Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Got a much better night's sleep last night, so I am a happy camper this morning.

Dave - I don't blame you for not spending much time on social media. Most of what gets posted is a lot of BS. Unfortunately, being limited on what I can and can't do, I probably spend way too much time on the computer looking at and reading useless stuff. Aside from our group, the only other place I go is Facebook where I can see what my kids as up to. Definitely do not do TicTok

Kathie - Thank you for being the town crier and letting everyone know what was wrong with Jennifer. Missy took her to the best children's hospital, Nemours. They gave her an IV, as she was dehydrated. After all their tests, it was determined that she has bacterial pneumonia. That's good, in a way. At least they can treat that with antibiotics which is what they are doing. She will have to stay out of school for the rest of the week, but her teacher will send work home for her so she can keep up.

Karen - Good for you going with the small tree this year. Also nice to see that you are able to eat something more than mashed potatoes. Sounded like a good breakfast today.

Lee - Nice that you will be saving a few dollars on your stays as you are heading south in a few weeks. That always helps, right?

Bill - I love all the complaining going on over on the Royal Caribbean thread about who can and can't go into the different lounges and at what times. Last cruise we were on, there were very few people using the lounge. We just stopped by once or twice so Bert could get some of the snacks they put out at happy hour. First night they were great. After that, they left much to be desired.

Not a lot planned for today. Was supposed to have a nurse visiting today, but I never heard from her. Might have Bert get out some more decorations for here in the house. Time now for a cup of coffee and to decide what we're having for lunch.

Have a super day, gang, and just a reminder - Christmas is 20 days away!!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
From reading about Jennifer and going “Damn” to reading further and seeing that she is back home and going “Yay”. Yes, it’s been one of those up and down mornings.
I didn’t have the best of sleeps last night.
We got Ava out to The Navy Yard and caught up with a few of the regulars we hadn’t seen for a bit. Then it was off to physio for Lu-Ann. Her knee has been acting up something awful for a good couple of months. After a scan and X-ray it seems the problem is tied to extremely tight ham strings which are pitting odd strains on the knee joint. That of course complicated by the side effects from PD. We came home armed with a number of exercises and a couple more appointments with Kari.
So really, other than to wish you all a wonderful day, I don’t have much.
But before I go…anybody else notice that “auto correct“ or “auto incorrect” seems to be working overtime these days? A couple of my posts lately looked like Ruttie had typed them. Another person I think about now and again and wonder where she is at these days.
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Wacky Wabbit
Just got this in a E-mail! Thank goodness for Health Insurance. Lord help us here in the States if the T- man gets back in….he wants to do away with Medicare. :eek:
I’m sure that the Hosp does not get reimbursed even 1/4 of this estimated bill. Time will tell.


BB: So good to get your update on Jennifer. Glad it got figured out as to what she has.

Lee: Bummer on Lu-Ann having knee pain. I know it grabs you at different times and is no fun. Hope the exercises will help.
Did they say anything about icing it? Tell her I send my best HUGS.

I saw something not long ago on Facebook about Ruthie. Boys are grown up. Can’t remember much else. She sounded well.

Hope you can get a NAP in today. I slept on the bed with the new Memory Foam mat I bought yesterday. I liked it. Made turning from side to side on that bed easier on the hips! :clap002:

LIGHT FINE - SLEET going in here right now! Ducks love it!

Later all. Back to work.


2nd Officer
A few weeks ago I got some mini orchids and few had spikes. Well one has bloomed and another is almost ready. The flower is so small and pretty. Top is first one and to the bottom right is the second one.


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    first mini orchid bloom.jpg
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2nd Officer
Happy Hump-Day Bunnies!

Happy to read that you got some "real food" for breakfast yesterday, KC. I'd bet that your 24 inch Christmas tree is cute. That's the size we are going with this year too. Hope to hear that Scooter's eyes checked out OK at the Vet's.

What's that Christmas song, K2? "Nothing says Merry Christmas like Cash, Cash, Cash." (And No, it doesn't make your butt look big.) That's one dandy insurance estimate you've got there. Wish all mine looked like that.

That's good news about your granddaughter Jennifer, BB. Especially the part about getting to go home. Ya got me nosey about this one;
"I love all the complaining going on over on the Royal Caribbean thread about who can and can't go into the different lounges and at what times." What's that all about? I've never heard of such a thing.

Lee; I feel so sorry for Lu-Ann and her knee problem. If it's been out of whack for a couple of months that's a pretty sure sign that it isn't going to heal up on its' own.

And that's it from me this morning. Me and Fuzzbutt are heading back to bed.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning gang.
Guess who has to call The Dentist this morning? Oh well, better something acts up now instead of a month from now!
We were talking just the other day about how complicated the lines have made cruising with options, fees, loyalty levels and so on. When we took our first cruise on Splendour with Captain Johnny, you chose your cabin. You booked reasonably priced shore excursions. You took evening wear for the two formal nights and you didn’t dare try to go to the MDR in anything less than a suit on formal night. Sadly it seems now a cruise and the air carrier to get to the port are more like riding a city bus!
Nice flowers Nancy.
The only thing missing from your estimate there Kathie was the line “Would you like to leave a tip?” Heck, everyone else is asking for one these days.
Again Pat, it was so good to read that Jennifer was properly diagnosed with the lesser of the two evils that can be treated.
How did Scooter make out at the vet Karen? I brought up our skinny tree, stood the box on end and put the topper on the box and declared the decorating done. Then my sweetie made me actually assemble the tree and put balls on it. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
I see you’re still sitting in the end of the “misery loves company bench” after that 6-0 loss last Sunday Bill. Don’t worry, with Buffalo’s remaining games I don't imagine I’ll be leaving the seat beside you anytime soon either.
Should run.

Everyone be careful out there. Lots of seasonal distractions and it seems our old friend Covid is rearing its ugly head again.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well we are back to colder temps, so am wearing long pants and long sleeves, not heavy but warmer and of course socks.

The second mini orchid has one flower bloom this morning. I will take photo later. And I believe the flower is even smaller than the white one.

K2 did not get an estimate when I had my gall bladder taken out. Of course originally was suppose to go home that day and was in for 3 nights. When I got an estimated bill it was for over $145,000 but when the actual bill came it I only owed just over $800 and insurance paid just over $9,000. Of course that was just the hospital bill.

Yesterday I applied for a change to our insurance for next year, same company but different plan and still no monthly cost for us.

Yesterday afternoon I called the Dr's and this time clicked to talk to the person that does appts, only place you know you will get a person. I told her about leaving a message last week for a referral and she said that now I need to come in for an appt to get the referral so I have an appt for Monday morning. While I am there I will complain about not receiving a call about needing and appt.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
R.I.P. Mr. Norman Lear. The man that changed TV with shows that made us laugh, cry and think. Shows that we couldn’t even get on the air today. :(

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! RIP Norman Lear. He gave us the greatest comedy shows ever and it's true, in our crazy world now, most of his stuff couldn't even be shown. That is so sad in more ways than one.

Dave - From what I've heard and read, there's so many pinnacle members on most sailings that they've had to make special areas for them to gather. Suite guests get the suite lounge now and what used to be for D and D+ is being givien to pinnacles. Bill could probably explain it much better than I can.
By the way, I've been meaning to ask - Did you ever get those Sketcher's slip on shoes? How are they? I would like to get them too, especially for the winter months here in Florida. Sandals make for chilly toes during the winter.

Lee - Sorry about the need to see a dentist, but as you said, better now that when in Florida or on the way. I like your idea o decorating your tree. I'm sure that would not go over well with Lu-Ann.

Kathie - Isn't that ridiculous what they charge for procedures and health care in this country. I see the statements that come in each month and thank God, I have insurance. Otherwise we would be totally broke within a month or two.

Karen - How did Scooter make out with her vet visit? Do you have to bring your plants in tonight, as there might be a frost?

Making a pot of chili for tonight, or I should say Bert is making a pot of chili while I supervise. I figured out a way to make it that it will be as low sodium as I can get it. Unfortunately, that means skipping the hot beans that I normally put in. They are loaded with sodium.

Time now for a cup of coffee to warm u the inner me. Play nice, everyone!


Chief Security Officer
BB's explanation of the problem was pretty accurate. As more and more people have cruised with Royal Caribbean, the number of members in their loyalty program has grown tremendously and as those members have advanced in the tiers of the program, their numbers have begun to exceed the physical capacity of the special lounges set aside for them. When that happens the line has to limit access to some of those lounges to certain levels. It is pretty much the cost of success and I'm not sure how they can do anything that won't adversely affect someone.
Well we had our first snowfall of the season. They predicted flurries but when I awoke and looked outside, our lawn was a blanket of white and it appeared that we got about an inch of two of the white stuff. Guess the roads are pretty icy two, so we will wait awhile before venturing out on them. Fortunately there is nothing pressing that has to be done today. Love that when I checked the weather it said that the current temperature was "33 degrees- feels like 27".
Lee- years ago, when the Pats were almost as bad as this year's team, they played in a game against another equally inept team in a game referred to as the "Stupor Bowl" I fear that our match with the Bills at the end of this season may qualify as "Stupor Bowl II".
Glad they could properly diagnose Jennifer's illness so that they can treat it properly at home.
One more day until we get some respite from the annoying Medicare Advantage ads.
Gas prices continue to drop. I have seen at least one station that posted a price of $2.99 and the grocery store where we usually purchase gas is currently $3.15 down a few cents in the past week.
Happy hump day everyone.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Speaking of gas prices, there is something that has always bothered me ... Why the he!! do they still list gas prices as $XXX.9/10? Makes no sense and people really don't even see it. Just make the gas 1 cent more and be done with it. End of my rant!!

Bill - So glad I understood how things are changing with RC when Rita explained it to me.

Gary is on his way over. I guess he had to go int o the office this morning and we are on his way home. It's time to find something to nibble on while he's here.


2nd Officer
Good morning! RIP Norman Lear. He gave us the greatest comedy shows ever and it's true, in our crazy world now, most of his stuff couldn't even be shown. That is so sad in more ways than one.

Dave - From what I've heard and read, there's so many pinnacle members on most sailings that they've had to make special areas for them to gather. Suite guests get the suite lounge now and what used to be for D and D+ is being givien to pinnacles. Bill could probably explain it much better than I can.
By the way, I've been meaning to ask - Did you ever get those Sketcher's slip on shoes? How are they? I would like to get them too, especially for the winter months here in Florida. Sandals make for chilly toes during the winter.

Lee - Sorry about the need to see a dentist, but as you said, better now that when in Florida or on the way. I like your idea o decorating your tree. I'm sure that would not go over well with Lu-Ann.

Kathie - Isn't that ridiculous what they charge for procedures and health care in this country. I see the statements that come in each month and thank God, I have insurance. Otherwise we would be totally broke within a month or two.

Karen - How did Scooter make out with her vet visit? Do you have to bring your plants in tonight, as there might be a frost?

Making a pot of chili for tonight, or I should say Bert is making a pot of chili while I supervise. I figured out a way to make it that it will be as low sodium as I can get it. Unfortunately, that means skipping the hot beans that I normally put in. They are loaded with sodium.

Time now for a cup of coffee to warm u the inner me. Play nice, everyone!
I have 5 pairs of Kizik slip on sneakers, they are more expensive than Sketcher's but I really like them, my favorite style is the Lima


2nd Officer
Seriously just lost a whole long drawn out post that I'm NOT going to retype! Scooter did fine at the vet, she said her eyes were still looking good, my wallet took $157 hit, but she's my baby so it's fine. Have a good day all I'm going to go fix something to eat!


Wacky Wabbit
HI Wrabbits!

Been busy and on the go since 9:00 am. Washed all the floors and rugs too. Yup, I'm doing it all. When I get home I'm NOT GOING TO WORRY about a thing! :emoticon 0115 inlove: Just trying to make it as simple as possible for Artie! :emoticon 0136 giggle:

Eye Exam took up some of my time. All good there. Got a new prescription for night driving!

Took over gifts to my Brother/SIL's and even got to see my niece when she popped in.
Poor dear had to put her 16 yr old pup down yesterday. She took it as well as expected. The pup was not looking good AT ALL at Thanksgiving and she said he totally went down hill from then. It just was time. Still always sad.

I can't answer or reply to all your CHATTING. Got things to finish up here.

You all behave and I'll try and pop in Thurs sometime. ;)


2nd Officer
As they say KC; There's no such thing as a free dog or kitty cat. But they are our babies. Glad Scooter is fine. Sorry about you losing your post. That's a pain in the butt when that happens.

So what's the dental problem, Lee? And as you said, it's a lot better having it now than when you are on vacation. I can only imagine the difficulties trying to find a decent dentist in another state.

Thanks Bill & BB for explaining all the difficulties in RCCL operating all their overcrowded loyalty perks and programs. And for all the free booze they hand out plus the cost of private clubs you'd think that they could afford to go back to just putting chocolates on peoples pillows.

"By the way, I've been meaning to ask - Did you ever get those Sketcher's slip on shoes? How are they? I would like to get them too" I'd like to tell you BB, but I haven't got them yet. Of course I picked a style, color and size that's on back order. Since Sketchers and not Amazon Prime is in charge of the order, I have no idea when they may arrive. They are even out of what I want at the local J.C. Penneys.

As a friend K2, you are starting to get me worried. You may be breaking yourself down by OVER-preparing for your medical visit. Things will work out just fine.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
That seems to be a pretty reasonable charge at the vet for little Scooter Karen. Pet care is certainly not inexpensive!
My gosh Kathie! As Dave so wisely said, I’m paraphrasing here, take it easy! We don’t need you going in for your procedure all run down. “Every little ting gonna be alright”. The song says so.

Your poor friend. Losing a pet is never easy.
It seems I have a tooth that has had a root canal become reinfected Dave. I didn’t know that could happen. Anyway, Dr. Hourani has put me on antibiotics. She’s also given me some to take away “Just in case”. It will likely have to come out because at my age I’m not spending upwards of 4K to keep it. Although the tooth and I been together for decades, I’m just not that attached to it. Because of my heart thingy and meds I take for that they have to send me to a specialist. That can’t happen until the infection is gone. With the antibiotics being for 10 days, then The Festive Season, then us heading south it’s gonna wait until we get home. Now, aren’t you sorry you asked? LOL!
You all have a really dandy day. I’ll check back on the rest of you later on.


2nd Officer
Good morning. It is supposed to be warmer today but not a whole lot, so it is long pants and sleeves for me again today. I will be going to Publix in a bit to get us subs for dinner, even if regular price buying one sub that gives 2 meals is a good price. I may also buy 3 bottles of Prosecco for Christmas dinner. That plus Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast and the tree butter are my part of Christmas dinner. I usually make rum cakes but am not sure if I will do that this year as it is a lot of standing and my knee is not good standing.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good morning, hopefully I will have better luck posting today than I did yesterday!

Kathie, ditto what the guy's said, slow down & just rest today! You have worked yourself silly getting ready for the surgery!

Lee, bummer about the re-infected tooth, those are no fun at all, hopefully the meds do the trick & it doesn't cause you problems while you are away. Sorry to hear LuAnn's knee is causing her so much pain.

Pat, poor Jennifer, no wonder she wasn't getting better, being misdiagnosed like that! Hope she feels better soon!

Dave, sorry to hear the new Sketchers are out of stock, there isn't a 2nd choice you could pick?

Bill, hopefully the snow didn't hang around to long for you guy's. It's always prettier to look at from inside a warm cozy house.

Decided the 24" tree was just a little to SMALL so I put the top & middle pieces together of my 6ft tree & now have about a 4ft tree which looks just right. Haven't got it decorated yet but it's pre-lit so it still looks pretty turn on.

Tonight's the big night & we are as ready as we can be, just trying to take deep breaths and stay calm.

Remembering all those who lost their lives in Pearl Harbor all those years ago!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Decided the 24" tree was just a little to SMALL so I put the top & middle pieces together of my 6ft tree & now have about a 4ft tree which looks just right.
That good lady is just genius! I would also like to dedicate Bob's tune to you as well as you head to your meeting. "Every little 'ting IS gonna be alright".
Thank you for remembering those who were lost in the attack on Pearl Harbour 82 years ago.


Wacky Wabbit
Wow... I made it hear! Ha Ha.

Had 2 hospital calls this morning.
Arrival time is 7:30! Yippee.... the gal said the lady she called before me was a 5:30 am arrival. Whew, sure glad that wasn't me.

2 MORE disinfectant showers and I'm done with those.
No more changing of the sheets after I put tonights on! I was starting to feel like a Chinese Laundry Mat!
laundry dancing GIF by Justin Timberlake
I only wish I had 2 washers & dryers right about now.

Art and I took back the Foam LATEX mattress Topper. The smell was just not going away. I could smell it when I walked into the bedroom. It had a 30 day window and I had 2 days left to make up my mine! Nice lady and owner of the Foam Factory made an even exchange for a MEMORY Mattress Topper. It doesn't smell. It's the same kind we got for the Spare Room the other day! Glad that's over.

Karen: Our pets are more than our babies. I know from past experience with our Bichon how much money we put out for things when she was sick. :eek: But you just do it for the unconditional love you get back from them. Good to know Scooter is doing fine.

Know remember to spend the big bucks on your teeth! You're worth it for sure.
I gotta love your idea of making the xmas tree a little higher. You're so clever.

DAVE: Funny you mentions those Slip on Sketcher shoes. The Eye Doctor had a pair on that were PINK and I just had to ask her if she liked them and she said the arch feels so good on her feet with them on. She stands and walks a lot all day and she loves them. I'm really not worried about the surgery. Just worried about PUSHING THROUGH THE AFTER PAIN everyone talks about!
works knee GIF
Ha Ha.

BB: What's happening with you lady?? Hope you're not visiting Celebration right now??

Bill: Sorry about all your snow. Hopefully it's melted by now.

Later all..........gotta check the dryer. :emoticon 0115 inlove:

Thanks for the Bob Marley video song. He has a nice beat going. I really don't know who he is, but it was GOOD! Thanks again.