Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
You know that I follow you.. right?
I love to read the caring and sharing amongst friends.

about Memorial day.. I remember when everyone gathered at tne Cenotaph and stood there for a short service.. it is now a holiday where you get to go to the beach.

nib.. good luck on getting tnat basal cell removed. i anm waiting for them to start treating the squamous cell thingee they found on me. And going nuts while waiting for an appointment. Living in “Gods Waiting Room”, means waiting and waiting.
And I see tnat you are also living down here.. in the 90s today

prayers for Mark.
perhaps you used that jaw too much? …but I have to say, that the way of making crepes sounds delicious.

o.k. Bowing out.. everyone have a good Memorial weekend.
92 right now. we have seen days of 98 already, so of course the feels like was 112. Not fun.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Red stripe, feel free to jump into the madness anytime you like! As Lee said I think we've been chatting since around 2001, a few people were chatting even before then. And I've been lucky enough to meet and or cruise with all of them except for Nancy

Kathie, getting old stinks, the things we used to do when we were young terrify us now or would darn near do us in! Continued prayers for Mark!

Lee, not totally sure I buy the plumber's reasoning on framing before cutting, but hopefully the drain & shower will end up in the right place & that's all that matters.

Dave, not a huge fan of Tostitos' but I'd be interested in hearing your opinion on the hint of lime ones.

Nancy, good luck with the dermatologist today! I have my 6 month exam next month, the last few times I've been lucky & she hasn't found anything, hoping my streak continues!

Choir practice last night was awesome! The director was back, our missing Alto was back, my friend Pam who's been sick for 3 weeks was back & a former alto was there as the director had invited anyone who had sang with the choir before to join us for the last service of the year. It was great seeing a full choir loft for a change!

One of my neighbors came over this morning & got the work bench detached from the wall, he made it look so easy, Lol! I would have had a problem even if I HAD gotten all the screws out as I didn't notice there was also a plate mounted on the floor & attached to the bottom of the work bench, whoever built that bench was building it to last!! Now I just need to take some pictures & list it on marketplace.
Someone asked where I meet people I am selling to, I meet at a Walgreens that is only about 1-1/2 blocks away from me, it's on a busy corner & always lots of people around so I feel fairly safe. I never meet after dark and if I feel even the least bit uncomfortable with someone who is asking to buy something, I back out of the deal. I've been stood up a couple times, but the majority of people I've sold to have been really nice.
Went grocery shopping this morning & luckily was able to get in, get what I needed & get out before the big crowds arrived this afternoon.

Have a great afternoon all!


Chief Security Officer
The less than generous casino that took too much of my money wasn't an Indian casino which may explain their behavior, Karen. We will head down to the casino in CT at the end of next week, so perhaps the Mohegan tribe will help me recoup some of my losses.
Hope the basal cell removal goes well, Nancy. I have to have one removed the first week in June.
First of several medical appointments prior to my July hip replacement surgery went well today so my cardiologist has cleared me for the surgery. See someone in my primary care's office in a few weeks to get his clearance. In the meantime I am getting a CT scan tomorrow to help diagnose a blood problem that arose earlier this week.
Another warm and relatively humid day today but the weekend looks like it may be typically rainy.
Celtics finally won a Game Two in the playoffs and head to Pacers territory this weekend to see if they can continue their winning streak. It was much less stressful to watch last night's game than watching Tuesday's game which went to overtime.


Wacky Wabbit
Red Stripe.... Nice to see you this Holiday Weekend. Thanks for the good wishes for my SILaw!
MY JAW got out of line when I had the Root Canal done on the very back tooth and had to
"OPEN IT WIDE -- for TOO LONG". It's a tad better today after I got the one side ground down a tad yesterday! Amazing how if the new Crown is just a tad too high and hits the other tooth it can cause you all kinds of trouble. Let's hope with the help of my CBD suave it will all calm down!
:emoticon 0102 bigsmile: :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

Lee: You being busy on Sunday saved you $30 bucks! And there are only 4 choirs singing on Sunday. Seems everyone (18 Choirs)wants to sing on Saturday and then PARTY HARTY! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: They had to start the Saturday concert at 11:30 a.m. Never happened like that since I've been in this choir. And that's too many decades to count! Ha Ha.

Glad you got a good turn out for Choir. Always makes it so much easier on everyone.
And Kudo's on getting help getting the work-bench detached. Where was this work-bench? Inside or outside? You need to take a picture of where it's at. I don't remember seeing any work-bench when Art & I were over your place??

Bill: Good luck with the CT Scan. You sure the place is open on a SATURDAY during a Holiday weekend?? Hope it all works out for you.
My Cariologist gave me a Procedure Order to have a SCAN of my heart the 1st week of October. Right before I go for my scheduled appointment. When I questioned her about it she said it's a something she likes to have done every 2 years to see if there's any fluid around the heart and something else, I can't remember now what it was. Always Something.

Saw our first Hummingbird on the Honeysuckle Bush. They look like Mico-mini helicopters going from flower to flower.

Out of here for now. (Marie & George loved the crepes I delivered earlier) :clap002:



2nd Officer
I did a google on why the plumber wants the framing up before cutting the concrete, because they want to make sure they are not cutting where a wall will be. they have to be a distance from side and front walls. This all makes sense to me.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: Hope getting the workbench out of the garage gives you some extra space for "MORE STUFF"! Ha Ha :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

For those who know about the Gordie Howe expansion bridge being constructed between Detroit, USA and Windsor, Canada is a great video showing that the LAST PIECE is ALMOST in place. It's amazing that if you look closely, it looks like they will be able to WALK within the structure of the bridge. You can see a man standing against a wall and it looks like there are doors too. It would be great to tour that area of the bridge.


IF can ENLARGE the PICTURE on your computers and it's even more exciting to watch this video.


2nd Officer
Beware Bunnies, Big-Brother is watching and holding a can of Red Stripe beer. :)

Pretty much just checking in this morning.

Running tired.

Enjoy you long holiday weekend, and try and figure out which businesses and services will be operating on Monday. :)



2nd Officer
Karen: Hope getting the workbench out of the garage gives you some extra space for "MORE STUFF"! Ha Ha :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

For those who know about the Gordie Howe expansion bridge being constructed between Detroit, USA and Windsor, Canada is a great video showing that the LAST PIECE is ALMOST in place. It's amazing that if you look closely, it looks like they will be able to WALK within the structure of the bridge. You can see a man standing against a wall and it looks like there are doors too. It would be great to tour that area of the bridge.


IF can ENLARGE the PICTURE on your computers and it's even more exciting to watch this video.
Yes, now when they build a large bridge there is space under the roadway for them to actually drive a small truck, this is for inspection. The reason I know this is my husband retired from the Department of Transportation for the State of Florida and they built a large bridge and he was Supervisor of Bridges so while the bridge was being constructed they would go in and of course when completed they would go in and do inspections.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Things went real well at the Dermatologist yesterday. From the time I was called in to the time I left was 30 minutes. Have a large bandage over the stitches from the cancer being cut out. Go back in ten day to have the stitches out.

Today we will go back down to Jupiter. Jennifer, Mike, Max, Becky and Nick are there until Monday. They extended their time there. I can't go in the pool but that is okay.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
The weather people came nowhere near getting the overnight and early morning right. Temps were supposed to cool and bring in rain. Nope.
It does sound like you have a good process for selling your stuff on marketplace Karen. It sure sounds like you had a real fine choir practice with all of the voices back and in place! I’m not buying what the plumber is selling either.
Everything seems to be falling in to place for you upcoming surgery Bill. Hopefully the results of this blood issue won’t put a kink in the plans.
I’m guessing they are saving the best choirs for Sunday Kathie. ;) We didn’t realize it was a paid entry event! Still, we couldn’t put a price on an opportunity to hear your choir and see you. That was a well done video. As I have mentioned it has been neat watching the bridge rise up and grow across the river from both sides. Any word on Mark’s tests? Keeping him in our good thoughts as always.
I forgot that flowers make me sneeze Mike. So in order to smell a bouquet, it had to come from a glass of wine.
You rest up Dave. How is Kathi’s cough doing.
Not sure what mischief is on the horizon for today.
Everyone have a dandy Saturday.


Wacky Wabbit
We Remember Memorial Day GIF by INTO ACTION
There just aren't enough words for all the lives that were lost to keep us free. Lately it looks like some who have "never served" haven't got a clue as to how that happened.
Proud to be an American and even more proud of the men and women who served our country and continue to serve today.

Remember: Memorial Day isn't all about BBQ's and Picnics. Take some time to really give your thanks.
We Remember American Flag GIF by INTO ACTION
And like this GIF says---- VOTE! We need to keep our freedom!

Washed my car at the self-wash and even wiped it dry and then came home and did the windows INSIDE. I did the outside windows, that took forever and a lot of elbow work, because of the remains of dead hwy bugs. Their guts must be made of GLUE.
Looks nice and shiny.

You all have a fun weekend. I've got my Canadian :canada: Money in a separate change purse for my trip to Windsor, Canada tomorrow. Lee, we'll catch up another time for sure.
The program is going to be live streamed Sat & Sunday by the Host Choir.
Facebook: Serbian Singing Society Gracanica is the choirs name. If I see an actual link, I'll let you know and you can have Lu-Ann look it up on Facebook.
It's all in Serbian by the way! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Have a SAFE Weekend all.

Hope you get your SPARK back ASAP! Tell Kathi I woke up with that Truck-Driver deep hacking cough this morning. I know it was from sitting outside on the deck and inhaling all the POLLEN from the trees and the Popular Cotton crap flying around big time. Hope she feels better. Allergy pills help.



Chief Security Officer
Off to have the CTscan in a few minutes.
If you want to read something very scary, check out the latest issue of Time Magazine for their interview of Trump and what a second term for him would look like.

House on the corner of the street near our home is holding a yard sale and seems to be a good sized crowd of potential buyers. Looks like there are a lot of items including a rack of clothes. Our closets could stand some thinning out and much of the stuff we had in our condo never got any further than our garage in our new house so a yard sale might not be a bad option.
Another nice day with, hopefully, many more to come.
Thoughts and prayers on this Memorial Day weekend for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.


Wacky Wabbit
BILL: All the best on this CT Scan. Let us know what they're looking for if you can. We all can help each other with info these days.
Lee: Mark got his Bone Marrow test done yesterday. (Friday) No word yet on the results. (Holiday Weekend might slow things down... who knows) Thanks for asking.

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer
About 2 days ago I went to click on this link, my finger jerked as it usually does when I try to use it. I have no idea where the link went and it took me a few days to find another link to here.
I was a director for a few years plus was in H.S. and college band, the H.S. band, some jr. High bands always marched in the parades. I still have to walk in step with the music.
As far as I know, there is only 3 of us left in my HS class and I keep in touch with the other two. I call one of them the brother I never had. We grew up together and kept in touch with eash other. He played football and I played in the band.
Nancy, BillI think I had a basal cancer cell removed a year ago and am going to go for a one years check up in a few weeks.
Good luck on the CT scan Bill. I asked Fay to buy the Time magazine, I want to read the article. l would put it in a prominate place in our house so all my friends can bash frump. We have a few republican relatives coming here soon and I would like for them to accidently see it. getting nasty in my old age. :rolleyes:
I hope the results from Mark's Bone Marrow test are good.
Hope you are rested up also Dave. I hope kathi's cough is gone now.
K2, how many generations down do the children learn Siberian. Most of my Greek friends growing up could speak Greek but went to Greek school to learn to read and write it. There were 4 Greek boys that were named Mike. I was half Greek and never went to Greek schools.
Karen,,isn't it amazing that when some knows what they are doing how easy it is.
That may very well be the best way to smell flowers Lee.


2nd Officer
Good Sunday morning!

So sorry to hear that you picked up that goose honking cough, K2. Hope it's mild. Kathi's had it for a bit over a week and is finally showing a bit less hacking.

KC; Happy to hear that you have a full choir once again. Yup, everything looks easy if you know how to do it.

Thought of you yesterday morning Lee when I was watching a laid back news show. Every week they end their show with a different band. Yesterday's band incorporated bongos in with their sound. I liked it. It's like your ukelele, a nice sound but one we rarely hear. Makes me wonder what a band would sound like with both of them.

Sounds like things are moving along smoothly for your hip surgery, Bill.

Mike; I get a kick out of you planning to sit out that addition of Time magazine. Hey if you can't screw with the supporters of the Buffoon, then what good are they? :)

I don't know about ya'll, but around here they've already started setting off fireworks. GEESH, the 4th of July is over a month away. People didn't knock it off till after 10 last night.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning everyone.
A nice, cool start to the day.
Kathie, I found the church Facebook page but it seems they were having “technical“ issues with their streaming. I did smile because they warned it could happen right up front. Check the border wait times so you give yourself a little extra time. Hope your cough doesn’t mess with your plans to sing. Thank you as well for the reasons Memorial Day has different names.
That was a great Rockwell print Mike. I don’t think that I’ve ever seen it before. Your shot of The Arizona Memorial also triggered some memories from our visit there.
The world is scary enough without reading that article in Time Bill. How’d the scan go?
Being close to our friends in The United States Dave, we had our Victoria Day fireworks last weekend and Memorial Day this weekend. Our first Greyhound hated fireworks and thunder. How is your Kathi’s cough coming along.
I hope your choir “knocks it out of the park” this morning Karen.
Everyone enjoy their Sunday.


Wacky Wabbit
Quick Good Morning.

Lee: I'm leaving plenty of time to get to the Serbian Center. But thanks for the hint.

I saw that same message about Technical Issues. I just kept searching further down on their home page and finally found the Live Feed. Today's is suppose to start at 1:00 pm. Jill is going to try and watch for it. The best Choir singing yesterday was the HOST Choir from Windsor. Wow they got member to come back and rehearse and sing for this big event for them. They did a good job. Some of the choirs were ..... well less than easy to listen to. Ha Ha.

MIKE; The language is SERBIAN not Siberian. Ha Ha. You made me laugh big time.

Okay, Have a fantastic Sunday all. Be safe out there if you're on the road. It's a crazy holiday weekend and drivers are crazy.