Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Hi-Ho...Hi-Ho, it's off to to the eye doctor we go. (again).

Surprisingly the eye surgeon will do the cataract surgary in just about 2 weeks. And today's visit will just be for some final measurements.

During yesterday's visit he had my eyes dilated. I can't remember the last time that was done. But now I remember why they want you to have a driver. Not only light sensitive, my eyes became very blurry. Once home I couldn't read my book, whether or not I was wearing my glasses. Even tried a pair of "readers", with no luck.

Something that did surprise me when my eyes were dilated is that colors were very much brighter. I guess it's because it let in so much more light into my eyes than I wasn't used to. But it was COOL!

I write notes on paper using a black pen, but during my dilation I found out that many notes were made in a blue pen. But after the dilation wore off they they returned to appear black.

And that's my thoughts at this hour.

Have a good one.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning from a “darned Canadian”. ;)
44F seems much warmer here than it does at home. Still, I had a light jacket on for my early morning walk.
I can’t believe the turn around time for medical procedures here Dave. I guess that some of what you experienced yesterday will be greatly enhanced by the surgery.
I’ll check in an you all later.
Have a great Thursday and be careful out there.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Woke up this morning with a bad cramp in my right ankle/foot/leg so I was up early. After being up for a bit the cramp went away.

It was 50 when I woke at 6 and now up to 63 with a feels like 59 and windy.

I am working on my Kindle list, updating, adding to the Kindle, removing from the Kindle books that I have read and deleting any books that Bruce had gotten that I don't want. And since I do have so many it will take awhile to do completely.

Dave I found after having my cataract surgery colors were much brighter, big difference the tv.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
If the results of your cataract surgery are as good as mine were, you should soon be happy to be rid of wearing glasses except, perhaps for reading, Dave. I know that I enjoy no longer having to put my contact lenses in and taking them out each night.
Took a ride down your way yesterday, Nancy and stopped at the Chocolate Factory in Ft. Pierce for some of their delicious sweets. I should probably do the same with my Kindle as you are doing with yours. Lord knows how many books I have loaded on it and I probably wouldn't need to read most, if any, of them again. I currently am reading the latest JD Robb book and have two other books to read once I am done with her book.
The remotes for the TVs here do have that feature Kathie, but I believe that Peacock and the other premium channels require a subscription. I will give it a try and let you know if I am successful.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Kathie, you had asked about Culbert’s. The good news from Lisa and The Muxlows (no relation to Andrea and Monty) is that it’s as good if not better than before. The new owners bought the shop and all of the recipes. The also have on line order ahead so folks arriving at the shop have a better chance of getting the baked good they want. Good for everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi Wrabbits.
Lee: I keep up with Culbert’s on their Facebook page. And we were there last year and saw all the new things they’ve added. Great new owners. Even Senior Discount Wednesday's. They did take off the tummy Raspberry bars. Bummer. Just too expensive to make anymore was what they told us.

Dave: All the best with your cataract surgery. The most annoying part is doing the DROPS. Most of the time it’s 3 different bottles and have apply the drops 3-4 times a day. Kathy will be VERY helpful. I just hope they give you a nice check-list to keep track.

Negc: Maybe the owners signed up for Peacock! Give it a try!

Art goes gor his 1st P.T. Session for his bum Rotor shoulder issue. We just Love spending our time supporting the medical professions. NOT!

Out of here to watch Law & Order.

Wear RED tomorrow. National HEART Awareness Day!


2nd Officer
I own all of ONE red shirt, K2. And of course, it's an Hawaiian shirt.

Bill; As for my cataract surgery, I will still need to wear glasses. But since I can read without my glasses or "readers" now, and am used to it, I'm perfectly fine wearing glasses for distance. So that's the kind of lens the doctor is putting in.

Yes Lee getting a medical procedure quicker here in the U.S. is nice, but I still like your system better. Way too many people are going bankrupt here with the high cost of medical costs.

Cloudy and only in the mid to upper 30's here today. Pretty mild by February standards.

At the moment it's just me and the pups here. One of Kathi's sons called around midnight asking her to come over to his house and watch his 2 young daughters while he and his wife went to the emergency room. He hadn't been feeling well all day. At the moment he's waiting on test results. Possibly kidney stones. That's no fun.

Every day is a new adventure.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
I hope everything is OK with Kathi’s son. Kidney stones are no fun at all! Fun fact…because of all of the Tim Horton’s in Southern Ontario it used to be the kidney stone epicentre of Canada. Why? All of the caffeine from Timmie’s coffee was causing an above average number of stones.
It does boggle my mind that health care can have such a huge financial impact on folks in The US.

YUMMY….. not TUMMY Raspberry Bars. :emoticon 0116 evilgrin:
I dare say Kathie that those “yummy” raspberry bars did wind up in your “tummy”.
The NFL Pro Bowl is set for Orlando this Sunday. It figures. I’m here, there are lots of tickets available from a mere $25 and the weather guessers are calling for heavy rain and possibly thunderstorms. Oh well.
Anyway folks, you all be good today and have a fantastic Friday.


2nd Officer
Good morning. No plans for me today. Temps are to get to low 70's for awhile today and at least hardly any wind.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Its Friday GIF by Chippy the Dog
To all the Wrabbits in this group! Time to CLEAN UP the HUTCH! Yes, that means you too Dave, Lee, Bill & now MIKE! Ha ha

So, it's cloudy right now. Hopefully, our LOCAL Ground Hog will NOT see his shadow and we'll be spared 6 more weeks of Winter YUK. (I really don't believe in all that) :rolleyes:
On a good note, here in our area will are suppose to hit temps of 50 degrees on Sunday! BRING IT ON! So far we've had a mild Winter. But we also have seen snow in April, so it's not over anytime soon.

I just hope you Florida vacationers get a break and get into the 80's or higher soon.

Dave: Hope your Son in law will be okay. If the issue is Kidney Stones.....OUCH!

Art wears glasses after his
Cataract surgery. He's worn glasses ALL his life and said he would feel really strange not wearing them.

I'm on the big computer getting ready to pay bills online. Joy, Joy.
Already wrote out 3 sympathy cards to mail out and just got word I'll be writing another one. It never ends lately. Stay healthy folks.

Lee: Did you see that Super Bowl tickets in LA are going anywhere from $6500.00 to 9500.00 for 1 lousy ticket. NEVER HAPPEN. I can watch it from the comfort of my house for the cost of my Comcast bill! Just think how many homeless and starving people could be helped by all the money spent on this event. Advertising, housing, food, transportation, etc. CRAZY.

Karen, still thinking of you as you take your leave.

Out of here to pay these bills. Have a good day all.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I am sweeping and vacuuming as soon as I finish my coffee here Kathie. A clean hutch is a happy hutch. Don’t worry if you have any left over money after you pay your bills I can send you a couple. ;)

Hmmm. Seems I was in a hurry to finish my coffee and get on with my chores that I forgot to hit the “post” button 90 minutes ago.


Wacky Wabbit
BILLS PAID and Lee I was just able to squeek by with the funds available, so sorry about not being able to help you out with some of your bills. Time to find a Florida Casino and double down on your bets to make some extra cash!! Ha ha.

Art had a good evaluation at the Physical Therapy place. Should be interesting to see if after all is said and done if he experiences some relief when he raises his arms a certain way.

Lee: Nice job on cleaning up most of the Hutch. I got to dusting the dust Bunnies under most of the beds in the Hutch. Looks better already!

Art’s going to go biking on Sat morning. It’s been more than a few days since he was able to do that. Sleet, slush and rain got in the way.
You all be safe and enjoy your weekend.


Chief Security Officer
If you don't hear from us for the next week it will be because we are having too good a time and also because I am leaving my laptop home. We'll be back in time to watch the Super Bowl game.
Weather report for this area for the next several days is convincing me that we made the correct decision to cruise instead. Here's hoping that we can bring some warmer weather back from the Caribbean.


2nd Officer
"They" say that today is the half-way point of winter. Good.

An update on the son that went to the emergency room yesterday; Despite a CT scan, blood tests and other tests the doctors couldn't find the cause of his pain. So they gave him some pain medication and sent him home. He's in his mid 40's and not a complainer so whatever was hurting him must have been pretty bad for him to go to the ER. Hope whatever caused it passed out of his system.

Lee; I'd never heard before that caffeine can cause kidney stones.

You don't believe in the groundhog forecasts, K2??? Blasphemy. Next thing, you'll be saying that us Rabbits don't deliver Easter eggs.

I think it's funny Bill that you went to Florida for better weather and now, for even better weather you're going on a cruise. You sure are tough to please. Have fun.

Since we passed on grocery shopping yesterday, today is the day. And while there we are dropping off a bunch of prescriptions we no longer use at their pharmacy. When cleaning out a closet it was amazing how many old drugs were in there. And you're not suppose to flush them or put them in your trash.

It's the bigger grocery store so we'll also be able to pick up some items they don't have at the smaller grocery store.

Missing you KC. Would love to hear from you soon.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A big weekend here in the Greater Orlando area. Today is the Olympic Marathon Trials through parts of downtown. The Pro Bowl takes place tomorrow. And running dunce last Thursday is “MegaCon” where all of the TV, action movie and sci-fi genre stars come out to speak, have photos taken and sign autographs. I think the reason it’s called MegaCon is how much cash they con people out of to get in and pay more to see and maybe meet these actors!
Good on ya for dropping of the old scripts for proper disposal Dave. What magical item may appear in you shopping cart today?
That’s about it so far this chilly (44F) morning.
You all have a great Saturday.


2nd Officer
Good morning. I have been awake since 3 and up since 5, so I think a nap is in order later. Today the high is supposed to get to 74 but tomorrow only 71 which I think is hopeful since we will be getting rain.

Today NASCAR starts, that is as long as there is no rain in LA.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Saturday Pinotti GIF by yvoscholz
Just in case you aren't keeping track!

I was up even before Lee this morning. Just couldn't stay asleep. It's going to be a long day.

37F here in our fair township. Next Friday we should hit a HIGH of 55 degrees! Almost Florida weather! ;)

Bill/Rita have the right idea. Get out of town on a cruise and warm up!

Dave: I have a bag full of OLD MEDS in the garage and just need to ask our local Pharmacy at Kroger's if they accept them and destroy them properly. Just keep forgetting to ask! DUH! I'm sure I could add more to the stash. I want to use the BLACK ROLLER gizmo that hides my name on the bottles before handing them over.

Lee: When do you do the Disney RUN. Forgot what it's called. Hope you brought your cool looking Tu-Tu to wear!
What's on the agenda for today? Do you still have any company staying with you? I can't keep track of your Bed & Breakfast lately! :smilie5:

Karen: Still missing you and hope to see you back real soon..... even for a quick HELLO!

Mike: You and Fay doing okay over your way?

I'm still working on getting this
Sciatica GONE! I'm not one to like to WAIT for things to get better. SOON I HOPE it will relax and go away. I was told that walking around is GOOD for it, so I try and do easy going things around the house and move around.

Art went biking this morning. At least it's not too cold or windy or snowy outside. The man loves his biking.

You all have a fantastic day and stop by and tell us about it later. Be SAFE, have fun.