Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
So, did Bert at least butter and grille the fruit cake? Ya, I’m evil. Good thoughts and prayers headed to Jennifer for a “negative” positive report. Funny this English language.
Well done winning stuff at the HOA dinner Bill. After this past weekends NFL games I was picturing you and I standing looking at the “misery bench” instead of occupying it.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Well at the Dr I saw a new PA and she has ordered X-Rays, so I will get them first thing tomorrow. the place I go you don't need an appt for X-Rays. Then after getting them I will call the Dr's office so they can put me on the first available and hopefully get an appt with in a couple of weeks otherwise I won't see anyone until my appt in Jan and won't get a referral until then. What a pain.

Got the modem returned to Comcast. There is not Comcast office in out county so I have to go to the city north of us to return. Another pain.

Used Facebook messenger with Jennifer yesterday about if she had bought the keyboard for Max yet. She hasn't and is going to look at new ones too. So I will put stands for them on my private wish list and if I have to will order one and have it sent to Max. Once I see how much it will be then I will work on wrapping some money for him to open on Christmas. I will put it a couple of small boxes of different sizes and a card.

Will start making rum cakes in a while. Driving today has not helped my leg.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good evening! It's been a long day so this will be short & sweet!

Pat, hoping Jennifer get's a good report from the Dr. poor kid has really had it rough the last couple weeks.

Dave, time to hit the stash of lemon ice cream in the freezer. Good for Kathi on finding a back up pair of sketcher's in stock. Wonder if she will make you wait till Christmas now?

Kathie, slow & steady on the therapy. That Artie sounds like a real keeper makes you a stool AND a fake mc muffin, what a great guy. Course his wife has treated him pretty good over the years so it's about time she got some pay back.

Lee, bet you wish now you would have had a few bucks on that football game. Sorry you're having to deal with so much crappy weather before you head south.

Bill, congrats to you & Rita on taking home another door prize from the Hoa dinner. That's something I've never had much luck at here

Went to Jane's this morning to help her re-arrange her bedroom & then did a little Christmas shopping on my way home.
Got home & started going thru old photo albums, my niece wants to make my brother a photo book for Christmas with pic's of him when he was a kid & old family pics. I've scanned & sent her a few & she is having a blast looking at her dad when he was a wee little lad! Will finish scanning the rest tomorrow, it's a pain but if my brother enjoys it as much as we think he will it will be worth it.
Off to take a shower & relax for the rest of the night, may be an early to bed night again.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Bruce is going to take me to get the X-Ray tomorrow morning. They start at 8:30 so we will be there before that as he needs the SUV to take a couple of ladies to a place for them to fill out paperwork about an accident they were in the other day that totaled the one ladies car, the other lady does not drive but was a passenger.

Today I made 4 rum cakes. Tomorrow I will make another 4 then Wednesday the last 4. Since one cake mix makes 2 it does not take too long. The recipe I printed this year says to brush on the rum sauce and that is great, put some on, come back after a bit and put more on and do that at least one more time and maybe two.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Nothing much to gab about this morning.

Gee thanks Bill for reminding us how near Christmas is. Ba Humbug! Every day the stores are going to be a bit more crowded with people buying more "stuff". If there's one thing we all have already is too much "stuff".

Need to stop at Walley World for some prescriptions today. Luckily the pharmacy is at the front of the store, right by the main entrance. Unlike so many drug stores that have their pharmacies all the way in the back of the store.

Yes Lee, it's too early to be going outside in your shorts.

"Time to call on the rest of the gang to step up after all these years of me doing everything." Lots of luck with that idea, BB. They've gotten too comfortable with being waited on.

Looking through an actual photo album is fun, KC. Flipping through pictures on someone's phone isn't.

K2; Would you tell me what they are most pushing on your physical rehab?

It should be a sunny day even though it's starting off below freezing.


Wacky Wabbit
Good EARLY MORNING. Just passing through.

DAVE: I have a booket with pictures and instructions that the PT gal went over with me, Leg slides to bend the leg that feels so heavy becuase the muscles have been dormant while the IV Infusion was pumping in numbing meds since Friday. They had a cathether the size of a hair going through the top layer of my theigh and the battery operated PUMP would click and pump numbing meds right to the top of the knee. It had 500 does in a drip bag in a puch that I carried around and a read out of how much you had left. Mine ran out around 10:30 pm Monday night. It too 2 hours sittimg in the bathroom to get the DANG TAPE off. Still some glue from the bandages on my upper thigh. It will wear off.
Right now they want me to stand straight with the walker and to tighten my Gluts when walking small steps.
There’s always something to do or read or call for appts. It’s just too much at times. ALWAYS SOMETHING! Ha ha.

7:0O am and Imhave to call the surgeons office for a AFTER SURGERY visit.
This should be fun with the hoilday being right when I need the appt.

Be good little bunnies and protect your ears. Hugs to all. Wonder if Art will take a break and go Tuesday BIKING today. It’s freezing out there. :eek:
Later Excuse any mistakes….it’s dark in this room. Ha ha.


Wacky Wabbit
Well can you believe it…Doctors, really nice, PA called me and went over some things that I should do and how to take all the PAIN MEDS and ICE & Elevate to reduce swelling. o_O
BB: I must say that your Bert really flew through his Hip replacement with flying colors. He’s putting me to shame with all my chatter of things I have to do! Kudos to him.
okay enough about me. Sorry to have gone on and on.
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2nd Officer
Good morning. Home from getting the knee X-Rays and it hurt as much as I figured it would, only one of the 3 did not hurt, In a bit I will start making more rum cakes.

K2, they say that rehab from hip replacement is much easier than knee replacement.

Dave they have you start walking as soon as possible from knee replacement so the knee does not freeze up and since the knee actually does more it takes longer for rehab to be complete.

Our weather station says it is 71 outside but it sure feels a lot colder than that.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well, I just got released on bail. Seems the neighbours weren’t all too thrilled with me being out in my shorts at 5:30. I mean, they were boxers not a speedo. Get that image out of your minds. And, how did you know Dave?
Good on getting right on that physio Kathie. You realize that every time you stand and every step you take you are being supported and encouraged by both your real and cyber families. Yes, surgical tape has to be some of the stickiest around.
Young folks these days have no idea how neat it is to put together a photo album and sit with people as you leaf through it Karen.

Time to call on the rest of the gang to step up after all these years of me doing everything
In other news, weather specialist Jim Cantore is reporting Hell is freezing over… Pat, I have no doubt that the gang will step up BUT, you have to insist that they do. I know it’s much easier to do things yourself than oversee and explain things to them but please, for all of them and us, make sure you take it easy!
Hi Bill.
I like rum cake. Just a casual observation.
See you all in the morning.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Got 4 more rum cakes made so tomorrow will make the last 4 for a total of 12.

Just ordered the last Christmas gift and should receive it on Thursday. Now just to wrap 3 boxes/a card for Max with some money.

Pat, make sure you let everyone know that you mean it when you tell them they have to be doing from now on or there won't be meals.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Finally able to say Hi to my favorite extended family.

LEE: Goodness out only in your Boxers in these low temps. All I can think of is Castandza in Seinfeld! “Think Shrinkage”. (Tony helped me with this one) Ha ha

Seems like cruise addicts post on my iPhone are coming in all mixed up date wise. Anybody else having trouble?

Finally a GOOD MOVIE to watch tonight!
Santa Claus is coming to Town w/ Fred Astaire the voice of the mailman! Looks like Fred too.

This coming weeks weather looks great for this Tim of the year for Detroit/Metro area! I guess I can’t get the weather pic to show up. Think 45 all the way through Sunday and even 50 F one day!

Nite all. You all behave.



2nd Officer
K2; I'd say that you don't have to worry about gaining any weight in the near future, with all the exercise you are getting during your rehab. Plus all the walking to get into doctor visits. By summer you won't be thinking a thing about taking a long bike ride.

Yea Lee, you like rum cake. Drinking the rum and skipping the cake. :)

Kathi found some, and I can honestly say it's 2 thumb-up for the lemon Oreos. Try them if you can find them.

Once again, we are helping the economy around here. In the next couple of days a new clothes washer will be delivered and hooked up. The old one crapped out yesterday. And seeing as it is 15 years old, not really worth what it would cost to fix it.

Plus a few days ago we decided to put a half bath in the basement. Toilet and sink. Another job for our nephew/contractor.

The toilet is going to be an unusual one. Normally just the water gets the waste out and running down the sewer line. But since this basement toilet will be many feet below the sewer line there needs to be a pump on it to get the "stuff" UP to the sewer line. Electric motor.

Who knew a basement commode would be so complicated.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
That’s an interesting configuration for the basement toilet Dave. Glad you finally got the Oreos and they were worth the wait!
Oh Kathie, you reminded me of that episode for sure. The weather is certainly warm fo this time of year. I actually saw a guy out cutting his lawn this past weekend. I’m not sure it’s a good idea after a few frosts.
Well now, aren’t we an overprotective group when it comes to making sure none of us over does therapy or basic chores around the hutch. That’s kinda neat.
You all be good and be careful out there.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Love GIF by ircha_gram
Hope today finds the hutch healthy and busy.

Dave: Congrats on helping out the economy and your nephew. Sounds like a nifty toilet set up. Just hope it the highest one you could find. At our age we don’t need those “low-boy ones”!
Now tell us about the washer Does it have a glass top so you can stand around and see just where the MISSING SOCKS DISAPPEAR TOO? And does it have an agitator in the middle like we are all use to or is it the kind the weighs the wash that’sminside and pumps in the right amount of water and use water force to toss the clothes around. Give me the old fashion wash machine any day.
All the best with your projects.

I was hoping to get some extra sleep by going to be early, but that didn’t work. Nature call at 4:30 a.m.
BB: Hope a few volunteers from your family have come forward to offer to BRING IN Christmas dinner so you and BERT don’t have to worry about doing it.
I have food in the freezer ready for my gang to help cook in the oven, but I’m thinking that a whole load of Chinese food would do just as well.:emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

I’ve found myself drinking TEA since my stay at the hospital. They had a really nice brand. I forgot to save the paper packet. Haven’t had coffee in a week! :emoticon 0140 rofl:
Karen: Imthink I saw that you did sing in the church concert? If so, I’m so proud of you for joining the church and getting involved. I think you’ve found the right place.
How’s your neice doing these days? Better hopefully. And how is your brother doing. I keep forgetting to ask.Sorry.
You folks getting ready to hit it to Florida must be getting things ready by now. Wish I was gathering Summer clothes too! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

Lee: Meant to ask how is Lu-Ann doing with her leg pains?Hope she can get something to ease the stress/pain/discomfort. Imknow how much you two like to keep busy down in Florida.

Can’t wait to hear the results of the Supreme Courts decision on the Tman. Too much to explain here. Watch MSNBC to know what I’m leaning too.

Have a swell day all. I have 3 hours before I get beat up by the PT lady. She’s going to show me how to get into the car out on the driveway with a stiff leg and a walker. Lord I hope the neighbors won’t be taking pictures.:emoticon 0102 bigsmile:


2nd Officer
Good morning, been awake since 6 but made myself stay in bed till 7, sure wish I could sleep in like I used to!

Kathie, sounds like therapy is progressing pretty qfuickly for you, you & Art will be cutting a rug before you know it!
I didn't get to sing in the concert, but I did sing last Sunday for the regular choir song. Amanda still has her ups & downs with getting her medication just right but she's doing better than she was a year ago. My brother is struggling, between Christmas & the anniversary of Lisa's passing coming up in Jan. it's a hard time of year for him, thank you for thinking of Ed & Amanda.

Dave, glad you were able to taste test the lemon oreos, not something I would go looking for but glad you liked them. I've heard of those pumps before for basement bathrooms, nice of you to keep helping out the economy between appliance replacements & construction projects.

Pat, hope things are ok with you, didn't see a post from you since Monday. If the family doesn't step up to help out more it may be time to think about getting some home health aide help, some of them do simple meal prep & things like that.

Lee, enjoy that mild weather, it's actually been quite chilly here the last couple days. The wind yesterday made it seem even colder, so to warm up the house I made a batch of pumpkin bread to take to my little ladies here in the community.

Last night was the church ladies meeting & Christmas party, had a nice turn out of 15 ladies, lot's of good food too. They started taking nominations for the new board and tried to get me on as president, but I nipped that in the bud real fast. I just told them I was to new to St. Marys to even consider being on any kind of board, but I would be happy to show up at work events & help out.
Got to head out in a little bit & wrap up some last minute shopping & then church at 10:30. Have a great day all!!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Yesterday I forgot to call the Dr's office to tell them I got the X-Rays done so doing that now. They may be able to get me in before my regular appt on Jan 15th. I hope so this knee is hurting so much, I need the referral.

Jennifer called last evening, she got the keyboard for Max so last evening I ordered a stand, it will be here tomorrow. Now to figure how to split the money for him.

Today will make the last rum cakes, only 4 to go. Yesterday I cut the amount of ingredients for the glaze and it ended up being the perfect amount.

It is completely overcast and we may get rain today and each day the possibility of rain goes up.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
See the orthopedic surgeon this afternoon and hope to find out what needs to be done. Whatever it is, it will likely have to happen after we get back home in April, unless it can be done while we are in Florida. If possible, I'd prefer to wait and not be limited to enjoying the warm weather from inside the Florida house.
We still have lawn people here mowing the grass although I'm not sure that it is growing enough in this weather to justify it being mowed. All the
deciduous trees have finally lost all their leaves and the landscape is pretty gray and bleak.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good luck at the Doc’s Bill.
I have to ask Karen…were there church lady devilled eggs? Kathie said what we all know. You have found the perfect church for yourself.
Lu-Ann is going to physio twice a week for her knee. Fortunately Kari is aware of the effects of PD and the off and on times for the meds. Exercise is one of the best ways to keep PD at bay. Being unable to go at it full whack as she usually does mucks with how well her meds corol her symptoms.
OK, time to do some tidying.
Be good folks.
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2nd Officer
Lee, there were indeed deviled eggs & they were very good, I even have a couple in the fridge to enjoy later on. Got tapped/volunteered to go with Rev. Lisa & another lady to take communion to shut in's this afternoon & sing Christmas Carols to them, it was fun so I agreed to tag along tomorrow afternoon.

Right now my kitty's need some cuddle time so catch up with you all tomorrow. I have a dermatologist Appt. at 8:20 so it will probably be after I get home from that.