Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Checkin’ in. Again, not much to add. Just in time for the 5K my get up and go has got up and went…
You all have a most amazing Wednesday.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy You Can Do It GIF by Hello All
Well it’s Hump Day yet again. Wonder if that is Art biking up that steep hill? :D
Lee: You better get out there and find your ” GET UP AND GO” before Friday. I’m thinking a good place to look for it is at Disney Springs! Time to do some laps in the pool and get those leg muscles in shape for the 5K!

Dave: Good move giving some of those Oreo pkgs to the grandkids. Heck that one family of 8 kids could wipe out the entire supply in one setting!
Art goes to PT on his own mid-morning, I have a day off. Not sure what I’m going to do today.
I have a card from the UAW Benefit dept that has $200 on it to use at CVS for anything that is in the program. Some of the stuff like Tylenol we axtually use. I need a new Heating Pad and want to see what they offer that I can use the debt card to pay for it. Get this….we both have $200 cards to use bynthe end of the year. This the first time they are using CVS instead of just ordering online from a catalog. From what the information booklet says there will be a YELLOW sticker on the shelf tag that lets you know it’s a approved item.
My brother has the same type of card and he buys Diabetic Socks with his total allowance and donates them to the Veterans Assisted Living in his township. He’s good about supporting that facility. Takes all kinds of books there too.
Karen: How is Scooter doing today? Better I hope.

You all have a good day. Come back and tell us about it.



2nd Officer
Good morning. Temp is slowly rising, was 50 when I got up and now 56.

Bruce has his root canal this morning and I will go with to drive him home. The cost is so high because our insurance does not pay but may reimburse us, didn't last year so just hope they do this year.

All have a great day.

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
K2, when I get on the lawn tractor, Faiy is always looking out th e door. I have cut the grass for over 10 years with that thing. Got a chuckle of your bovine picture.
Hope the root canal went well this AM Nancy.
Lee, my get up and go went along time ago.
Nice of you to give t he lemon cookies to the grandkids. Did you help them eat them.
Supposed to get to 66 today.


Chief Security Officer
Hope you can get up and go after your get up and go, before the 5k, Lee. These cool temperatures should help you get your personal best time.
Rich and Dianne's daughter and
granddaughter have arrived for a visit. They flew into Vero Beach airport from Providence, RI on Breeze Airline so we will be interested to hear about their experience. Green Airport in RI is about the same distance from our home in MA so it may offer us another option when we have to ship our car back and fly home.


2nd Officer
Quick check in before heading out the door again, this is one of those weeks I wonder why I have a house, I'm not spending much time here.
Yesterday Barb & I took a road trip to Trader Joe's in Gainesville, spent an hour and $15 wandering around the store, then she took me to lunch at a nice little burger place. We stopped by Jane's to say Hi on our way home so it was after 3 when I got home.
Today was church & then visiting the Priest's Mil for communion. She turned 100 yrs old the 9th of Feb, and is still sharp as a tack!
Had a call from the vets office when I got home, Scooters glucose reading was a little elevated so they want to do fasting blood work in 2 weeks, always something.
Tonight is the start of the Lent "soup suppers" so I'll be heading back out later for that.
Have a good day all, probably won't be on much before Friday


2nd Officer
Good evening.

Well Bruce was in the Dentist chair for 4 1/2 hours minus a few minutes he came out to tell me to go get lunch. And since our insurance does not pay up front we had to pay the full $3600 today. I have sent a claim in to the insurance company and hope they will reimburse us at least part of it. When he had the same last year but with different dentists did not get any reimbursement.

Was hoping it was just a fluke but yesterday my left knee started to hurt like the right did but it hurt just as much this morning so I am taking the pain pills the Dr gave me for the right, hope after a couple of days it starts to work on making the knee better.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen........don't even think of giving up our house because you are in and out lately. Still cheaper to stay where you are than moving.
Busy, busy gal. Keeps you on your toes.

The kids made it home safe and sound. A video of Mr. Manny going NUTS with excitement when they walked in the door was priceless. He sure missed his Mom/Dad! Ha Ha.

I made Art a pan of Oatmeal DATE Squares. I'm not a big fan of that, but I know Art is. Should be interesting to see how fast they disappear. I might just freeze 1/2 of the pan for future use!

No football, no Basketball and no good movies on TV. This time of the year sucks on TV watching.

Okay to see if I can get into reading a book Jill got me for Christmas.

By the way it was
57F when we went out to the Greek Restuarant to eat tonight. Suppose to get possible showers tomorrow! :nope:


2nd Officer
Some happy news for a change.

It seems that Lamb Chop is making a resurgence on social-media amongst the younger generations. You do remember Lamb Chop don't you....that hand puppet that made its' first appearance on Captain Kangaroo back in the late 50's. Along with Sheri Lewis.

And over the years almost every dog, or even cat, had a stuffed Lamb Chop to chew on. Jack will destroy one in less than 2 hours.

Kathi Delivered the packages of lemon Oreos to the grand kids yesterday. I'd bet that there's very few that are still around today. God knows I'm doing my part on gobbling up those yummy cookies.

K2; Those $200 gift cards are a real nice benefit from the UAW. Looks like our spring-like weather is coming to an end. I hate it when winter feels like winter. :)

Sorry to hear that Scooter is having another medical speed-bump, KC. At least it's a small speed-bump. Now let's just hope that the Vet bill is too.

Hope you are getting your energy back, Lee. I remember that on long cruises I'd start getting pooped out toward the end of the first week. Having fun can sometimes eat up too much energy. You're going to be down there for quite a while, so you may need to slow down your pace of being a tourist.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
44F. Again.
But these cool mornings do warm up nicely.
I had a little boy crush on Shari Lewis.
It seems a number of “get up and go’s” have been reported as missing.
Based on last year, by this time tomorrow we should be a couple of km’s into the 5K.
Be good everyone.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Today I have to go to Lowes about a couple of items I bought and did not bring home.

Bruce is feeling pretty good today so he is out doing jobs.

I am so tried of this cool weather, it has made the arthritis in my hand act up with the left hand the worse. Today all the fingers are swelling beside hurting. And both knees are hurting too. I would not survive living up North, I just can't take the cold temps.

The temps were supposed to go up but instead starting tomorrow they are going down. Enough.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-Morning Wrabbits.

LEE: It's 44F here right now and climbing. NO WIND and the SUN is out. Not bad outside at all.
I actually grab a RAKE and raked the UGLY STRINGY Willow vines and those silly thin leaves around the backyard. I was able to see the HUGE BRANCH that broke off in one of the WINTER REALLY WINDY days and fell in the neighbors yard. Missed their nice new deck. Thank goodness. Anyways, I then walked the creek to the end and managed to get a 6' foot long fence board away from the bank and it floated down the creek. Felt good to get outside and move around after the long couped up Winter inside.

Shari Lewis......who could forget that sweetie and Lamb Chop.
DAVE: I think Manny and JACK could have a contest as to which one of them can RIP out the guts of a stuffed toy animal fastest. Jill gave up trying to SEW THEM UP. The good part is that Manny doesn't eat the stuffing. Just wants it ripped apart. o_O

Tomorrow we go to see the former church member who has transferred from Phoenix to Marysville to live in a Senior home closer to one of his sons and grandkids. After the choir visits with him some are going to a famous Chicken Cafe for lunch. We are passing on that because they cook to order and when Art and I go there it takes at least 35 mins for the chicken dinners to come out of the kitchen. We're going to a restaurant with Jill's Godparents, Milan & Helen, to a place on the waters edge.
Get this..... my PROM NIGHT was held there in the 60's. YES, it's been remodeled a few times. Should be interesting to see just what it looks like. I should dig out my Prom pictures to see if I have any inside the place. I remember my dress that I wore and the entire evening. (long term memory is great) Don't ask me what I had for dinner last night.

Okay, everyone have a great day. Later Gang.

Runhappyathome GIF by Brooksrunning

Lee: You best be doing some exercises today to get ready for the 5K run.


Chief Security Officer
Good news, or reasonably good news, Nancy- It is 72 degrees today and is supposed to be even warmer tomorrow. A bit cooler Saturday but next week's forecast is for temperatures nearly reaching 80 degrees. Overheard one of the locals complaining that he hasn't been in the water even once this year. I know this might sound ridiculous to anyone living in places where temperatures are frequently below freezing, but for native Floridians or even recent transplants this year's weather has been terrible.
At least a few TV shows have begun showing new episodes, K2, but having a good book to read can help. What is the book you received from Jill?


Wacky Wabbit
Negc: Coincidently, the name of the book is: HELLO SUNSHINE!
Good to know you folks finally hit the 70's. We have friends that have Time Shares
at Disney and they passed on spending airfare to go there this Winter. They said they'll hit it after Easter. They're on their way to Hawaii and then to a Serbian Golf Tournament in

It's still nice up here. NO WIND makes 51F much more bearable. So far we didn't get the rain showers they predicted on the news last night. :clap002:

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
The past two days have beeb so boring they would make a snail race look exciting. I did email K2's post of the lady showing off to the cows and the lady I emailed it to called me a naghtiy man. Fay got a big kick out of that.
I did write a letter to a lady I used to dance with a little back in the day when I was dancing.


2nd Officer
I've mentioned before how we are all familiar with sounds at each of our homes. So yesterday morning I heard a sound I wasn't familiar with at sunrise. It seemed to be coming from outside, so I opened the back door to figure out what it was. And then I grinned. It was a few birds singing as the sun came up. A sound I hadn't heard in months.

Across the U.S. yesterday cell phone service went down for a lot of people after they uploaded some new upgrade to the system. On the news they said just to use a land-line until they fix it. I put this down as a WIN for us old farts who still have a land-line. :)

Lee; Even as a boy I see that you were attracted to those cute blonds. Hope your 5K goes off in dry weather.

I'm happy to hear that both Manny and Jack are smart enough not to eat the stuffing they get out of doggy toys, K2. I for one would like it if you posted a picture of you in your prom dress from back in the 60's.

Plans for this morning; A quick run to Walley-World to get us caught up on our prescriptions. It's Kathi's turn in the barrel this time around for an expensive one. A new one from her heart doctor will be over $300.

Then it's off to the smaller grocery store. Definitely NO cookies on the grocery list.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Today will be warmer than yesterday and tomorrow the temp drops again.

Lee, both looking good and I love the medals.

Bruce is home today and working on fixing the spot the insurance company said needed fixing. I am going to call them to let the lady know that I had emailed photos to an other lady a couple of weeks ago of the other 2 areas. And that he is working on the 3rd. so hopefully next week can send the photos.

Late this afternoon will be NASCAR for 4 hours.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Glad to hear that someone was up and running by 2:30 am this morning but even more glad that it wasn't me, Lee. I'll leave that to you young folks. With all the beauty sleep I've been getting, I should be absolutely gorgeous by now but the mirror tells a different story.

Dianne and Rich's daughter and granddaughter flew home this morning since Morgan's February school vacation ends this weekend. We were interested to learn more about their flight on Breeze Airlines since we may be thinking about using them when it is time to head home in April. Our recent experiences with Jet Blue have been less than optimal.

Missed all the news about the AT&T problems yesterday but I guess that we were lucky to be Verizon customers at least this time. Like you, Dave, we still have a landline
back home but it gets very little use, and while we are here, we are totally dependent on our cell phones.

Winds have picked up quite a bit over the last few minutes and I am watching the palm tree in the front yard as it sways back and forth. Despite those winds the puffy white clouds in the sky don't seem to be moving much at all.

Enjoy the race, Nancy and have a great Friday everyone.