Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Another early bird checking in, it's work day at the church so this will also be short & sweet, mainly because the coffee hasn't kicked in yet and my brain is still asleep. Back later gang!


2nd Officer
Good morning. It is supposed to get in the 80's today so it is a shorts and sleeveless top day. I have Bruce getting down the tins I use for rum cakes so I can see what all I have so I can figure how many cakes I can make. With drinking the pineapple juice I can stand for longer so I guess I can make the cakes. After I see what tins I have I will go to Walmart for the cake mixes and unsalted butter.

K2, don't feel you have to post if not really up to it. We are all just glad that surgery went well.

We have pretty good chances of rain today.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Late check in, as usual. I actually didn't get out of bed until almost 10:00!!! Anyone jealous? Nothing going on around here that made it important to get up early, so I took advantage of my nice comfy bed for a change.

YEAH! KATHIE DROPPED BY!!! Not going to say anything on FB, as you asked. Hope to hear from you again real soon.

Karen - You sure are dedicated getting up that early to go clean by the church. You're making lots of brownie points with the man upstairs! Love the picture of Scooter. Cappi likes to snuggle under the tree too, but always makes a mess out of the skirt. With no one able to crawl around under the tree this year, we just skipped the skirt. Cappi doesn't care.

Dave - The complete update and overhaul of th DISH equipment didn't cost us anything. The only thing we added and had to pay for was a new sound bar for the TV. Our old Bose system was in it's dying stages and the new sound bar makes it easier for Bert to head without a lot of background noises. Now the only thing we still need to buy is a new DVD player, but those are cheap, so no problem there. I told Jimmy that the tech may become my new favorite child instead of him!!! Kidding of course.

So have you already tried those lemon Oreos? They sound good. I'm going nuts trying to find either Betty Crocker or Duncan Hines gingerbread cake mix. None of the places near us seen to have it, including Walmart, or so Bert says. I refuse to pay the ridiculous price they are asking for it online.

Lee - Thanks for keeping things quiet here this morning. I needed that extra sleep. I hope your day is off to a great start.

Kathie - So have they gotten you out of bed yet to walk around? How long are they planning to keep you in the hospital? You never told us that. Any rehab planned for afterwards?

Time for some coffee and to try to decide what to do here in the house today. No venturing out with all the crazies on the roads right now. Have a super Saturday, everyone!


Chief Security Officer
Won't post anything about you know who, as per her wishes.
HOA Christmas party is tonight and today's weather and the temperatures are much better today and may even reach the 60s tomorrow, but they are predicting very strong winds and
heavy rain late Sunday and much of Monday, Will try to enjoy the good weather while we have it,
BB there are some mornings when I think that staying in bed that long wouldn't be anywhere near long enough. Unless there is something urgent on my schedule, it is sometimes extremely difficult to find enough willpower to get out of bed at a reasonable hour. Guess it a problem with age and being retired.
Army/Navy game is at the Razor in Foxboro today - the first time it has been played in MA. BC got its Bowl assignment and fans won't have to travel far because it will be played in Fenway Park.
Our Christmas cruise will include stops in St. Thomas and St. Maarten and in today's mail I received a mailer from a jewelry company with shops on both of those islands. It was a good number of years since I bought Rita something from one of those shops and it is the first time that I can recall ever getting any mail from them, so I suspect that they somehow got access to information about cruise passengers who would be visiting those islands.


Wacky Wabbit
Elmo Hello GIF by Sesame Street
Checking in from
Waiting to go home. Can’t chat now.
Love you all. ❤️

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Great news Kathie!
What did you do that has them kicking you out?
Now the hard part begins. The “physio” therapy. But I know how determined you are and will take it on. Just DON’T over do it!
Love n’ Hugs right back at ya.


2nd Officer
A short and sweet visit to the hospital for you K2. NOW you can finally get some sleep in your own bed.

You asked Lee what got her kicked out so soon.......Well you know how old people steal. First it was the salt and sugar packets, then it was the silverware, but I think the final straw was all the missing pillow covers. :)

Back to plan A today, a trip to the smaller grocery store. The grocery list has just been getting longer and longer with each day we put it off.

Still looking forward to trying those Lemon Oreos.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well, at the fees the hospitals charge I don’t blame Kathie for packing a few extra “samples” in her overnight bag.
Good luck with the lemon Oreos.
I’ll pop back when the sun is actually up.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Today we are going to Longhorn Steak house for lunch, Bruce has a coupon for a free dessert. Then we will go to Home Depot so we can get a new planter for a succulent that is at least 3 feet tall, just wish it flowered. Yesterday evening he ordered my main Christmas present from him. A set of floor mats from Weather Tech for the SUV, not cheap but will fit perfectly.

Tomorrow morning I go to the Dr to get a referral for the knee specialist and after that I will drive to Vero to return the Comcast modem and close that account. Won't be a fun drive but necessary. I will take my knee brace to put on after the Dr and that will help with the driving.

Yesterday I bought all that I need to make rum cakes and may start this afternoon.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It’s so overcast I’m not sure if the sun is up.
It sounds like you need one of my big old hugs Pat. Consider it done. (((Momma Bunny))).


2nd Officer
Pat, sorry to hear you aren't having a good day, us bunny's have big ears whenever you are ready to vent!

Dave, hope the hunt for lemon Oreo's was a success today, can't say they would be my first choice for a cookie, but whatever floats your boat!

Lee, not only is the sun up, but it's 5 o'clock somewhere so it must be wine time! It was bright & sunny here earlier but it's been overcast & cloudy since around 1. We are under a tornado watch until 5 pm, had a message on my answering machine from Alert Marion when I got home from church.

Kathie, so glad to hear you are home & hopefully comfy in your own bed! Now is when all the hard work really begins, but I know how determined you are when it comes to taking care of yourself so I'm sure you will follow the Dr.'s orders for all your therapy exercises!

Not much exciting going on around here & that's kind of nice for a change! There were 5 of us at the church work day yesterday & we got quite a bit done in 2 hrs. time.
Stayed for 10:30 mass to sing with the choir today, it didn't go to bad in spite of missing choir practice on Thurs. Found out we get a break on Christmas eve day, they are having the children's pageant during the 10:30 service so we don't have to sing. We do have to be back for the 8pm Christmas Eve candlelight service, that's going to make for a long day. Hard to believe Christmas is just over 2 weeks away, time to get baking some cookies!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Sorry for my funky mood earlier. I was having one of those type of days where things were not going as I would have wanted. I was up bright and early, but Bert never graced me with his presence until almost 2:00!! His answer - He was tired!! What he forgets is that as long as he doesn't come out of the bedroom for something to eat or drink, I don't get anything either.

Vent over.

Karen - Has the rain gotten to you yet? Stay safe. Nothing here yet, but things should get wet very soon. At least it will be gone later tonight when the cold air will arrive.

Time now to think about some dinner. I'm getting hungry. Have a good night, gang!


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well we did not get the dessert as Bruce's phone was dead and we could not put his gmail account on my phone as they wanted to send a code to his cell. So I told him after getting home and his phone charged we would add the account to my phone. After we were done with lunch we went to Best Buy but did not get anything, then to Kohl's where he bought me a couple of gifts, I got him a gift and we got a gift for Michael and Clara. Then it was to BJ's for gas and then inside for a few things. I was going to make a couple of rum cakes but it was too late when we got home. So well start tomorrow afternoon, after the Dr and Comcast.

Pat I hope you told Bert that he has to get up in the morning so you can eat.

All have a good night.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Keep an eye on the sky please Karen. We’re seeing some pretty nasty stuff through the south.
You have to make sure you get some nourishment Pat! Skipping food and drink is NOT good for all your levels.
Looks like The Bills are looking at another new way to blow a 14 point lead. :mad:
See you all in the morning.


Wacky Wabbit
Late hello and goodnight. Busy day with P. T. gal. She was fantastic. Lots of tips and a great workout.

Way too many papers to read and exercises to do during the day.
By the way my wonderful Handy Husband made me a surprise copy-Kat Egg McMuffin for breakfast. He Google a video to make it. What a guy. I swear this is harder on him than me. He made me a small stool so I can get into bed easier. Just too high with the new mattress topper. Handy Artie!

I won’t make it much further with this post the numerous pills are kicking in. :sleep: Correcting too many mistakes.

Love you all. Thanks for all the good wishes.



2nd Officer
"us bunny's have big ears whenever you are ready to vent!"

Come to think of it KC, us Bunnies always have big ears. :) Murphy's Law, they were out of lemon Oreos yesterday. So I got some lemon sorbet. It sucked and quickly found its' way into the trash can.

BB; Sometimes we're the bug and sometimes we're the windshield. Hope today is a better day for you. Oh...I do have a pair of those Skecher slip-ins on the way. Kathi found a style almost exactly like I've had on back-order, but these were in stock. So she ordered them right from Skechers. Problem with that is, you have to pay for shipping and it takes at least a week. I sure have gotten spoiled by Amazon Prime. Free shipping and you usually get things in 3 to 4 days.

You spoke too soon Lee. The Bills found a way to pull a win out of their Flutter-Valve. As did the Browns.

So good hearing from you, K2. Sounds like your Sweetie is doing his best to take care of you. And now is going to be the best time to keep you in good shape. The best shape you've been in in a long time. And thank goodness for all the medications which are making you feel much, much better. We are all thinking about you.

Yippey! It's Monday with quite a bit less sports cramming the airwaves.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good Monday morning everyone.
Good of you to drop by Kathie. It sounds like Art has things well organized for you. Amazing that the physio person has been there already. It’s a fine line between doing what they say and overdoing what you think you can do.
Ya Dave, that was some ending to The Bills game. A great play by Travis “Swift” negated by a legitimate penalty. I know why Josh Allen was taking a knee at the end. Not to run out the clock but to say a prayer of thanks for the win. Yes, Amazon has spoiled us all with fast, free shipping and returns.
Thanks Karen. Now I’m going through the day self conscious about my big ears.
A below freezing start to the day. In a month we start our adventure south as we head to St. Augustine on our way to Emerald Island.
Everyone have a wonderful day and we’ll see you later.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good chilly (55F) from Kissimmee. That front that came through last night sure did cool things down. Earlier in the day, it was 80!!!

Kathie - How nice of Art to make you a copy-cat egg McMuffin. Lucky you!! Bert made me breakfast today too - He cut 2 slices of Claxton fruit cake and that was it. I feel cheated!
So how many of us are getting PT at this point? I've lost count. I have the gal coming this afternoon. She's new, so I don't know what to expect.

Dave - Sorry you couldn't find those lemon Oreo cookies. Maybe you need to go to the bid grocery store. Can't wait to hear how you like those Sketcher's slip-ons.

Lee - With below freezing temps, I'm sure you will be looking forward to heading south next month. I know I would be. Hopefully, our temps will be warming up over the next few days to once again be what is normal for us this time of the year.

So what have I got to do today, you may ask. I'm going to supervise Bert making split pea soup. Also need to make out a few lists of things we will be needing from different stores as we get ready for Christmas. That too I will be supervising. I find it very frustrating, but, it is what it is. Time to call on the rest of the gang to step up after all these years of me doing everything.

Waiting to hear from Melissa. Jennifer had to go to the pediatrician this morning to see if she's finally over the pneumonia. On their way home, they're going to stop by. Jennifer will stand by the front door with a mask on (think Covid) so she can say hello to me. She misses her grandma!!

That's it for me for right now. Have a great day, no matter what you're doing. Just be careful out there. People are not paying attention when they are driving these days!


Chief Security Officer
Hope Jennifer gets a positive report from the pediatrician. Having pneumonia is never a happy experience but it seems especially difficult when it is during the holidays.
HOA Christmas party was a fun experience- good food, good company and Rita won one of the large number of door prizes that the HOA gave out- a gift certificate for a local breakfast/lunch restaurant. This will be the third year in a row that we have won something,
There were four couples at our table and three of the four husbands were Army veterans while the fourth was Navy, so we had fun teasing him about the outcome of that day's
Army/Navy game. It also turned out that one of the men at our table grew up on the same street that I lived on when I was a kid. Strangely enough he went to different elementary and junior high schools than I did. He lived on the other end of my street so perhaps that put him in a different school district.
Hard to believe that Christmas is just two weeks away. Be good everyone or there will be a lump of coal in your Christmas stocking.