.thats ok,I know its a busy time of year................

I may put up some more decos today.........but not overdo...........heck,between now and Christmas,I'll be gone 10 days,so wont get to enjoy it all as much..............I do enjoy the tree though........


Sorry I left you talking to yourself, PH. Just never got a chance to stop by to post between a lengthy conversation with Laurie (All is well, but they have lots of clean up to do with downed trees and broken limbs. Also need to call insurance company for damage to their roof) and a 3 hour marathon conversation with Joanne. And don't ask me a thing we talked about!!!:cool:

Last night was the Bellalago annual meeting in Solivita for them to adopt the budget. Actually it's a good old fashion b*tching session by the residents. It usually does not good, but heck, it's fun to vent once in a while. Only good thing to come out of it is that they said the Grill should open before the end of the year.

Got some more shopping to do today and hopefully, I'll get the tree decorated too. Just need to get motivated as everything is sitting there waiting right by the tree.

Think I need another cup of coffee to get myself in the mood.


woohoo..................reopening the Grill..............I know that makes you happy!!

Sounds like Laurie's home got a little beating...........are they still planning on moving??


Moving has been put on hold for now due to the economy. There's no way they can sell the house at this time.

I'll believe it about the Grill being open when I see it with my own eyes. They've been promising this for months now. I guess time will tell.
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