Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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Getting a chance to say good morning just before it turns into good afternoon! Brian and Sara are off shopping again. This time at Florida Mall to go to the M&M store.

Bert & I are going to take advantage of this time and head over to the Grill (YIPPY!!!! It's now open!!!!) for lunch. I already know the kids want to go there for dinner tonight, so we have to check out the new management qhile we don't have them around.

PH - FYI ... Shuttle is off until at least Sunday when it is scheduled to be a twilight launch. Not nearly as dramatic as a night launch though, but oh well. This is the one that the teacher from Dunnellon Middle School will be on.

San - I could use one of those private emails too. Do you get the feeling we're being ignored?:cool::lol


Never mind....I don't need to know that badly. I'm sure that I'll find out some other way.

Have fun at the Grill, BB.......oops....it's late....guess that you've already been.

I get ignored a lot on here lately......I think you and I are in a special club....."scum of the earth club"


I like the sound of that ... scum of the earth club! Seeing as how you out rank me, I'll let you be president of the club!:)D

Another beautiful day around here. Brian & Sara were meeting Laurie & Ron at Busch Gardens for the day. That means we get some peace and quiet. It also has given me a chance to rant and rave to Bert about some of the things these kids come up with. According to their way of raising a child, it's a wonder mine ever survived ... She can't eat one thing or another for some stupid reason. They're driving me crazy!!!!!!

Bert's off to the store getting the rest of the fixings for our corned beef and cabbage dinner tomorrow. The whole gang will be here. Missy and the boys will be staying over tomorrow night, so that means it will be a zoo here all weekend. By the time this week is over, I'm going to need a cruise or I'll have to take up serious drinking!!


OK, I am now Chief Scum.....and proud of it. Now PH has to bow to the west each morning:D I've been bowing to the east for a long time....now I don't have to.....I'm so proud of me.

Lucky you to have the whole family to your house for dinner, BB. Isn't it wonderful to see the kids doing things together when they are all grown up?


Bowing to you BOTH~~~ hehe

Hey BB-----Lauren now works in the little kiddie area of BGs......bet your kids were there............Lauren's working today........

anyone else having major sinus attacks???????? The pollen is outta hand........My white car is green..............yuck..................



Surprisingly the allergies aren't bothering me so far this year. I know the pollen count is over the top, so I'm not complaining. Brian lost his voice since he got here and both he and Sara are taking allergy meds (mine!) while they're here.

San - Yeah, it's great to have the kids all together. It's even better when they all go home!!!:cool:


Allergies are acting up for everyone aroundf here too.......seems like they get worse every year.

BB, I can't wait for Rita to start bowing to us too! When will she be back?


Not sure what date they get back. I know they're coming here for a visit before heading north, but I won't know when until she calls me after the cruise. Just think ... I'll be the first one she'll have to bow to. I invited PH to come that day too, so conceivably I could be receiving a group bow. I'd feel like royalty!!!!!!


OK, be sure and take pictures......I wanna see that. Have Bill kiss your butt too:D


Yeah, but no harm in asking.....hell, he may say yes....if not, you haven't lost anything.



Not much going on here............I feel yucky so Im just staying put and taking it easy..........thing is I dont know if it allergies,cold,what..........In a way,hope its a cold cuz allergies would be ongoing.............had them in NY,but not down here...........sure hope I didnt develop them........


Sorry you're feeling like crap. PH. Hope you feel better as the day progresses. It's my understanding that a few good stiff drinks can cure just about anything or make you forget there's something bothering you. Feel better soon, girl friend.

Just put 2 huge pots on with over 14 pounds of corned beef on the range. Waiting for it to come to a boil and then Bert and I are going to the Grill for lunch. The kids all met up at Tijuana Flats for lunch and then they're off to a go cart track for a couple of hours. I sure am enjoying the quiet house.;)

I'll try to get back later.


Love Tijuana Flats and we are getting one in Ocala!!!!

Been outside all afternoon............kinda hot out there...................

Im starving............time to fix an early dinner...........gonna grill ribs...................love corned beef though............got to have that Tuesday......



Actually we got off the ship yesterday and headed to Vero, where we are now. Tomorrow we will start the process of gettingBill's mother into some assisted living facility......don't know how long it will take, but at least we can start the process.

Saw the shuttle launch tonight from a restaurant in Stuart, where we met some friends who drove up from West Palm Beach, as Stuart was about half way for both of us. Thank God for our GPS, or we would never have found the place, but at least it was worth the trip. Had a fish reuben, which was yummy....Bill had steak, he's so adventurous!

Navigator was great, service was wonderful, as we've come to expect. Even with the spring break crowd, things seemed pretty calm. Of course, some kids were drunk, but so were some adults. Kids were pretty respectful for the most part. I did hear about the kids that were thrown off in Cozumel for fighting and some others for underage drinking. We didn't find out about it until the last night, as we sat with some folks in the CL who saw the kids leaving the ship with security and their luggage in tow. I guess we were on the opposite side of the ship, so we didn't see anything. Our waiter also told us about some who were thrown off for getting drunk and then trashing their stateroom. Don't know how much is fact or not, but that's what we heard.

Also, tried the MTD, and loved it! however, we made reservations for the first night at 8:45, as there was only one show at 7, and we wanted to see it. Loved our waiter and assistant waiter, so we made reservations for his table at 8:30. then the rests of the nights at 8:15, which probably is not the case with most people. We asked about wait times without reservations, and were told the longest wait has been about 10 minutes. They used deck 5, rear starboard section of the dining room. I asked the waiter if he liked MTD or traditional, and he preferred MTD, mostly because of the prepaid gratuities. He thinks that because of the economy, more folks are not tipping. Sad!

Saw two production shows that were new to us, and frankly, didn't care for the first one, I think it was called All Access. Songs I didn't recognize, and the singers didn't have great voices. Dancers were OK, but one dancer (male) actually fell during one of the numbers...first time I've ever seen that......and seas were not rocky at all. Second show was better, but not great. Comedian adult show the last night was very funny. Ice show was fantastic, as usual.

New departure process worked well, and we were off by 8:30. They had a platinum and diamond departure lounge in the dining room, and you were supposed to be led off by 8. We arrived at 8, and only had time to pour a cup of tea, and they were telling us to line up to get off. Line stayed stationary for ever, so finished my tea and joined the line, and still the line didn't move. I think they were letting the excursion folks off before the priority people....no big deal, we weren't catching a plane, just going back to the hotel to retrieve our car. Our shuttle dropped off people at the airport, and that was a zoo. Our friends had an 11:30 Southwest flight and they were in the line for one and a half hours, and finally told someone that their flight was coming due, so they brought them to the front of the line and checked them in. They made the gate area at 11:15, but their flight was a bit delayed, so all was well.

Carlos was pleasant, and Chris, his bar server, was excellent. Our drinks were in front of us almost before we sat down, LOL!

Bill was telling me about someone on the other boards complaining about the smell in the CL, but he didn't notice it. Well, I did, but never said anything. I thought it smelled like urine right around Carlos' desk and also around the sink area. I'm sure it's probably from drinks or liquids being spilled, but it was there. Our friends cabin also had a strange odor, coming from the vent right inside the door on the upper wall area. I can't describe the smell, but suffice to say they had the room sprayed and while it got better, it was still there. Luckily, after you made it to the bedroom area, you didn't notice it any longer.

I did hear some man mention that he didn't think the ship was maintained well at all, and I can't agree with him. I didn't see anything that needed repair.......rugs were clean, ship seemed well maintained to me, no missing tiles, no broken windows, so I don't know what he was talking about. I know one day one of the hot tubs in the solarium was cold, but the next day it was toasty warm (he was in the solarium when he said that, so that may have been what he was talking about).

We did have the 14.95 steak on the menu, but we went to Chops and had the steak there instead of the MDR. Chops was busy all week.

Didn't get chocolates on the pillows....no great loss, we usually end up taking them home. No Q tips or cotton balls in the bathroom of our JS, but we did get shower gel, shampoo condition and lotion in the little bottles.

Meals were pretty good. Some new menu items, including a calzone as a dinner entree on the last night. Struck me as a strange dinner entree, I think it's more suited to lunch. Also, I love the salad bar at lunch time in the MDR. On the Jewel and Navigator you select the ingredients for the salad, then they chop it us and give it to you in a salad bowl. However, on Jewel, they then had a large assortment of things you could add to your salad, prosciutto, grilled chicken, huge shrimp, mozzarella balls, etc., but on Navigator they added what you wanted......just a little difference, but I prefer taking what I want to getting what they want to give me. Probably a cost cutting measure, as you wouldn't believe the plates of shrimp that people were having on the Jewel!

Casino slots were tight, except for the last night.

Time to say goodnight. BB, I will give you a call when we have our plans firmed up, but it sounds like you have a houseful!



HURRAY!!!!! They're all gone!!!!!! What a flipping zoo this place was all weekend. It's going to take a month to get the house back in order, but it really was worth it. We had so much fun with the kids and grandkids. And boy, did they devour that corned beef and cabbage. I swear none of them had eaten for a week!

We went over by Lake Toho to watch the shuttle launch. It was by far the most spectacular one we've ever seen. Being launched at twilight, the vapor trail was multi colored. It was so clear to watch, it was the first time we could actually see the booster rockets after they detached and were able to watch them falling into the ocean. Just a perfect experience. Brain & Sara stayed to watch the launch as they've never seen one before. Then we said our goodbyes and they hit the road. With the baby, it's easier for them to drive all night.

Rita - Glad you had a good time on NV. Was the CL crowded? Good for you to try MTD. We might have to do that one of these days just for something different. Looking forward to your call, so we can make plans. If I don't answer the house phone, call my cell. I always have that with me.

PH - How ya feeling? I hope your allergies are calming down. Brian finally got his voice back. Now Kris has lost hers.



It was a spectacular launch,BB.....I could see the booster rockets fall off from here too..........and the colors!! OHMY!!!

Think Im feeling a little better.....my ears are a little clogged up..............but I can breathe thru my nose now.............

Welcome back and great mini review Rita...........so they had the D disembarkation back in the dining room again...........interesting........I love the idea of MTD....gonna do it on the MN next month and maybe GR(not 100% if its on there now,but heard it was).........

Think I'll go get motivated and go to the gym.....havent been in over a week..............



I think today is my Friday the 13th! AC has been running and running, but the house is getting warmer. Guess who just had to put in a call the the AC people?:( It's like $80. just to have them walk in the door! Only good thing is that it didn't happen over the weekend with all the cooking and a mob of people here. It's now like 76 in here and I'm roasting!!!


Oh poor you...........I have had my a/c running for days now...........not so much for the coolness,but to help with the allergies........its killing to see the meter go round and round...
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