Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good morning. Have a Dr appt this morning for my knee Then this afternoon Bruce has a Dr appt. This evening we will try Benihana's again the go to a different place to eat.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits!
So far it's DRY here, but it looks like we'll be getting a GOOD RAIN around 10 am - 2 pm! And guess who went on the BIKE RIDE! Ha Ha. Those guys are going to get wet for sure on the way back!

DAVE: Loved listening to the music selection while reading the posts! Thanks.

Lee: Enjoy the days you have left in Florida. And you know it usually doesn't rain all day down there. It's all in the TIMING of when to go out and when to stay in!

Karen: So, what kind of "dessert" are you going to whip up for the church Soup Super on Wednesday? I'm sure they'll love whatever you bring.

You all have a nice day. I'm off to get a cup of TEA and I might go back and finish up the "RECIPE SORTING". It would be a GOOD RAINY DAY PROJECT.
Good Morning Love GIF by joeyahlbum

Later gang.


Chief Security Officer
Bill, you mentioned friends flying Breeze airline, what did they think of it? Not looking to promising for you to get any pool time in before you head back north, this has been a very odd winter for us.

We've gotten very good reviews from folks who have flown Breeze Airlines and the fares are very good even when you add in the fees that they charge for such things as luggage or snacks. Flying into or out of Vero Beach would be so much more convenient than going to West Palm Beach or Orlando and the terminal in Providence is probably as close, or perhaps a little closer to our home than Logan Airport in Boston, and likely a lot easier to get in and out of. The temps have risen significantly over the past week and I believe may even reach 87 degrees next Sunday, but with rain. It definitely has been a different winter experience in Florida this year.
We took a long ride down Old Dixie Highway as far as Ft. Pierce yesterday and as we approached the downtown area all I could think of was that I hoped that Trump wasn't due to appear at the Court House. Fortunately, he wasn't so things were pretty quiet and traffic was minimal.



2nd Officer
The house was sure a creaking and groaning last night, as the temperature dropped around 30 degrees from yesterday's high. Heck, it's gotten up and into the 70's the last couple of days.

Not much to gab about this morning.

Grocery shopping for us this morning, as we dodge the raindrops.

Here's my last installment of the calming and mellow sound of Sade music. Only this time, there will be no singing from Sade. It's a fun instrumental from her band/orchestra.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Give me horns, saxophones, a lively percussion section and my day is off to a good start Dave.
Good Morning Bunnies! Look down. Are your toes tappin’ to Dave’s tune while you read? Ya, I thought so.
Those temperature drops across so many places continue to amaze me too.
Everyone used to love to fly in and out of Waterloo when we lived in that area. A smaller and never crazy busy airport. It sounds like your Providence facility Bill. In winter a couple of the carriers would add sun destination flights. Then they started to cut back on flights forcing pax to head to Toronto Pearson or Hamilton.
How’s Scooter doing Karen?
Can you see the bottom of the sorting pile yet Kathie? How many duplicate recipes have you found with different names?
I had to go back and watch Tiny Tim again Mike. No, I don’t know why either.
Not sure what’s up for today.
Other than to hope everyone has a great day.


2nd Officer
Waiting on a call back from the mobile vet, Scooter just isn't perking up so unless they can find something else going on that is treatable it's time to let her go. Their voice mail said they return calls within 1-2 business days, hoping it doesn't take that long to hear back


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits!
Cloudy here this morning. 42F and expected to get much higher than 47F.

Today will be a cooking day. I want to make a few recipes to freeze and save for busy days. Grab, heat and eat. WOW, I could sell that ‘lingo’. Ha ha

Got a late evening visit from Ashley, Jill and Manny last night. Ash wanted to give me a B-Day gift and visit since she will be on vacation staring Thurs. How thoughtful. And her gift of flowers and my favorite drink were so special! I’ll get a picture for you all. This Old Fashion Bourbon is made right here in downtown Detroit it’s so good over Ice!

YOU KNOW YOU’RE Old when your Granddaughter buys you BOOZE as a gift. Ha ha.

Dave: Happy shopping!

Karen: Hard to believe the Mobile Vet takes so long to call back. I feel bad that you’ll have to make this hard decision soon. Never easy.

Lee: Hopefully, you’ll be able to get out by the pool and soak in some sun today. The rest of the week looks very promising as far as SUNSHINE goes!

The most recipes I have duplicates of are “Chicken” related. I’ll be making at least 2 of them today to freeze.

Later gang.


2nd Officer
Ended up calling another vet I've used before, she's expensive, but she answers her phone & is beyond kind. Barring any miracles from Scooter she will be here tomorrow at noon. I'm crushed to have to do this, but I know she deserves to be pain free


2nd Officer
Good afternoon.

Yesterday Bruce's Dr's appt went well. We then went to Benihana's for drinks and appetizers. I ordered veggie tempura and Poke (classic). We do like the veggie tempura and it was the first time I tried the Poke and loved it.

We then went to an Italian restaurant. It was early and we were the first ones. Bruce got the Pork Chop Marsala, which he really liked and I got the Shrimp Scampi, which was okay but I did not really care for, there was way too much spaghetti with it and the butter sauce was I don't know but I did not like it. We each got the salad with it which was a bunch of lettuce, two slices of onion and 2 pieces of tomato, so nothing to write home about. I don't think we will be going back there.

Since I had not slept very good the night before I went to bed early and slept good.

Tomorrow I will go to Aldi and Publix for some things. I have checked both places weekly ad and found that Publix is the best for Corned Beef. Aldi wants $11.99 a pound and starting tomorrow for a week Publix is $4.99 which they are saying is a $5.00 a pound saving
Which I will take and will get two.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Sending Love GIF by MOODMAN
OH KAREN.......never easy to make that kind of decision. Know you're doing the best for Scooter. You've given Scooter a fantastic life. Take care kiddo. :emoticon 0152 heart:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Bless you for doing the right thing for your Scooter. It’s never an easy decision to make for our fur kids. You know that Lu-Ann and I will have you in our thoughts and prayers.

Mike Elias

Able Seaman
Very sorry for you Karen, That is not an easy decision. Take care.
That is some busy band Dave. A little bit is great butN I don't think I could take a lot of them.
Glad Bruce's visit went well, Nancy, I'm guessing you enjoyed Benihana more than the Dr.s visit. :D
K2"s frozen dinners;, our motto, " Grab, heat and eat" You are going to make a billion.
Lee, One time watching Tiny Tim is enough for me. Saw him when he was on Laugh In. Didn't he marry a very young girl or dated her until she was of age????? I am tryiing to t hink of t he band leader that had a band that played a lot of numbers but added his crazy thing to them. That was bck in in late 40s or early 50s, I would ask Dave but that is after Dave's time.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I am tryiing to t hink of t he band leader that had a band that played a lot of numbers but added his crazy thing to them. That was bck in in late 40s or early 50s
In my best Jeopardy form of a question Mike, “Who was Spike Jones”.


2nd Officer
It's going to be a long and sad day for you KC. My heart goes out to you. It's an act of love and caring, but it just hurts, hurts, hurts.

(Great minds think alike.) Was Spike Jones the band leader you were thinking of, Mike?

Old Fashion Bourbon is made in Detroit??? No wonder you're a Michigander, K2. :)

You are so right Lee; Flying USED to be fun. But the crazies in the world changed that. Even in coach they served you meals which had metal silverware.

Unless we go back to bed again, like we did yesterday, it's off to the grocery store this morning.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this group Dave, we guys do have great minds and frightfully we do think alike! Thanks for the video. They had to be talented to pull off the music and the antics without missing a beat.
Not much else. For now. ;)
Everyone have a super day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Hello GIF by Mauro Gatti
WELL.... "Mid-Morning" at least.

Hugs to Karen. Not going to be a easy day. We love you big time.

I spent way too much time on the phone with some guy from META (it's the company that solves Facebook issues) Lordy, all I wanted was to be able to CHANGE my PASSWORD. I now am afraid to LOG OUT of my Facebook for fear I don't know if I could ever get back in.
Facebook had some type of ERROR ISSUES yesterday. Even our Choir Secretary sent out a notice to DELETE the CHOIR Fbook for fear of a virus. :eek:
Meanwhile, the guy I was talking to kept telling me that my computer has been hacked. Well, isn't EVERYONES these days! :oops:
My only one worry is that I do ONLINE BANKING with our local bank and I'm going over there today to see if they can tell me just how secure their system is. I need to transfer "some money" into a new CD or Trust and get it out of the area it's in now.

Always Something. Computers.... you can't live with or without them. Just have to learn to deal with them.
My suggestion to EVERYONE is CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS MONTHLY! And make them hard to figure out. (oh write them down so you don't forget them) ;)

Out of here for now. It 46F and Sunny. High only getting to 54F. More normal March temps.

Have a good day and I'll be back.

By the way.... I slept VERY WELL LAST NIGHT after having some of that Bourbon over ice! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:


Chief Security Officer
At this point I have changed my passwords so many times that I can't even begin to remember them all and often have to create a new one when I try to log on to some site and I get a message that the password I tried to use is not valid. Fortunately my password for access to our accounts at the credit union are protected by my fingerprint on the laptop so the most important financial accounts are pretty safe.
Not very happy with NBC this week as apparently they have decided to broadcast repeat episodes from this past January of all their shows. If their supply of new episodes is that low,
perhaps they could repeat some episodes from a year or two back.


2nd Officer
Run free sweet Scooter girl, Mama loves you so very much.

Vet just left, she spent over an hour here with me, taking her time with Scooter & then staying to comfort me.


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