Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good evening. It has been a pretty quiet day. The race just finished with a surprise winner.

For me I prefer mid morning appts, am not a fan of getting up early and don't like having to wait until afternoon for appt.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Well looky there, pictures of a sweet, innocent young girl. At an age when we thought we knew everything and were indestructible. Now who could that fair maiden be??? Kathi and I were guessing what that heavy piece of furniture was that she and her knight in shining armor were standing in front of. Gotta be either a TV or record player.

I also got a kick out of that arch with the point at the top. I've never seen one like that.

Mike; It's the showers that is making us shrink in height. We should be dry-cleaned.

You're going to have to explain what that TLC&C is all about, KC.

Lee; Since I'm an early riser too, I also go for early appointments. Hopefully ahead of that point when appointments start running late.

It's still February, but we'll have temperatures in the lower 60's today. What a winter!


Wacky Wabbit
Good morning!

Dave : Glad you liked the pics. That piece of furniture had a sliding top on it and contained a radio and record player on one side and a storage area for albums on the other side. Used
It all the time.

It’s suppose to warm up here the next few days. And with warmed comes rain.

We both go to PT today at 11:30. Love that time because the early folks are just about leaving and it’s not crowded.

Watched Oppenheimer on TV last night. It was good, except that the actors mumbled a lot or whispered and if was hard to hear even with the volume turned up. And NO Captions.
Amazing that even way back then there was so much corruption going on in the government and military. Nothing changed through the years….just got worse.

Lee & Bill : Enjoy your nice temps today. FINALLY above 75F.

Have a safe day all.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good Monday morning.
WOW, are the allergies acting up this morning. I remember our Momma Bunny often saying how bad hers got some days. A “Reactine” has been taken.
I started this note about (aboot if you’re reading with a Canadian accent!) 6:15 after our morning walk. Then Lu-Ann got up early, we tossed the sheets in the washer, made coffee and it struck me that my unfinished note was sitting on my iPad.
Well Nancy, that was some photo finish in the Atlanta race. Victory by .003 of a second. Hope you didn’t blink ‘cause you’d have missed it.
Guys, I attribute the fact that I too am getting shorter to a distinct lack of hair on the top of my head that added to my height. I do believe that the earth’s gravity is increasing causing me to “appear” to weigh more.

Who’s that? Hi Kathie. :) Corruption in the military and government!! Say it ain’t so. Have a really good physio session.
We’re meeting friends from our old neighbourhood at Columbia in Celebration for lunch.
Best wash Ava’s breakfast bowl and get on with the day.
You all have an amazing day!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Today the temp is supposed to hit 77, will see.

Only plan is to cash a check and pick up a few things at Walmart.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Finally we look to be getting the kind of weather that was our reason for leaving the wintry weather of the Northeast. May even reach 80 degrees by mid-week.
For some unknown reason, I don't seem to be unable to increase the size or change the color of the font, so I apologize to those of you, who like me, find it difficult to read what is written if in tiny fonts.
I may have mentioned that I had to order a new supply of checks from our Credit Union a few weeks ago, When they hadn't arrived by the end of last week, I asked our daughter to check on their status. Well she did and found that the checks had been mailed to our home address and since the USPS apparently does not forward a package containing checks, they were returned to the company that prints our checks. She has arranged for that company to redo the order and send them to our Credit Union and when they arrive there, she will pick them up and send them to us. Fortunately I have a second checking account that I can use if necessary and since most of our monthly bills are handled directly with the CU, we can survive until the new ones finally arrive.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I apologize to those of you, who like me
I like you Bill.
Do you have a row of icons at the top of the text box? If you do, the
TT drop down controls the font size and the artists palate will drop down to give you color options. Thank you for the much improved weather!
As I tend to do, I checked our hotel reservations for our trip home. Home where we will arrive two weeks from today. :( Anyway, the rate at my beloved Drury Inn in Louisville dropped by $24USD! I rang them up and no problem, they adjusted the rate. Another reason why we like Drury!


Wacky Wabbit
I Love You Heart GIF by BrittDoesDesign

PT was again good. Amazing how the knee loves the stretching and exercises!

We are going to have some REALLY STRANGE WEATHER tomorrow up in this area! Might get HAIL in the morning and then it will be nice and then MORE HAIL in the evening. It's too early to think that this is MARCH COMING in like a LION! :eek:

LEE: Always nice to get a REDUCTION in room rates. Good for checking!

Okay, I'm on this computer to pay BILLS online, so I better get at it.

Have a good evening folks.


2nd Officer
Good evening.

Since we never know when the garbage men will come I put out the garbage the night before. So tonight when I was done putting the can at the street out neighbor said something to me about our boat. her son wants to buy it so I said let me get Bruce and he did come out. He and the son talked a bit and then he asked me if I would take $1000 for it so I said yes. We have not used it for almost 20 years, time for it to go. So tomorrow I will get out the title and get the paperwork for the trailer and tag all together and start a bill of sale.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee / Bill: Looks like the HOT WEATHER is finally getting to Florida! Yippee! Get outside and soak up the rays. The entire week looks fantastic!


2nd Officer
Just in the last few days the U.S. landed an unmanned space capsule on the moon. First time in 50 years. On it's landing it got one of its' legs stuck in the moon's surface and it fell over. But its' electronics are still functional. So when the landing ship sent back pictures of the moon yesterday.......I was wondering if all the pictures would be sideways. :)

They had nicknamed this landing capsule "Odi". How good is your memory of cartoon characters? Although the name was familiar, I just couldn't remember who this character is. So I looked it up.

"Odi" is Garfield the Cat's pet dog.

WHAT??? You're thinking of going home already Lee? It seems like you just got there and should still be just settling in.

K2; Thanks for letting me know that the piece of furniture was a record player/radio. Fess up, your knight in shining armor wasn't Art? Happy to hear that your knee appreciates the stretching and exercises.

Today will tell if you've figured out the color and font size on your posts, Bill.

High winds are heading this way AGAIN, later today. Insurance adjusters are most likely getting ready for a slew of calls with people filing claims.



Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits.

DAVE: I must have skipped over "Odi" when I was a kid. Never knew about Garfield's pet dog!
And YES... that WAS ART who took me to my High School PROM! Hard to believe we've been together that long!

NO RAIN, WIND or HAIL as of yet. The worse of it all is supposed to have come and gone by 10:00 a.m. I always love when the WEATHER FOLKS are wrong. We still have a chance of it getting ugly later tonight. :eek: At least a LOT of vehicles that don't have the cover of a garage got spared the morning HAIL.... so far! ;)

Art is on his way to the Big Park to go biking. I hope the weather holds out for the group.

Karen: You doing okay girl? Or did you get overwhelmed with PAINT FUMES?

That's it for me for now. Enjoy your day. You Florida vacationers make sure to try and put your feet in the pool later this afternoon! :clap002::emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

I'm going to go and VOTE in our Primary in a little while.
Look who I saw on Facebook just now. GREAT Picture of Lee & Lu-Ann. Can't go wrong with lunch at the Columbia Restaurant. YUM!

May be an image of 3 people

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
happy family time GIF

Garfield, Odie and their ever suffering owner, Jon. Anybody else remember when every other vehicle on the road had a stuffed Garfield “suction cupped” inside one of their windows?
Good morning folks. Spot on 50F on our early walk and headed to the low 80‘s as Kathie has shown us.
Yes Dave. Hard as it seems to believe it will soon be time to head back north. Will we be back next year? We’re booked for 2025 and 2026 but Tuesday November 5th may cast its own vote as to whether we and others we have spoken to will be back.
I sure hope you don’t get that bout of crazy weather Kathie. Good on you both for staying on top of the physio! It’s not easy.
I hear my sweetie stirring so I best go get her coffee cup ready.

AND AGAIN I FORGOT TO HIT POST REPLY. Seems my memory is good…just not as good as it once was. A nod to Dave’s tune the other morning.
Have a great day everyone.


2nd Officer
I swear, I am going to take my computer to church & have Rev. Lisa pray for it, I think it's possesed! I will be typing along just fine & POOF it's all gone!

Lee, I'm pretty sure we can all relate to forgetting things, I think it's what I dislike the most about growing older. Nice pic of you & LuAnn at Columbia!

Kathy, hoping you don't get the bad weather they are calling for, we've actually had about 3 nice days in a row here, I'm loving it! No painting going on here till Friday.

Dave, I remembered Odi, Garfield & Jon.
TLCC is a group at church that sends cards & makes phone calls to people who are sick, moved away & no longer able to attend our church or people who have been absent from church for a few weeks. It's just to let them know they were missed & we are thinking about them.

Bill, I am just now on my last pack of checks that I got when I opened my new bank account 7 yrs ago. Like you 99% of my bills I pay online, I just now started writing checks to the HOA & the water company because the bank mails them & they were arriving later & later.

Nancy, nice score on selling the boat!

I finished up the flower bed at church yesterday & I'm not sure what I did but my left thumb is really sore at the base. I took some ibuprofen so hopefully that will help, I never realized how much I use my left hand for.
Had to get up at 5:30 this morning to go with Barb to take Spot the cat to the vet to get fixed. Barb just called me a few minutes ago in tears & I thought sure something had happened to Spot. She said the vets office called & Spot had a microchip! She's been living with my sister since Oct & we all thought she was just a stray. The vets office called the people & the girl told them the cat was her boyfriends but he was no longer around. It seemed really strange that he would have the cat chipped but not fixed. But anyhow, Barb get's to keep Spot they just had to notify the people who were registered as the owner.
My neighbor yesterday had asked if I would weed her 2 flower beds & I said sure, they weren't very big, so I did them after I got home this morning. She came over later & gave me $25! I told her she didn't owe me anything but she insisted, so I said thank you. I feel back taking money for something that only takes me a few minutes to do, but I also understand people want to be independent, so it works out good for us both.
Church meeting at 6 tonite so I think a short nap is in order. Have a good evening all!


Chief Security Officer
For some unknown reason, all those icons at the top of the page are still greyed out and I can't click on them to change the size or color of my posts. If Kevin or Lisa or any of my grandkids were here, I am sure that they could correct the problem but until or unless things change on their own, I guess magnifier glasses are in order. Sorry!
Your mention of the stuffed Garfields that used to grace the back windows of cars in past year reminded me that yesterday when we were out for a drive, the car ahead of us had a "Baby OnBoard" sign in its rear window. Seems like years now since they seemed to be everywhere.
Glad to see that the weather around here is finally providing us with the temperatures we were looking for when we headed south, Lee, so your last days here will be warm and sunny and perhaps the warmth will follow you back to and across the border. Let's all hope that the November election results will give us reason to hope for many more years to enjoy what Florida has to offer.


Wacky Wabbit
69F degrees at 6:00 pm here. UNREAL!
It won’t last. Suppose to get a dramatic change during the night. :eek: Let’s hope the weather folks are as wrong as they were this morning.

Les: You really need to get busy when you get home on creating a Disney Spring guide to see the property on less than a Nickel! Just don’t use the word Disney! Ha ha


Wacky Wabbit
THAT should be LEE not Les.
Karen: Good work on the gardens at the church and at you neighbors. Hope your hand feels better ASAP.
Bill: Ask around for some help on that SMALL PRINT.


2nd Officer
Its seems that most of us would like to have a priest say a blessing over our computers, or give it an exorcism at times, KC. OR borrow the priest's sledge hammer to be done with it. So happy to hear that Barb is able to keep Spot. Garfield and Odi I remember, but not so much Jon.

Time to snatch up a 12 year old to fix your computer, Bill.

Thanks for the picture of Lee and his bride, K2. Since Lee DIDN'T post it on here. Yesterday must have been a DElight for you, getting Florida temperatures and not having to go anywhere. We only got into the mid 60's without the high winds they were forecasting.

Today, we start off in the 60's and finish the day in the 30's.

My last check up for the eye that had the cataract surgery is this morning. If all is good, the next eye will be taken care of in a couple of weeks. Nothing but rain this morning.......Figures.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Shorts AND a T-Shirt for our early walk today. There haven’t been many of those over the past few weeks.
If any of you watch The Daily Show I’m sure you saw Jon’s tribute to his dog, Dipper. If it didn’t touch your heart I hate to tell you this…you don’t have one.
Hoping for good news from the eye doc for you Dave.
I can’t imagine how Barb must have felt when she thought that Spot may be taken away. Glad it worked out in the end. Speaking of feeling, how’s that thumb doing today? Could it have been gardening compounded by holding a paint brush and roller?
Those temps you had yesterday were just crazy Kathie. It seems like many parts of The US hit record highs BUT…many areas are expected to see huge temperature drops almost straight away. How is your friend Nick doing?
Ah yes Bill, “baby on board”. As if that wasn’t the scourge of the 20th century. I tried to gray out my options bar figuring if I could I could undo it and let you know. I couldn’t. Dave’s right. You need a 12 year old.
Meeting friends at The Springs for coffee at Starbucks this morning. Last evening we went over so Lu-Ann could try a French Onion Soup burger at D-Luxe Burger. The burger, which we split, was good but the bill for ONE burger, ONE order of fries and ONE medium soda was $28.19!!!
Two things came out of that trip. 1) we ain’t goin’ back there and 2) this picture…
Have a super day my friends.