Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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Good morning! I hope His Grumpiness is in a better mood today. I'm sure a good night's sleep did wonders for you, San.

Just got a call from Kris. She was all excited that she met Al Roker at Universal this morning. Gary did the 5K run around the universe and while he was running, she took the kids over to where Al was doing the weather.

We're off to Cirque this evening and I think we're going to Bahama Breeze afterwards. Hopefully we'll be able to get in there without too long a wait. BB is very popular here and there aren't too many of them around the area.

Better get to work now. I'm making some stuff for K&G's super bowl party tomorrow evening. As we're heading up to Ocala in the morning for Justin's birthday party, I have to get everything done today.


Yep, not so grumpy this morning.....already went to a Home Owners Meeting. I'm trying to win a seat on the HOA.

Today we are celebrating Anthony's Birthday......Bowling :cool: this afternoon followed by dinner at A&A's houe this evening.


Glad you got over your grumpiness. It just doesn't fit you!

I still have to call the D+ desk to pick our amenity for 2/23. I'll ask about an upgrade then and if the answer is no, I think I'll take a page out of PH's book and rant and rave and threaten to cancel everything and go with Carnival. Not that I'd have a problem with going with Carnival. You know I always enjoyed our cruises on that line. Right now they are taking better care of their customers with better prices and practically automatic upgrades. Laurie, her husband and MIL are doing a Carnival cruise to the same ports we're going to the same week we're going. If we didn't have the military discount, their cruise would have been $200. less than ours. See anything wrong with that picture?

Got everything made to take with us tomorrow to K&G's house.

Have fun bowling today. We haven't done that in ages. Enjoy dinner tonight and wish Anthony a happy birthday for me.


To tell you the truth, BB, it's your positive comments in the past about Carnival that have made me stop and think differently about them as a possibility. I keep hearing that the food is better than RCCL......and, you hear about better prices to boot!

I got a stupid answer to my questions to Adam Goldstein......which, BTW, were sent down to the lowest level for answers. I am really leaning toward getting away from RCCL. I have two cruises with them booked for this year.....we'll see how they go.....maybe I'm wrong about what I thin k I am hearing on CC......I might be pleasantly suprised. PH still seems to enjoy them.


Resident lurker here....;)
San - I haven't been on many cruises (just 15) compared to the rest of y'all, but I will also vouch for Carnival. I can't put my finger on it, but it just feels right. Our last cruise on the Mariner, was good, cruise people were great, but it just didn't feel like our other cruises...and we'd been on the Mariner before. We are trying Princess in October, as we usually book for itinerary then ship.

Hope all super bowl watchers are enjoying the half-time show...one of the best I've seen in a while. Well, back to my lurking hole...maybe I'll put up here or somewhere else soon. :cool:


Home again................and wow...............the natives are restless.........

I know RCCL has cutbacks(the food actually is fair at best),........but I dont cruise for some of the perks(btw,,,did you know those stupid mints are a SUITE perk now??????????? Unbelievable)...........I just go and make the best of it...........

I cruise alot cux we get great deals......this past weekend was $275 pp for a GS!! How can one pass that up????????????

and no,,,,the RCS do not have privey to info.............

anyway,time for a nap................I am beat............only slept a few hours before getting up at 5:30 this morning......


Welcome home, PH. Hope you had nice weather, as you're in for another cold week here, including a freeze (again) later in the week.

You really do have to tell me how you managed to get that GS. I have to call this week for our amenity and want to try to get upgraded too!

Hi PQ! Nice to see you stopping by. Looks like you agree with me that Carnival gets a bad rap when they really do a great job. Of course, haven't been on one of their ships in a few years, so I don't know if there have been changes there too. Might have to check them out again one of these days.


Uh Oh, PH.......I really thought that you would come back from the cruise with some better news about the onboard experience this weekend. The food is what concerns me the most. I wasn't trying to put you on the spot about # of cruises.....or privey info as a Royal Champion....I was really just thinking out loud.

I am really struggling with what to do about RCCL in the future......the CLs are no longer special to me....because they have been zoos on the last couple of cruises.

BB and Christine......you both have me thinking that there may be a better fit for me elsewhere. We're Platinum on Princess, so maybe I need to do some research on them.

I recieived a phone call from Rachel Hancock this morning as a result of my emails....it went to voice mail.....so I am just gathering my thoughts before calling back.


Hi all.........

BB-we paid for the GS this trip........thats how we got it(no upgrades for DP for cruises under 5 nights)............which ship are you going on??

I agree about the CLs,San.......its not a deal breaker for me.......good luck with the call to RH.she is very nice.......she is basically the one in charge of anything that deals with the RCs..............tell her I said hi.....you might just benefit........hahahahah.J/K!!


We're doing NV on the 23rd. By the way, what wines are they offering to D+ now? I know they keep changing which ones are available.

San - Good luck with your phone call. Give her h*ll!!!


I got the Bloementhal(????) Merlot(its a SoAfrican wine).............and they have a woodbridge Cab,I think.............thats the only reds........


Oh good ... I got that So African one on the Jewel. It's really good and Bert liked it too (darn!!!):D


Im trying a new Chilean wine on the NV......when you get to 49,you get a whole new list................I didnt know any of them!!


Im trying a new Chilean wine on the NV......when you get to 49,you get a whole new list.

As the church lady used to say on Saturday Night Live "Well isn't that special!":)D Doubt that we'll ever get that far, but it's nice to know anyway.


Yeah, forty nine is in the stratophere for me. If they keep lowering the quality of product, I will move on to another cruise line before I get to 49.


Checking in.................still have to pack................leaving for MCO in about 12 hours..........time to pack sweatshirts and long johns.......::eek:


Hello again :wave

BB - The newer Carnival ships are great...not to fond of the older ones, but just because I like all the bells and whistles. I like their itinieraries and they are willing to try different ports...and switch things up.

Had read alot about Princess, so trying one of their newer ship, Emerald, in October. One of the ladies I work with did a 10 day on her in December and checked out all the stuff for me. We're going to try the anytime dining, as we like to watch the sailaway, so 6 is too early for dinner, but 8:15/8:30 is late.

Glad to see that you had a great cruise, PH...and Bon Voyage on your next one.

Well going to check out the other threads...takes me forever to get online after a day at work and dinner.


Hi PQ~~ Now that RCCL has MTD,we're going to try it too..............more our speed....

Ok,all packed...............heading out around 630 am for MCO....................

Behave yourselves..........


Shucks, I missed PH again. Really didn't need to wish her bon voyage as I know she'll have a great time once again.

Cold morning here today and it'll be even worse tomorrow and Friday mornings. Brrr ... When did Florida move up north?


Looks like I get to talk to myself today. Good! I like talking to intelligent people!!!:lol

Weather report - Too d*mn cold!!!! It's still only 36 here. I understand Ocala is still in very low 20s. What is wrong with that picture??????? I can just imagine the news reports we're going to get about all the crops that were ruined with this freeze - citrus (already damaged from last week's freeze) strawberries and ferns. Bad news for the fern growers with Valentine's Day coming up next week.

Off to get a perm this afternoon. Definitely time for a new "do".

I hope someone else stops by to say hello. I'm lonesome!:(
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