Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Kathie, sending prayers & good thoughts your way for your surgery tomorrow. Any chance you could get Art or Jill to send someone a Facebook message & let us know how you are doing?

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Sorry for not getting a chance to check in earlier. Had a visit from the health care nurse earlier. After that I had to call DISK Network. He joey in our beroom isn';t working, so we have a service call in for tomorrow. First time in 18 years that I need a service call. That's pretty goo, I think. After that we took a ride to Aldi's and Bert went in to get a few last German sweets that they just got in yesterday. Final srop was Target. They have all different types of Hershey's kisses - peppermint, cherry cordial, cookies and cream plus the plain old regular Hershey's kisses. And feom there it was home again to find out ht one of the smoke detectors is beeping!!! Bert can't hear it, so he's not in a hurry to fix it. The moise is driving me nuts!!!!

Karen - Smart move on the tree. Glad all went well with Scooter. Good luck tonight with the change over to the new board.

Kathie - Good luck tomorrow. Will be keeping you in my prayers. Now it's time for you to relax for a while. There's nothing else you can do to get ready. Just try to get a good night's sleep By this time tomorrow surgery will be over and you will be on the road to recovery.

Lee - Hopefully that antibiotic will help with that tooth and will hold you until after your Florida trip.

Dave - Sorry you are still waiting for those shoes, but hopefully, it wo;; be worth the wait.

I remember how emotional it was to go to the Arizona Monument in Pearl Harbot, especially smelling the oilthat is still leaking. May they all RIP.

By the clock on the wall, I see that it's just about Happy Hour. I think I earned that glass of wine today!! Have a great rest of your day and for goodnes sake, Kathie, RELAX!!!


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well before going to Publix this morning I decided to go to CVS and Winn Dixie. CVS did not have anything I need so went to Winn Dixie and they had a container I need for only $1.25 so got it and then I was looking at Prosecco and they had some at bogo so I got the Prosecco for Christmas and New Years and they had some nice looking rib eye hamburgers so got a pack. Then it was to Publix. Got us subs for dinner and new lettuce and tomatoes for the hamburgers and buns and today they have prime rib on sale for $6.00 a pound so I decided instead of waiting until next Wednesday to get now, so I bought 2 nice ones, one will be for New years Day and the other for whatever.

At both Winn Dixie and Publix I was able to get a good power cart. And of course at Publix a baggier went with me to the car and at one point I stopped and she thought it was because of a stone on the road, an actually it was because a car was trying to back up and had been since we got in the aisle so I stopped short so he could do it and it still took him another minute but we both got a laugh.

K2 have a nice quiet night and good luck tomorrow.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
CONGRATULATIONS KC for finally be off the HOA board. You should have taken that gavel and whacked a few people over the head on your way out. :)

Gee K2, you sure know how to plan a "fun" weekend. Keep us up to date on your progress. And since you can write us on the Bunny Board from a doctor's office or store, forget about getting on Facebook to pass the word. I'm guessing that you're going home on Monday. Like your picture, once you get home are you planning on doing your range-of-motion exercisers in a bikini?

It's so nice to see that many of you remember your history. Such as the attack on Pearl Harbor. A couple of decades from now I feel that most people will have no clue what you are talking about. (Back in the day of the "Greatest Generation.")

Plan for us is a grocery store run this morning. Emphasis on the word "plan".


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning!
Well done Karen. You contributed to the community, put up with people’s crap and now your time at home is yours. I bet you slept well.
Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers Kathie. Everything WILL go just fine and you’ll be home and on your feet in no time. Let us know how you’re doing because we’re along side you all the way.
Is that one of those “Dave plans God laughs” kind of things for the grocery? What exotic treat is on the list?
Congrats to you and The Patriots Bill. Guess I’m alone on the misery bench for a while.
Back to bed time I think.
Have a great Friday everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Good Morning GIF by joeyahlbum

Thanks to my extended family for the well-wishes. I'm good to go.
Taking some Yucky, extra sweet Ensure right now for Pre Surgical use only. YUK! Too sweet.

Well Done Wow GIF by Abitan
KAREN... so happy for you. Glad you made it through the last meeting. They're going to miss you. Enjoy your day kiddo.

Love YOU ALL. Behave while I'm gone! I'll get back to you as soon as I can at least for a HELLO.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well the temp today is supposed to be high 70's/low 80's. Only plan for today is getting the prime ribs in the freezer, I do have a plan on how to do it.

K2 by now you should be in surgery, hope all goes well.

Karen, now you can be one of the complainers, of course that is if the new board does not do anything to actually help the community.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good morning & Happy Friday!!

Kathie, hopefully by now your surgery is nearly over & you will soon be in the fast lane to recovery! Sending prayers for healing to you!

Lee, between the Baileys & a Tylenol PM I did sleep pretty good, didn't roll out of bed till almost 7:30 this morning. would have stayed in longer but Scooter get's her Bp meds first thing in the morning.

Pat, sounds like you are well stocked with Holiday treats, now to keep the grandkids out of them so you & Bert will actually have some too! How is Jennifer feeling now?

Dave, funny you should mention Whacking people with the gavel, one of our residents actually suggested that to me before the meeting started. I told her it was a tempting idea but the law might frown on assault of the elderly.

Got the sheets on the bed changed & a load of laundry done. Also got the tree decorated, I kind of like the smaller size tree, it was a lot less work to decorate. Will try to post a pic of "mama" and baby tree

Have a great day all & if you are out & about watch out for the other guy who isn't watching!


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  • Mama & Baby.JPG
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A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
There is most definitely a more chipper tone to your note this morning Karen. ”Mama and Baby“ do look neat together.
I meant to ask Pat, how is Jennifer doing?
Lu-Ann is off to a Christmas cookie exchange. I’ve got a couple of Christmas related chores to tend to.
Should we do up a schedule for tending to cleaning Kathie’s cubby while she’s gone? ;)
Be good all.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon! Sitting here waiting for the DISH guy to straighten out the TV in our bedroom. We only watch that TV when getting ready for bed at night, but I sure have missed it for the last couple of days.

Kathie - Hopefully, by now your surgery is over and done with and they have you loaded up with meds and pain pills. Enjoy it while it lasts!!

Karen - I bet that drink last night tasted extra wonderful after that meeting was over.
Poor little Miss Jennifer is still under the weather. She is showing signs of getting better, but it's still going to take time.

Dave - So OK, spill the beans - What did you get at the grocery store today?

According to GISH Network tech is 13 minutes away. HUH! What a joke. At last count, there were 36 cars waiting in line to come into our community. They really have to do something to upgrade this.

At least I have time to get a glass of iced tea before tech gets here!!


Wacky Wabbit
NOTHING ON FACEBOOK or anywhere else. Please and thank you.

If you posted anything on Facebook please remove!

Hi Wrabitts
Surgery went well.
SLEEPY and going to take advantage of a nap NOTor what ever at a715.

PLEASE PLEASE nothing ON FACEBOOK, etc. Will explain when I’m not so sleepy.

Miss & Love you all

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Excited The Muppets GIF

Me when Kathie dropped by with an update.
I told you all she’s in witness protection!
Get better and we’ll see you in the morning.


2nd Officer
Be still my beating heart. It was such a pleasant surprise to see you posting here on the Bunny Board so quickly after your surgery, K2. Happy, so happy, that the surgery went well. Keep letting us know how your recovery is going. I understand that they don't waste any time getting you up and moving. Steal any recipes from the hospital's kitchen yet? :)

How cute KC. Momma and baby Christmas trees. By the positioning, it looks like you snapped the picture right after birth. Scooter is adorable too.

BB; You've got to let us know if the DISH tech shows up at your house for Christmas dinner. So how much did your "new child" charge you for all the new wiring?

No beans to spill on what we got at the grocery store yesterday. We didn't go. Put it off till Sunday. Today Kathi is going out with 2 granddaughter for some Christmas shopping. (More gutsy than me.)

The only oddball item I have a craving for from the grocery store is some lemon flavored Orio cookies.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Mornin’ everybody.
Well, not much new since last night at 10:00 last night. So, I’ll keep it short. (Keep the cheering and applause to a minimum. Some are still sleeping.) Wish you all well. And I will check back on everyone later.