Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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Marcia - You're starting to worry us with the talk the past couple of days about things going on. Remember, we're family and are here for you.

PH - Shopping trip was a success! Went to Bon Worth and got a 3 piece outfit and an extra pair of black slacks. I can make 4 different outfits out of what I got. I think that's good shopping. Now I'm waiting for a sale at Beall's and hope they'll also have a senior discount. I want to pick up some lightweight tops that I can wear with slacks to dinner. Having to bring a jacket and maybe a sweatshirt for Boston, I don't want to add too much weight to the suitcase. Might even have to stick some stuff in an extra carry on bag. I'll figure it out later.
I figured that new store was just like a Best Buy. Hard to figure out why in these economic times another store like that would open. BB & Circuit City aren't doing that much business these days and now to have to divide the pie up with another company isn't going to be good for any of them. Go figure ...

Almost time to start thinking about dinner. I'm making ribs and was planning to BBQ them. Unfortunately, it's been raining here for quite a while, so it's into the oven they're going. At least I won't have to keep running outside to check on them.


Bealls sr days were Sept 23 and 24th,so probably a month from then it will be again.............

Heard you're getting HHGReggs too..................3 locations grand opening Thursday at 3........Kississmee,Orlando,Ocala..........

ours is right across from Kohls so thats why we checked it out...........do need a TV,but gonna wait.........maybe the day after Thanksgivng,I can snag one like I did last year...........

No rain here YET,but looks like it..


Yes Marcia....I hope everything is OK.....you've been kind of quiet the last few days.

Thanks for the heads up on the coupons for Ultimate Alaska PH......I'll check it out.

Washed the Buick and the GMC this morning.

Supposed to warm up this week into the nineties.


I think you are right about the different length of times for Canadian vs. US passports but now that the currencies are almost on par, maybe they should make the terms for the passports coincide. Sorry about your passport situation, Andrea. That really stinks and, in this day and age, the idea of stolen passports being out there is scary. I had my auto plates stolen (the thieves actually switched my plates for another set) and the whole time I was heading to the police station to report it, I was worried that those plates were on a car used in a violent crime and that I would probably be pulled over by the cops enroute to the station. Never did find out anything but getting new plates was a PITA.
Watched TAR this afternoon when we got home from CT. Had the good sense to set the DVR to tape everything from 8pm until 10, so we weren't done in by the time delay. Have revised my thinking about the brother/sister team and have added them to my list of folks I wouldn't mind seeing eliminated.


Bill, the way things are going with the governments looking out for regular citizens lately:cool: , it would be more likely that US passports will go to 5 years between renewals.

OK PH, ya got my hopes up, but the coupons for Ultimate Alaska are for May.....we're going in September. You owe me $225!!!!!!


I thought you were going in May...............soooooooorry..........I'll let you know if I see them when the next set comes out........

OH BB...too late,but today (and yesterday) is Bealls Sr days...........just found the flyer from the paper......


You're right. Sorry.....

Saturdays Open House was at Vicki to say goodbye to Grandson Tim and his wife Chantell...... Vicki, Ed and Megan took them to Columbus this afternoon (took my Jeep). Tomorrow they have to be at the Army base at 6 a.m.. Tim will later in the day fly out to Ft. Jackson, South Carolina and Chantell will fly to Ft. Leonardwood, Missouri for her Basic and her AIT (she will be in some kind of Chemical Operations). . They promised them two weeks home at Christmas and then when they finish their Basic, Tim will go to Ft. Gordon, Georgia for AIT in Satellite Communications. She can also apply for her Masters program. Chantell will finish training in mid March and Tim a couple of months later (maybe June). Before then, they will know where they will be sent (together), and the Army will provide them with off base housing so the can be together again and they can also take their dog with them.

You know how Grandmothers and Grandpa's worry. I also worry what effect the prolonged separation will have on their marriage. They have closed up their house in Cincinnati, moved anything valuable to Vicki's (computers, TV's, etc) and their dog will be with Vicki and family. They have given Vicki power of attorney to take care of everything, put her on their banking, etc. But I want to cry most of the time....

So, if I'm not quite myself, please bear with me. And keep them on your prayer list. It's scary.....

Love to all of my friends,


Im sorry to hear about your sadness,Marcia,but I can understand...........you can only hope and pray they make good decisions.........sounds like pretty smart kids if you ask me..........have a feeling,they will get thru all this and reunite later on.......Now remember, we here care about you and Carl,so dont leave us out.......if you rather email us,do so.......but KEEP in touch ,either here or email...........we have no abandoned you at all....we LOVE you both..:loveya


Oh Marcia, I didn't know that you and Carl were dealing with all that. I'd certainly feel the same way that you do. With basic training and then advanced training, they're both going to be kept very busy and should stay out of trouble. Atleast they will be back together for two weeks at Christmas, so they'll both have that to focus on. Then AIT training....then they'll both be back together again at some Army base. I guess that you are worried about where they will be stationed......even if it's Iraq or Afghanastan, they both will have jobs that should keep them off the front lines and not carrying a rifle in the streets, hang in there....we all care. These two wars have to be over with as quickly as possible....it's gone on way too long.

You don't have to be yourself right now.....it won't change all of our caring about you and Carl.


Marcia - Prayers and good thoughts will be headed out for Tim & Chantell as they go through their training and for whatever their future holds. Good that they will be together once training is over. I'm sure grandma & grandpa worry about them. That's your job these days. But please take care of yourself. They wouldn't want you to make yourself sick. You and Carl need to take care of yourselves.

D*mn! We never got the flyer showing senior days ended today. It's usually Tuesday and Wednesday. Maybe our days are different ... Who knows!

Time to call it a night around here and go watch TV. See you all in the morning.



had to get up early(did you know its till dark at 7am!!!!).........holy cow..........and just think I used to be AT work at that ungodly hour...........

anyway,door guy said he would be here between 8 and 9..............he got here right at 8 and is installing the door now............Pretty sure business is slow.........people arent spending money on extras like that.............

Marcia--hope you had a good sleep...........You both need it!!

BB--maybe your days are different.........hope,I hope...........

Later..................have to try to quiet the dogs down..............Max is so protective of me.............


Good Morning, I did sleep pretty well, but this morning my mind and heart are in Columbus.

Someone told me that when your kids (and Grandkids) are little they step on your toes, when they get older, they step on your heart. I understand that.

Need to go to the store, etc.

Back later, Honest.....


As Pooh Bear would say..."It's a Blustery Day!" The kids went from wearing shorts and t-shirts last week to winter jackets and gloves today! They stepped outstide to wait for me today and came back in asking for their warmer jackets. It's very windy and all the pretty orange and red leaves are being blown out of the trees. It is finally fall.

Marcia, I read about your grandson....I'm pretty sure that if they are both wanting to do this then they are strong enough to come through it together. Think positive....there are lots of oportunities in the armed forces....oportunities that they may not be able to have otherwise. They'll be ok.


Nav - Brrrrr ... Just the thought of heavy jackets and gloves makes me shiver. We're getting rain off and on today, but it's still hot and muggy out there.

Marcia - Glad you got a good night's rest. Think positive thoughts and that will get you through.

PH - How's the door installation coming along? Getting there that early, I bet they're just about finished, if not already finished. Am I right? Wow ... Still dark at 7. Imagine that!!!!!::eek:


It's not so bad anymore...it warmed up and the sun has come out....it's 55 right now.


Marcia, I think we all understand and sympathize you and your concerns over Tim and Chantell. I am sure that they and their marriage will survive this experience. Just hope that the Army follows through on their "promise" that they will be able to serve together. When I was in the service the Army, all too often, exercised what they considered "the good of the service" to modify those promises and sometimes even renege on them. I was drafted so I went in with no promises from them, but some of the young enlistees I served with didn't exactly get what they thought they had been promised. I served a good part of my two years stationed at Ft. Gordon and one of the benefits was that we were able to see the Masters Tournament in person and were part of Arnie's Army as he marched across that beautiful course.:)

San, you could well be right in your prediction. Just think how much more money they could extract from us by shortening the time a passport is valid.:(


Hey all,

Keep wishing Vicki would call....... I know, everything is O.K., but would like to hear.

Bill, I was just getting ready to go look up where Ft. Gordon was., so now I know.... They have already paid off ALL of Tim's Student College loans and Chantell's are in the works... That alone is one very large amount.

Beautiful day here, and they are Promising rain for tomorrow. How many times have we heard that. I'll believe it when I look out the window and see real rain....
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