Miscellaneous Plus (part 2) [6415]



Hey Kasey........why do you think you have so many SNOWBIRDS moving to Florida all the time. You can get a lot of BANG for your MONEY down by you guys.

The down side is that you have to put up with SnowBirds, Hurricanes, gators, snakes and Love-Bugs!! :loveya Oh wait.....and old people driving cars when they shouldn't be!!

I think I could learn to get use to most of those EXCEPT for the Hurricanes.

It's getting HOTTER over here by the minute!! The electric company is going to be making a fortune this week.:(


K2 - Laurie & Ron are not looking in the Raleigh area. Ron's brother lives near Charlotte and that's the area they'd like to go check out. Prices are much lower there. You can get a new house with about 2,000 sq ft for $100,000-125,000 on a nice piece of property.
The prices in the Raleigh area are actually less then in many areas of Florida. A lot of Floridians have sold their properties here and are moving to the Raleigh area and buying for less then what they sold for. We could see the population increase in the amount of traffic on the roads. If it keeps up, it will be no fun driving up that way.
There's no more BANG for your buck in Florida when it comes to buying a house and a lot of snowbirds are going elsewhere to buy these days. It's about time!!

It's a 3 H day here in central Florida - hazy, hot & humid. I just hope the rains don't move in this afternoon and ruin our chance to watch the shuttle launch. Speaking of the shuttle, I just found out yesterday that the next teacher scheduled to go up is a guy who taught at Dunnellon Middle & High School! I had forgotten that he was accepted into the space program a few years ago. He's a real nice guy.

Happy hump day to all the worker bees!


Hi all.......

Did I miss the shuttle?? have no idea what time it is/was.......oh well.........

Got up early and went to the landfill to get rid of the bags of grass from Monday.....dumb place is now closed on Sundays,Mondays and Thursdays.....stupid cutbacks.........

Then to get yet another new phone..........good thing we have insurance........

Dennis just left for the keys and Lauren is coming up later.....she has off till Friday morning and she'll have more room here than at her Dads so might as well take advantage....

Supposed to be one of the hottest days today and it sure feels like it...........



BB: Geez......picking on us SNOWBIRDS like that.....shame on you!! :girly Don't you like all of us Northerners taking up all the good parking spaces and restaurant seats from about Nov - April?? Hee Hee. It would tick me off too if I lived there all year round. And then YOU have to put up with the Disney visitors too. Double trouble.

It feels MORE than like Florida here today. Only a 2-H day here. We still have FULL SUN!!

PH: How nice that you'll get to have Lauren around for a few days. I still enjoy when Jill and her gang sleep-over here every so often. Just can't take that MOTHERING FEELING out of us can you.:thumb

SAN: You still working hard over your way?? I bet you'll be sooooo glad when that house is SOLD and you're moved into the new one. Then you can start doing all the things your kids have been doing to the new one!!
Is landscaping part of the house price on the new one?? Or do you put all that in yourself later?? Up here you are responsible for putting in sod, trees, stones etc......unless it's a Condo. Then it has to be done before you move in by the builder.

We're off to see "BOURNE" at the show today. Get to save one buck during the week!! Whoppee!!

Catch you all later.


Ph, last I heard the shuttle is scheduled to go up at 6:36 this evening.......now if I can just remember to go outside & LOOK!:D


Think I'll watch it on TV....hehe......too hot out....

Hey San(and K2).Paw323(Paul) just posted on the FL thread......I directed him over the Bunny thread so he can say hi to NB too........



Home from seeing "BOURNE" movie. It was good and exciting, but a GUY FLICK! You were watching people and cars run all over various cities and of course cars crashing and guns shooting etc, etc.

Our local sister Township is having it's FIREWORKS tonight. They always have them "AFTER" the 4th of July to honor the SERBS!! Hee Hee....not really. It's because they start the Townships Art Fair this Friday. Just a pre-starter for the City's celebration!

Too hot to go out and sit on the ground and watch smokey fireworks tonight. Been there done that!! (getting old aren't I??)


hi guys just got back from watching the shuttle go off since my bro is working on this one we got to sit at teh bleachers AND since we had ticjets we did not have to sit all day we left at 5 got their and only had to wait about30 minutes for the launch... it was fun neing so close .... I use to go all the time way back befor teh challenger but this was teh first time since being that close....its a lottery for workers.
tomorrow morning at 8 is my appointment my BFF is fgoing with so that i stay on track I want the mesh OUT i don't care about the risks, pain etc.. I will take my chances,.... wish me luck\
I cannot wait to see borne will have to wait till parents come home...


Too hazy here to see the launch, darn. Had to watch it on tv. A couple little thunder boomers, hoping for a little rain.

Busy, busy, busy at work. New teachers report next Monday, rest of the teachers on Tuesday. Hiring season is just crazy. BB and PH, you probably have gone through one or two of these ;) By the time the cruise rolls around, I'll really need it.

Did do the dog park last Saturday (at 8) and of course Brandy found the mud puddle and played in it. Good reason we have towels in the back of the Explorer.

Have a good evening.


GOOD LUCK RUTTIE. Have you seen a LAWYER about sueing the company that made those MESH things??? You really need to DOCUMENT everything you're doing just in case you ever come to your senses and talk to a lawyer about all of this.

Hope they have good news for you.

Nite all......=sleep Off to sneak in a Fat-Free Fudgecycle!!


PH-We've taken Brandy to the Gainesville dog park when we first got her. I used to work in Gainesville and went by the park everyday. You can join the dog park and have daily priveledges, general public can use the park on the weekends. I think it cost us $6-8 to go. It's nice and shady with the two ponds and lots of things for the dogs to do. The first time Brandy went into the pond, we thought we'd have to go in after her. She didn't know how to swim and we saw the top of her head and bubbles ::eek: But she started moving and got out on her own. Now we can't keep her out of the pool.


I bet its really neat there.............just too far a drive for me with a dog....not like we could stop at the mall on the way home......

BTW//another dog related item..........Lauren and I went to Brusters tonite.......I asked again about the doggie sundaes.....they made me two to bring home(normally I think you have to have your dog with you)......anyway, each is a small scoop of vanilla ice cream with kibble like treats sprinkled on top...............soooo cute........just hope they dont get diarrhea from milk products......they both ate them very slowly.....I guess cuz they were cold and they are not used to food like that...You should try it....they are free.........


That's so funny...didn't know they had doggie sundaes...the last two times we went we had Brandy with us. I ran to the window to order our cups and Gary stayed with Brandy in the car. Next time I'm telling him that we need to eat there with Brandy. I gave her some of my fat free/sugar free carmel swirl. Yum-o!


[size=small]Good luck at the doctor's appointment Ruttie. Hope everything goes your way. I'll be praying for you!!![/size]



GM: Nice to see you posting over here! Of course you should have been in BED BY MIDNIGHT!! =sleep Your body must be trained to work all day with only a few hours of sleep. Just think SOON you'll be retired and you can stay up ALL NIGHT! :daisy

PH: That "DOGGIE PARK" looks fantastic. Better than some HUMAN PARKS!! Too bad it's so far away for you.

SAN: I take it you'll be off to WATSONVILLE or did you already leave yesterday?? Forgot which day was your day to watch Joseph. Anyways, you can stand to get away from your house and take a day or two off from all the Prep-Work!! Did you find out if the COUNTERS are coming in on time?? I'm sitting here thinking that it's like you're doing that show called "FLIP THIS HOUSE"!! :D

Kasey, PQ and anyone else who stops in......have a great day!!


Morning............good luck at the docotrs Ruttie....be thinking of you.......

Got an early wake up call......8:15am....My pest control people saying we didnt pay them.......but AH HA! I have proof........paid it thru BillPay.sent the payment in July and in fact, they cashed it!! Snipy lady said I had to go to the bank and get a copy of the check......told her no,Im just gonna do an inquiry online and let Wachovia handle it........so there..:lol

Trying to be real quiet and type lightly since Lauren is still sleeping and I dont want to wake her up.....

Back later..


Good morning! I'll type softly too, just in case Lauren is still sleeping. College students need all the sleep they can get!

Had a fun time over at the Grill to watch the shuttle launch. Due to some haze close to the ground, we had to wait until the shuttle was high enough before we could see it. It definitely wasn't the clearest launch we've seen, but it still was spectacular all the same. To see all that raw power going up is awesome. Lucky you, Ruttie, to see it that close!
After the launch it was time for something to eat. We had chef salads which really were perfect for a hot night.

Ruttie - Good luck at the doctor's. I hope he gives you good encouraging news.

PH - Have fun mothering Lauren today. I bet she'll love being pampered by mommy!!!

K2 - If we could get rid of snowbirds and tourists, Florida would be s wonderful state for us "locals"! Unfortunately, that's not going to happen, so we all just put up with them and shake our heads a lot.:cool:
So tell us, is it too hot, too cold, too wet or too dry in Michigan today? You haven't said yet!!!!:lol
I don't know about CA, but in subdivisions down here, you can't get a certificate of occupancy until everything is complete, including all landscaping. It's a "turn key operation". In other words, buyer just has to turn the key and move right in!

San - How's the back doing? I hope you're not lifting too much and irritating it. Take it easy ... You've got a cruise coming up!

Speaking of cruises, any of you Ocala gals see the news report on WESH the other day where they were talking about the Mariner leaving Pt. Canaveral and how it is not scheduled to be replaced anytime soon. They ended by saying the RCCL will only have its older and smaller SOS in PC in the foreseeable future.

Bert's in and out of the house right now. I wonder what he's up to outside. Guess I better go check before he destroys our landscaping.


Thats right............no ship at the port except for the SS for a while......but there should be another one by end of the year(09)..........Better be.........hate driving down south...


It's partly cloudy and 78 degrees. We had a HARD LONG rain during the night. It woke me up!! Windows are OPEN and a nice breeze is letting in fresh air right now!! :daisy That's your Michigan Weather update for this hour!! Hee Hee.

BB: Nice that you can see the Shuttle LIFT-OFF. Hope they are safe up there.

Art went to play cards with the guys and I get to have the house to myself. I should really do a good cleaning on this COOL DAY, but who really ever WANTS to do that!!


KASEY......how's it going with you girl?? Any new projects around your house?? See any Condo's lately that you like??

Ruttie: How'd you do at the Doctors Office??