Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Hump Day GIF
YUP, it's Wednesday already. HUMP ALONG Wrabbits! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

OKay, I don't know what Mother Nature is up to, but it's time she knows it's MAY 29th and not MARCH 29th today.
58 degrees outside here right now and clumps of clouds. A good day to stay UNDER the COVERS longer! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme: It's supposed to start to climb up to mid 75's the rest of the week with possible scattered showers on one of the days. My Tomatoes need more sunshine and heat to yield some nice fruit! Geez.

I paid way too much in BILLS last night. House and Cars insurance and the new cars 1st payment and then a load of utilities bills. Not to mention I spent over $110.00 bucks at the grocery store. (could have been more, but I saved $35 bucks using "digital coupons" Krogers offered on things that we actually normally buy.

Dave: I don't know how Kathi's son, with the 8 kids does it. I know you said he has a good job, but YIKES 10 people to feed has to be an UGLY GROCERY BILL them.

I have nothing else for you lovely folks today. ENJOY YOUR DAY and BE SAFE!

Later...........:emoticon 0115 inlove:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
bunny hdmi GIF by Crestron

Good morning. Guess who? :D
Better news about Mark Kathie. Let’s hope the test results can point everyone in the right direction to get things all taken care of.
We were under severe thunder storm warnings again last evening. We did get a little rain. This morning we managed to get our early walk in before the drizzle started. We turned one corner and were greeted to a beautiful rainbow.

Who’s that? Geez Kathie, you’re up early.
So where are you headed in this big old country of mine Captain Red Stripe? Yes, Tiff has really done well with everything she’s tackled in life. She’s a good kid.
Not just your Celtics doing well Bill. Boston’s Professional Women’s Hockey League team plays Minnesota for their championship tonight.
I don’t know what the results of the trial will be Dave. I think anybody with half a brain knows what the decision should be but… Bunny slippers. They’re not just for around the house any more. But, who’d have known pyjamas would be acceptable casual wear?
What‘s on tap in Mike and Karen’s neighborhoods today?
You all have a great Wednesday.
Hopefully everyone with coughs is seeing them disappearing.


2nd Officer
Quick check in, I may be offline for a few days. One of my friends from choir has been in the hospital for the last few days & may be discharged today after they do a heart cath on her. She is going to stay with me for a day or 2 until she is back steady on her feet again. She lives alone as her husband is in a nursing home. Take care all!


Chief Security Officer
For a while, at least, we in Boston have plenty of sports teams to celebrate. Not just the Celtics. As Lee mentioned we also have the women's professional hockey team playing for a championship, but Boston College's Women's LaCrosse team is this year's champion, the Red Sox beat the Orioles last night, and Rita and I won three of our five cribbage matches last night. Celtics have to wait to learn whether they will face the Timberwolves or the Mavericks in the Finals which don't begin until June 6th. Hope the lengthy rest helps heal injured players like Porzingas but dosn't let the rest of the team get rusty.
Bless you Karen for taking care of your friend when she is discharged from the hospital. Your church certainly gained a wonderful parishioner when you joined it.

red stripe

Staff Captain
Good afternoon to the hutch.
Hey, do I have to grow really long ears to belong?
Glad that the news on Mark is better. and so sad about the lady in your church. Life can really play some nasty tricks at times.

I also put bananas in the fridge when they start to turn.
About those bunny slippers.. I tend to stay the heck away from anyone wearing strange or inappropriate clothes :oops:

K2- Mich..
you are complaining about 58 degrees?

I will swap with you..
our expected high for today is 95 degrees :emoticon 0107 sweating:

We are heading up to see my sister.. she had the smarts.. and settled in St. Catharines.
Not like me.. sweating my er...a** off in Florida!

we are only gone for 7 days, then we come back for a couple of weeks before heading out to the mountain areas of NC and Tennessee to rent cabins near lakes etc.
I am really looking forward to that. Although my darling rented the first cabin with over 100 steps down to the ramp! I am either going to get a good workout.. or I will be sat up on one of the balconies reading my books.

Hoping that there are more people around with more than half a brain.. but not holding out too much hope.

Karen.. You are so kind to be looking after your friend.

OK.. back to work... getting ready for the plane trip North..I hate flying.. and then the three month cabin extravaganza!
and finding something to eat...

Everyone take care.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Yes Bill, enjoy the “W” ‘s while you can. The NFL season is fast approaching. Let the record show I started the smack talk on May 29.
Two words for you Karen. BLESS YOU.
Ah, St. Catharines, eh Captrain Red Stripe. In the heart of the second best wine county in Ontario. We live in the best wine county. You should take a trip to the LCBO where your beloved Red Stripe is readily available.
Back grass cut just in time for the thunder storm warning to take effect. This is from this morning.

red stripe

Staff Captain
Interestingly enough.. I do not like Red Stripe beer..too strong for me.
But I do like wine! And I have had the pleasure to spend many a happy hour or two.. sat in one of the wineries up there.

”second best wine county”! So where is the very best?

And that is a beautiful photo

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Ah, Captain (I do love when spell check adds letters here and there), the best wine county in Ontario is Essex County along the shores of The Detroit River and Lake Erie. We are right along the 42nd parallel and the southern most point in Canada. That’s not to say that Niagara Region doesn’t have good wine too! Always look for wine with a cork. Screw tops are for quitters. ;)


Wacky Wabbit
Karen may GOD BLESS you for helping to care for your choir friend. You are truly a caring
person. :emoticon 0115 inlove: :emoticon 0152 heart: Hope she recoups and is fine soon.
It's a good feeling doing something like this. I still remember having one of our older male choir members stay at our house for 3-4 days. All I was suppose to do was drive him to Out Patient and pick him up and drop him off at his house. Well.......he was so out of it I said you're coming to our house. It's a long funny story, but in the end I'm still glad I did it.

Karen you will be too!

Just had time to read and catch up.
Nice Rainbow Lee.
Bill, fantastic WIN at Cribbage!
Lee: How's Lu-Ann's wrist doing without the brace on?
Dave: How's Kathi's COUGH doing? Hopefully, the rain we had will help get rid of some pollen
. Just had a long wait on the phone for help from the POST OFFICE. I sent a Certified Registered Letter with important documents inside and it's still not delivered! :eek:
They put a claim check number on it and will get back to me. Lordy, am I glad I spent the extra money to get it Certified. Can't take any chances these days.
Later..........Out of here for now.


2nd Officer
Hello again! Thanks for all the kind words, but I was really happy to be able to help my friend Pat. All the people at St. Mary's have been so kind & loving to me I'm glad to be able to return some of the kindness. And BEST of all, there no problems at all with Pat's heart, so they are sending her to be check for gastro issues. We've had a nice visit & she even insisted on taking me out to dinner tonight. She is planning to go home tomorrow evening but I'm enjoying our time together.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: Thanks for the update on your friend Pat. Good to know she doesn't have any
heart issues.
It's that UNKNOWN that drives us all nuts.
Take care and glad you're having a nice visit. :emoticon 0115 inlove:

Instagram Emoji GIF by Minto Inc.


2nd Officer
KC, once again you're the angel that we all know you are. So fine of you to watch over your fellow choir member until she can safely live on her own. God smiles at your generosity.

K2; Your mention of Kathi's son who has 8 kids, made me think of my now deceased Mother In Law. She was outspoken and also funny. Back when Kathi's son only had 4 kids, my mother-in-law said, " If he keeps going on like this, he's going to "screw" himself away from the dinner table. Now, I can only imagine what his grocery bills must look like.

So Bill, what's the reason you don't put bananas in the frig?

Grab your shovel Lee. You now know where that pot of gold is, at the end of the rainbow. Cool picture.

Safe travels Red Stripe.

We didn't get off our grocery list yesterday. But I did see a foot tall glass jar full of Kosher Dill pickles up for sale. Even now, just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

Have you ever tried to ride a unicycle? On last night's news they showed a girls hockey team that plays it on unicycles. Damn they make it look easy. When I tried to ride one, it was only one crash & burn after another.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good chilly morning.
At 46F it was a brisk walk with the pup this morning. I set the flowers under cover up on the porch last night. Good thing I guess as there were signs of frost in some spots this morning.
Lu-Ann’s wrist is coming Kathie. Thanks for asking. It’s been a tad over a week with the brace off and she’s being very careful with it. Is that your insurance cheque that’s gone missing in the postal service? I remember you telling us you went the extra step to make it traceable and get a signature.
It sounds like Pat has given you both a reason to smile Karen. I think it is St Mary’s who has come out ahead since you found each other.
I know what the grocery bill is for two of us Dave. I can’t imagine the bill if we added EIGHT more mouths to the dinner table. I don’t ever recall trying a unicycle.
We have a trip to the sports medicine clinic for Lu-Ann’s knee. It’s been acting up since before we went to FL. Of course the involuntary twisting from her PD doesn’t help. Our Doctor sent in the MRI requisition but that appointment is months away. Yep, “free“ medical but unless it’s a dire emergency horrendous wait times. Anyway, our doctor knows this fella and thought It wouldn’t hurt to have him take a look. You’re right Kathie. “Always something”.
You fine folks all have a fantastic day. And no matter what the day throws at you, smile about it.


Wacky Wabbit
Day Week GIF by Titounis
Just in case you don't remember! Holiday weeks always confuse me!
Lee: Good to know that Le-Ann is being careful with her wrist. And hope the sports med person can help her out about the knee.

Measured out the ingredients for Choc Chip Cookies. Want to take some over to the family. Heck, I just want to see Manny! Might not be until tomorrow!
Cut up a watermelon last night and it wasn't as sweet as I thought it would be. Bummer. Editable, but just not mouth watering sweet!

Great Job Lol GIF by Jonas Mosesson

I have NOTHING MORE for you good people this morning! BUT IT'S STILL EARLY! Ha Ha.
Enjoy your day. 59F at 10:00 am. Brrr.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee… you made me laugh. :D
Bless those 12 men & women for their bravery to do their civic job for the country. Let’s hope they are now protected and the Judge for sure.
Also all others involved in this case.



2nd Officer
Good Friday Morning, Bunnies!

And it is a good day because it's the first full day that the Buffoon is a felon.

The 34 zip conviction was even better than I expected.

Nothing else to gab about at the moment, as I bask in the Buffoon's failure to get off scot-free.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Is there a Hallmark card to mark Felon’s Day?
We had a good experience with the knee doctor yesterday. We also have an MRI appointment on June 10 instead of waiting 10 or more months. Oh, did I mention the exam is in Detroit? Dr. Woodall suggested the “pay as you go” MRI so he can determine the best way to proceed and not cause more discomfort. We both liked him and his down to earth approach.
That’s about all for now.
Have a great Friday.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-Morning Wrabbits.

Lee: Good news on getting that MRI sooner.
What facility are you going to in Detroit? There are a few that charge less than others from what I hear. Worth the expense just to get it done sooner and find out what's going on within the knee. All the best.

DAVE: It's not going to be a fun time the next few months up to the November election. And I fear for all of us if the Buffoon WINS or LOSES.
If he should happen to WIN (Lord help us all) he will destroy us by taking away SS and Healthcare.
If he Loses he will most likely have his Minions start a modern type Civil War. BLOOD BATH as he has already stated.

I think the Government should ENCASE the CAPITAL in Barbed Wire ASAP! :eek:

That's it for today. My nerves & stomach can't take much more of this Political crap.

Enjoy your day.
66F right now at 11:00 a.m. Somebody tell Mother Nature it's June tomorrow. :emoticon 0122 itwasntme: