Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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[size=medium]Late Good Morning. Takes me forever to get through all these boards. This really has to stop once it gets nice out.

Right now it's Snow Flurries ON and OFF every 10 mins. The WIND is BLOWING so hard that the snow doesn't have a chance to stick. I wonder what it looks like down the road where the snow ends up after the wind stops!! Hee Hee.........You need a visual for that last sentence!! B)-

Later gang.........Tony if you're back from ATV'g hope you had a great time. How's Trouser's paw doing??


I forgot to stop by here earlier. Way too many boards and threads to check on these days!

Kathy - Wine was $10. a bottle. Martinis were $4. There sure was a lot of martinis consumed at our table. I was the only wino!:)D That was good ... I didn't have to share! LOL

Boy, the wind is something else today! We've had gusts up to 45 mph!::eek: Talk about a bad hair day!

Isn't Tony going to be away all weekend ATVing? I thought that's what he said.


Our power went out at 11........just came back on...........nothing like a wet head to chill the old bones..........

Hungry now.........didnt want to open the frig...............


K-2, that visual..... It is what my back porch looks like...... 24 inches of snow.

BB, try that wind with snow......

PH, wet head..... and hungry.... Poor thing.....


Sorry, you could come up here..... Not...... You don't want to...


Nope,my head would have froze!! I would have had icicles for hair... ::eek:


[size=medium]Hope everyone is surviving this horrible SNOW and WIND and COLD.
It's 10 degrees here this morning. But then I've already said that 2 other times on 2 other boards!! :girly

SAN: If you're back from ATV'g hope you had a safe and good time. How's your buddy Trouser doing??


Yea, we're surviving the cold ;),thanks Kathie..

Hey,nobody says you have to post in so many places..........but I know what you mean..takes me a good hour to post on every thread and board I am on...............


Good Morning all,

11 degrees here....... The snow has stopped, but I need to bundle up and try to reach the bird feeder. Our little friends are hungry and they sure can't find worms this morning...... And they would be ice worms anyway.... Need to try to shovel my way out.

I don't thing San will be back till tonight. Think he is gone for the weekend.....

I would guess G.M. is heading East. Hope they get home quicker than they got here.....

Back later......


Marcia - So did the birds appreciate what it took for you to go feed them? The least they could do is not poop anywhere near your house!:lol

I now have a picture in my mind of Kathy with a frozen head dripping. Thanks, Marcia!

Hi Tony!:wave I see you're on. I didn't think you'd be back yet. How was your ATVing this weekend?


Finally got back.... I stood outside the back garage door trying to figure the best way to try.... I had my boots on, stepped off the first step and was up 6 inches over my boots into snow. Tried holding on bushes, trees, and everytime I moved the snow fell off of those and down the collar of my coat, on my head, etc. Finally made it to the feeder. Neighbor opened the window and yelled out if I needed any help.... I said yes, hip boots and a dog sled. And maybe some prayers that I find my way back to the house. Carl was yelling too, he could not see me, but he knew I was out there..... Might as well not even tried my boots. They were useless. I tried to find my way back following bread crumbs, but the birds ate them as fast as I threw them. Finally made it following Carl's voice.... My boots were full of snow, socks wet, sweat pants wet up to my - well you know...... My gloves soaked. I just thawed out......
And where is that darn St. Bernard with my drink. Guess I have to go fix it myself.......

O.K. enough is enough, I want SPRING.....


Hi all........

You mean there was a Tony sighting and no word from him?? You know what that makes you,Tony?? the L word.. ::eek:

Marcia-did you hear about the sled dog that died at the Ididarod(?).......poor baby had pneumonia......Those dogs are so cold hardy,arent they? I will never forget see the dog camp on top of the glacier in Alaska and going sledding.....that was the best excursion of my life......

Im tired.......maybe cuz i lost an hour sleep???


Marcia, glad you made it back to safety...maybe next time (if there is a next time) you should tie a rope around yourself....then Carl can pull you back :D

I guess I won't complain about the 35 degrees this morning and warmer afternoon. Did some more planting, hopefully we're done now.

How many others hate the loss of an hour...you wouldn't think the time change would affect people that way...but it does...

Well, need to check out the other boards.


Good Morning all,

Last night I lost more than the hour.

Went to be at 10:10, got up at 10:45 and came in here on the computer.... Went back to bed at midnight and then lay there till 1:00 last time I looked at the clock. Then finally went to sleep. I hate a night like that... Got up at 7:00...... and it was DARK outside.

Have some running to do this afternoon.... Back later......


[size=large]Try and get a NAP in today Marcia!! [/size][size=medium]

It's another BRIGHT and Chilly day here today. 30 degrees right now. That's one good thing about this years WINTER SEASON.......it's been very SUNNY and BRIGHT!! Only a few grey/gloomy/dreary days. Sure makes it easier to bear when it's bright out.

SAN: How's it going over there in California!! Get all those vehicles cleaned up yet??

Later ......



Sunny day here......and warming up......low 70s,I think.......

Marcia-bet you couldnt wait to go back out,could you?? :lol

Dont worry Kathie.........only 10 days left of winter.......

I hate the time change too Christine.....(BTw-does anyone call you Chris??)..........I slept till 9 this morning and forced myself to go to bed at 11 and wasnt tired............just cold,so i wanted to snuggle up with Dennis while he was there(he left at midnight)......Like that it didnt get dark till almost 8!!


Hi Kathy! I see we're the only ones around here right now. Tony's name did pop up here yesterday afternoon. Maybe Nancy was checking up on him and what he's been saying around here!:lol Otherwise, he has turned into an "L" word!!!!

Pretty day outside. I sure am glad the winds and rain have gone away. Looks like it's going to be a beautiful week with nice WARM Florida temps.

I just sent Bert to Sam's to pick up one of their roasted chickens for dinner tonight and for corned beef for the weekend. I just haven't made up my mind whether I'll make it Saturday or Sunday. I need to plan this carefully, as there'll be a mob here for dinner!


Hey all, I'm here too.

Yep, we headed out. Went to the Wellness Center and then to Meijers.... Got a Turkey, yea...... Corned Beef, nay........ They did not get their delivery, so I'll get that later in the week. Think I'll fix the turkey on Thursday........ Probably fix the corned beef and cabbage on Sunday afternoon.

It is beautiful here. Up to 48, the snow is melting where the sun is hitting it. I wore a sweatshirt and coat, when I got to Meijer, I took my coat off and threw it in the car and carried it home.......

Where is our San?????


Hmmmmmmmm~~~~~~~~~`` think we need Colin to bring back Sherlock,Marcia???

I've been outside doing some yard work and clean up......so many leaves on the ground......hopefully, tomorrow when Dennis mows,that will be the end of them.... laid out after all that ,had some popcorn and enjoyed life!!

Not sure what to make for dinner............since it will be just me,Im thinking waffles.............Dennis is in Atlanta right now and cant leave there till 7pm....(has to take his 10 hr break)......he cant sleep though since he had 7 hours last night..........he should be home around 2am........
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