Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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Stopping by to say hello and wish BB a wonderful cruise! Hope you have a surprise upgrade when you get to the pier!

San, only other BD in common is March 16 - my sister's birthday.

Went to the trade session yesterday of a large travel show....spent all morning in seminars, then headed to a lunch hosted by the Aruba tourist board. Had a great lunch, did some networking, then won the grand prize of 7 nights in Aruba. Came home and looked at airfare and was shocked at the prices.....over $1200 for the two of us, but can find some for $750 for two. Have to decide if it's worth it, as the resort didn't include the all inclusive option. It does offer a meal plan....hopefully it's the 7 breakfast or lunches and 3 dinners. Too many nice restaurants in Aruba to stay and eat all your meals at your hotel. We have enough AA frequent flier miles to do the trip, but all of their flights connect thru Reagan, and from Boston to Reagan it's on American Eagle...that is not for me. When we were in Santo Domingo last year our AA flights were delayed, and we were forced to take a small commuter jet from Santo Domingo to Puerto Rico. I had white knuckles the whole time! I hate flying those things. I know 50 seats isn't a small plane, but I still hated it! We'll have to see what we can find, and also when we can find time, as it has to be used before Dec. 18, 2009.

Sunny but cold here today, tomorrow a big storm will arrive, but it is still forecast as rain for our part of Massachusetts....the ski country will get a large amount of snow, but that is where it belongs! We have finally seen the grass after months of snow piles, and I don't want it to disappear again.

PH, Bill did get that e-mail, but it came to my e-mail address, as when this whole RC thing first started they tried to contact him thru an e-mail that he discontinued. He has written and given them his new e-mail address now, so we'll see what happens. Do you think something is being planned? I've heard their will be a new unveiling at the Cruise360 thing in Florida in April. That's usually a trade event, but who knows?
Glad to see that Dennis finally got his truck, and here's hoping all the paperwork gets done soon and he gets back on the road quickly.

See you all later.......



Good morning! First of all let me say that I am using the laptop. Therefore, I will not be responsible for any typos that might show up. I really hate this thing, but ebay man stole ther "real" computer.:cool:

Almost ready to start putting things in the suitcases. This is definitely not normal around here. I'm a last minute packer ... I work better under pressure!!!! And no comments from you, San! I can hear the wheels churning in your mind as you think of some smart a$$ answer.

Rita - Thanks for the good wishes. I don't think there's a snowball's chance in h*ll we'll get an upgrade this time. The ship is sold out.
Congratulations on winning the trip to Aruba. It's still my favorite island. That plane fare can really knock you for a loop though, can't it? My favorite restaurant there is a little hole in the wall place right off a parking lot called Que Pasa. Best stuffed lobster I ever had. We all still talk about it and even Jeff was impressed. You know it had to be good.

PH - I'm going to print out a list of all the people you want me to say hello, so I make sure I don't miss any of them. Do I need to have them initial the sheet to prove I did it? No, I didn't think so. ;)
Too bad it's taking so long to get the new truck up and making money. On the bright side, at least it's an opportunity to check everything out and make sure it's ready to be making those runs down to the Keys.

San - Have fun babysitting your grandpuppies! Bet they'll keep you hopping all weekend. Do you take them for walks or just tie them to the back bumper of the Vette and let them run behind it?:lol::eek:


Good morning....the young pup woke me up early this morning.

Rita, nice going on winn ing the Aruba trip.....if you don't take Bill, the air fare will be cut in half. Something to think about.

OK PH and Rita.....BB and I need to know more about what the Royal Champions are privey to. We can both keep a secret.

Must be frustrating for Dennis to not be able to be hauling stuff until Monday......it's been a long time, huh?


I'm with you, San. We need PH & Rita to start spilling the beans about the RCs. Just think how I feel ... I'm neither a founding member nor a Royal Champion. I'm starting to get a complex!!!=huh
Sorry your grandpuppy woke you up. Sort of like having a baby in the house again, huh?

Turned out to be a pretty day down here. Temps in the mid 60s with lots and lots of sun.


They need to teach us the special handshake too!

I think we're going to head out for dinner soon. I've been so bored today while ebay boy was listing auctions. I think he's taking sympathy on me!;)


You mean that the RCs have a special handshake......well, that just pisses me off.

See, now they are both locked up in some secret room talking to RCCL. I guess that they are afraid that we will overhear them.


Good Sunday morning! Got a lot of odds and ends to take care of today, but of course, I had to stop by here before I get started.

San - You're right ... They've disappeared again. Bet there's all kinds of secret meetings going on that they don't want us to know about. Also bet there's going to be a secret RC's lounge on Oasis! It probably won't even show on the deck plans. Only they will know how to get to it!:cool: Now that really will pi$$ me off!


Yep, it's pretty bad for us lowly D+s. The latest that I heard was that RCs get to eat in a specialty restaurant every night for free.....they also get one free cruise per year. Those guys are so lofty, it's a wonder that they don't get short of Oxygen. They'll be back though, because it's in the charter to be nice to the little people occasionally.


Ah ... Finally one of the RCs is admitting whats going on!:lol

And lookie there - I made it to post #1000!!!! You know what that means? By my calculations in order to be called a Founding Member you have to have at least 2000 posts. I'm now at the half way mark! Therefore, I think I should now be listed as a 1/2 Founding Member! Sort of like Senor Frog's 1/2 in Cozumel. Come on, powers that be ... I need to be recognized!!!! As Rodney Dangerfield used to say - I get no respect!!!! I feel the same way. No RC, no FM ... I definitely am getting a complex. Man, do I need this cruise!!!!


I think you mean "half @ssed FM", don't you.

Well Rita.....thanks: for the brief occasion:D

OK BB, one more cruise credit should make it all better for you.....when you come back, all will be good.

PH must be busy decorating the interior of the new truck for Dennis. Probably a cruise type theme with RC banners and decals.


Thats too funny about the cruise theme,San cuz yesterday we looked at deco for the outside...............think it will be basically an American flag theme since the company's trailers are like that.BUT we did mention a palm tree or two......hahah

Congrats on the win,Rita..................you're so lucky with all that stuff.................

BB------you packed yet???? Dont forget to make a toast for me at the brewery!!

Sorry to be MIA so much............just with you know who home,we're never here............hes pressure washing the pool deck now and Im sorting out all the paperwork he brought home..............Cant wait for him to get back to work......................

Nothing new on the RC front,except we just had to verify our info...............dont know why.............and I wish we got specialty dinners............NOPE!

Welll, better get back to what Im doing.............inlaws coming for dinner........thanks to Dennis...............I was making brats in beer in the crock pot since this am.........he decides to invite them............figure 5 brats are not enuf,so I ran to the store(2nd time today) and am also making sausage,peppers and onions.....................MEN!


Hiya Rita and San............


PH8 said:

Yep, them guys are sumsabitches, huh? Like TarHeel used to say....."can't live with 'em.....can't shoot 'em!"

Tell the truth though......you'd miss us if we weren't around!

So, I was right, RCs get a free cruise every year:cool:


San - I'm leaving you in charge to get to the bottom of this RC crap. We need names, places, dates ... you know the kind of stuff. You could always go over to CC and tell them you're a RC, but lost your information and could someone send it to you. You're good at BSing, so they should buy whatever you tell them.;)

Ended up with the MMs coming over for lunch - hamburgers & hot dogs. They left around 5. That's when I finally got around to packing. Good thing we have lots of experience. Packing was finished in about 15 minutes!

Funny story - Kris told Emily that we're going on a cruise and won't be here tomorrow night. Emily looked at me and said, "Grandma, you can't go on a cruise tomorrow. We ALWAYS come to your house for dinner on Monday night." Kris said that they could always come over tomorrow night anyway and make dinner. Of course, they'd probably leave me the dirty dishes!

On that note, I'm out of here. Behave yourselves while I'm gone. San - Do whatever it takes to get to the bottom of things. PH - I printed out the names of everyone I have to say hello to for you.

See ya Saturday.:p


Thought I'd say hi, and not lurk this time...Hope everyone is doing fine.
PH - surprised you didn't go down to the winery this weekend...they had an open house, arts & crafts, and music. It was really crowded today. We stayed for a couple hours then headed up to the Villages for a late lunch.
BB - have a great cruise.
:wave Hi San...don't feel bad, I neither a FM or a Royal Whatever. I just a Carnvial junkie, I guess. I really get no respect.

Hi to Rita....


PQ, Hi right back at ya!

Off to watch TAR.

BB, Bon Voyage,

PH, know what you mean about men being home and you're not able to do what you want. Why do you think I work about 40 hours a week at the office. Its either that or:)o

San, you always have=twocents to add. Now Tarheel, that's a name from the past. Next you'll be wanting Penelope and Pedro to become RC's:D


Breeze said:
San - I'm leaving you in charge to get to the bottom of this RC crap. We need names, places, dates ... you know the kind of stuff. You could always go over to CC and tell them you're a RC, but lost your information and could someone send it to you.

OK, it might be quicker for me to send an email to PH and get the RC package....or maybe Bill, it's easy to pull the wool over their eyes:D.

Hell Rita, I'm damn sure that Pedro and Penelope are already RCs.....they haven't associated with me in a couple of years......ever since the RC program started.

Hey PQ, would you stick around next week, I can see I'm gonna need some help being out numbered with RCs. I'm up to the challenge, but might have to resort to violence.......and that's unbecoming of me.....I'd rather stay very cool.....just like always.



I guess BB is on her way south................cant believe she didnt take me with her............I would had told her EVERYTHING!!......oh well........

Yea San............miss you guys (like a hole in the head).........Ok,well,maybe a little...............Dennis is off getting a haircut so Im grabbing some puter time while I can.........his crashed last week........

we're still waiting on a tag and to get the insurance straight................we got GEICO to begin with so he could leave the dealer with the truck(His compnay usually provides the insurance,but the girl in charge was out for the day).........so he paid GEICO a deposit and then got the company's insurance.BUT now GEICO wont let him cancel unless he can prove he has all the coverage he should...............of course, this all happened over the weekend so now we have another battle today...........

Heard about the winery fest PQ,but we were busy all weekend..........you had a nice day for it...............

Inlaws were here for dinner last night,then we started playing WII(not MIL though)........and they stayed till 10pm!! That is so unlike them..........FIL loves playing it............wouldnt doubt if he doesnt buy his own................

Rita-hope you stick around,,,,,,,,,,,might need some help with you know who on here........hahah

Later all.....


What a mess with the insurance companies, I hope that it gets straightened out quickly for Dennis.

Raining here again. We're almost caught up with our rainfall......it was looking very bleak for a drought just two weeks ago.

I'll be nice, PH.
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