35 cents for my new prescription. Yup, a quarter and a dime. I can't remember ever having one that cheap before.
Thanks BB for explaining why your pulmonologist wanted your bone density test results. Now it makes sense. Was that your guess, K2? Loving all the pictures of food and other things.
KC, your picture finally filled in for me what your stone walkway looks like. Looks good. I never pictured it in between the 2 house like that. Glad you didn't hurt anything with all that lifting. (As we age it's amazing how many "normal" aches & pains we wake up with.)
Good going on getting signed up for that Disney run. Now just hope by that time the U.S. border will finally be open. Got a kick out of that "Fat Bastard" wine. Is it any good?
K2; A two person team to furnish your new priest's place. So much for long meetings of unagreeable church members. Careful with that low blood pressure or you might be getting faint and dizzy. And I don't think you'll hit the ground very gracefully. As far as that "Havana" thing you mentioned; It may not be a virus or disease but possible microwave energy aimed at U.S. embassy personnel, making them sick.
I finally finished up this one area of weeding yesterday morning, after only about 45 minutes. Good thing, because I wouldn't have lasted much longer out there in the sun and humidity. Some schools around here were closed yesterday because of the heat.
Today seems to be another day of staying mostly inside. This heat and humidity is suppose to last through the weekend.