Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Rainbow Bridge GIF

Another star shining down on us all Karen. Your vet sounds like one in a million.


Wacky Wabbit
Bring on the PRESIDENT!
Joe Biden GIF by PBS NewsHour
Let’s hope so Mr President. Just stick to the script and get voted in to office again in November. I don’t want to loose my Social Security and Medicare. VOTE BLUE!

Having some of my “ Bourbon” to help me get through it! Ha ha.


2nd Officer
My heart goes out to you, KC. Your house is emptier and quieter now, but you did the right thing.

But sometimes, doing the right thing doesn't feel like it's a good thing.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Not much at this time on a Friday. Yesterday we started the laundry so we can pack clean stuff. We figured while we were in the pool we might as well do something else. Later today we’ll pack as much as possible leaving only our hotel bag and Ava’s travel kit and bed to go into Subie tomorrow morning.
Talk to you all later.


2nd Officer
Thank you for all the hugs & well wishes, it's been a tough couple days but I will make it thru, sadly it's not the first time I've been through this.
I buried Scooter this morning in the rose garden in the back patio, facing the porch she loved to hang out on. I had an old silk lined suitcase a neighbor had tossed years ago when she was moving & used that to bury her in. I had put it on the porch Wednesday with her blanket in it & she slept in it off & on all afternoon so I knew it was perfect.
Need to try to get some errands run today, but for now I think I'm going to take my coffee & go sit on the porch for a while.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Today it is sunny.

I don't have any plans for today, just see what it brings.


2nd Officer
Morning again!

Lee, safe travels on your way home, this visit just went to fast! Hopefully next year we will get a chance to meet up again. If you are going home I-75 don't forget to wave & honk when you pass the Belleview exit!

Kathie, I'll have to do a google search, I don't think I've heard of that movie.

Bill, CBS was showing re-runs this week too. The season just started a month ago, I guess by showing re-runs so early they think they can fake us out & make it seem longer.

Dave, nope I guess if doing the right thing were easier more people would do it in general. Going back to bed is always a good decision!

Nancy, hope you have a good day, the days I have no plans always seem to end up the busiest.

Got my errands ran, had 3 refund checks from the Dr.'s office. Last year when I had B-12 shots they charged me a $2.43 co-pay, Tues I got 3 checks in the amount of $2.43 each, why they couldn't send 1 check is beyond me, probably something to do with billing. Any how went to the bank & cashed my huge refund & took it all in $1 bills.
Went across the street to the Dr. office to drop off a couple specimens for testing they had sent home yesterday. Got my lab results back this morning & my cholesterol is up again, I really think it's due to stress yesterday & hopefully she will let me retest in a month or so before she put's me on medicine. It's been up & down and so far I've been able to keep off pills.
Got gas at BJ's and it was $3.03 a gal, it's running $3.40+ in Belleview so worth driving 7 miles to fill up.
Stopped at Walmart on my way home to do a return & while I was there I picked up a plant I had been looking for to put in the church flower bed. And then I saw beautiful miniature roses, I picked up a pretty orange one & planted on Scooter's grave. And now I'm not going to talk anymore about the sad things, it hurts & it's hard but I will get through it.


Chief Security Officer
So sorry to hear of your loss, Karen but Scooter is no longer in pain and will always be close to your heart. I know you will get through this and that your fond memories of times with Scooter will help.
Hope you had a large bag to carry home all those $1 bills. Good price for gas. Prices here continue to be crazy and even the ones that offer the lowest prices were charging $3.19 yesterday while another station on the same road and about a mile away was charging $3.44.
What surprised me was that the less expensive one is also closest to I-95 where you might expect to find the highest prices.
Thought that President Biden's forceful speech last night should have made those who claim he is a doddering old fool, reconsider their opinion, but I suspect
they won't. It has been quite a while since the results of November's elections were so important.
Just when the Florida weather looks to be returning to normal (tomorrow's high in Vero is supposed to be 87 degrees), you have to leave, Lee. Just doesn't seem fair. Safe travels.

We still have about a month before we head back North. Exact date will depend on the schedule of the fellow who will transport the RAV4 back to MA. Hoping to hear from him sometime next week so that we can make arrangements for our return as well.
Don't forget to change the clocks before you go to bed tomorrow night, everyone. I saw a sign outside a church yesterday that said"If you don't Spring forward Saturday, you'll be late for Church Sunday".


Wacky Wabbit
The movie "Cabrini" was good. A tad slow, but it was a true story of a Nun from Italy that developed orphanages and hospitals in New York City and then around the world. It showed how she over came being doubted by MEN. In real life she was elevated to Sainthood.

Lee/ Lu-Ann: If I don't catch up with you before early tomorrow..... SAFE TRAVELS home. Take your time and watch out or the WACKO's on the hwy. "Spring-Breakers" too.
I'm glad the last few days have been warmer than the first part of your stay, but you two manage to make the best of your time down in Florida no matter what the weather is like.

Driving Road Trip GIF by SoulPancake
GAS PRICES went UP, UP, UP here last night. $3.69 +
It's crazy. Even Costco wasn't cheap. I feel sorry for the WORKING FOLKS that spend most of their paychecks on cash weekly. :eek:

Gotta get our choir directress a "PIN" number for her new car purchase. She was on the FAMOUS HALL RD earlier in the month stopped at a light and some JERK used her car as a break point. Lucky she had a BIG LINCOLN Navigator or she would have been toast. She was okay, but the insurance company TOTALLED her car. So now she needs another PIN # to get another Navigator. At least she's supporting the Ford/Lincoln brand!

Later all.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hey gang. What a busy bunch you’ve been. Good on you all.
I scored breakfast reservations at our much loved Kona Cafe at Disney’s Polynesian Resort. A perfect way to wrap up our stay. A nice breakfast followed by a press pot of pure Kona coffee which we enjoyed on the beach. With the exception of our hotel bag and Ava’s stuff Subie is loaded. We also did a quick tidy as we pride ourselves in leaving Sunshine’s home at least as clean, if not cleaner, than we found it.
Fuel here has jumped to $3.39.9 after a low of, if I recall correctly, $308.9. Must be spring break!
Time did just get away Karen and for that I am truly sorry. But it does seem we meet up every other year.
I had a coworker who received a cheque for 86 cents from Canada Post. He put it in a $1 frame and hung it in his office. He got a ton of letters asking if he had received or lost the cheque. They actually stopped payment on that cheque and, yep, sent him a replacement. Which necessitated a new, larger, $1 frame to hold both.
I hadn’t heard of that movie either Kathie. Donna’s group, Team Fox in The D, is hosting a PD seminar on May 4th at The Marriott at The Renaissance Center. We’re registered!
I missed President Biden’s speech but from all accounts it was a dandy. Hopefully the good people of The United States of America will do the right thing this November.
OK, time for a nice fresh salad from Publix for dinner.
See you all tomorrow from the Drury in Morrow, GA.


Chief Security Officer
I hadn't heard of that movie either, Kathie, but since you mentioned it I have seen ads for it on my laptop and it apparently is showing at the local theaters in Vero Beach. Lord knows there haven't been any other new releases that have raised my interest. I did see that the Academy Awards is on TV Sunday night, but I don't believe that I have seen (or wanted to see) any of the nominated films with perhaps the exception of "The Holdovers".
There is a Flea Market at the Clubhouse here tomorrow from 8am to 1pm, but I fear that, given our proclivity for sleeping in, anything worth purchasing would be long gone by the time we got there.(If we even got there!)


2nd Officer
How cool KC, an orange miniature rose bush. I can't remember ever seeing an orange rose. If it's got flowers on it, could you post a picture?

Bummer that your vacation is all over, Lee. It's back to the hum-drum of every day life. Only rare fine dining. And now hearing, "Make your own peanut butter sandwich!" Looking forward to your daily updates on your trip back north.

I'm glad you liked that movie, "Cabrini", K2. But after viewing that trailer you posted of it, I wouldn't have watched it. Different strokes for different folks. Looks like you get the Cupi Doll for the highest gas prices yesterday. (Until Lee gets home.)

For me Bill, I'd like to see the Oscar nominated movie, "Oppenheimer". Just not keen on sitting in a theater for 3 hours. I'll wait till it's available on my home TV. There's a certain glory in being able to hit "Pause".


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
First stop…Panera Bread for coffee and a bagel.
You all have a great day. I hope to take the high gas prices out of FL and south of OH and MI with me.
See you from Morrow, GA.


Wacky Wabbit
Bon Voyage Goodbye GIF by Amy
Wishing Lee & Lu-Ann and Ava a easy going trip home. Dang, that time flew by this year.
Did you weigh yourself before you left ABurg in January and last night before leaving? Just wondering if all those "hearty breakfast's" put a few pounds on you? Ha Ha.

Keep in touch and take it slow on the highways! At least you're going in the opposite direction of the Spring Break drivers!

Oppenheimer movie didn't impress me much at all. A tad slow and dry for me.
We did enjoy HOLDOVERS! (Another slow starting movie, but kept our attention)

It's DREARY here today and 47F is about where the temp will stay. Going to do a nosedive later tonight and into Sunday!

Spring Ahead Alarm Clock GIF by Green Valley Community Church
Hate this time of the year. I wish SOMEBODY would just change it and end our misery.

You all have a good day. I'm off to enjoy my Bourbon Blend Coffee from the little coffee shoppe in Lake Orion that roasts it.