Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer
It is a very nice day, the day is celebrating frumps conviction. From what I have read he will be getting off a lot easier than I would wish for. I can hear him cry in capital letters for the next ten years. I was surprised he was found guilty on all counts.
The next ten day or so are supposed to be very nice. I will do a lot of sitting outside and probably sleep some. It will be tough moving from the sunny spots to the shade.
Lee, nice that you are getting your MRI sooner. I hope everything looks good.


Wacky Wabbit
Busy day running around. (and I won't say in circles. Ha Ha)

I did stop at a Estate Sale about 5 miles from here.
LORDY.... these people had more money than they knew what to do with.
The woman had more shoes and coats in her "Closets" (yes, more than one) than a dept store.
Beautiful furniture. Tons of China and Crystal, serving dishes, etc.
Did I buy anything.
NOPE. It just made me want to order a DUMPSTER and pitch a thousand things that will one day end up in MY ESTATE SALE. I MUST get rid of the "STUFF" before I pass! Ha Ha.
Okay, that's your laugh for the evening.

MIKE: Art has REPLANTED his Bush BEANS and even with a new package of them it doesn't look too hopeful that they will come up. The POTATOS are doing GREAT. Lots of green tops. Let's hope we get a nice crop when we dig for them in the Fall.

It's 71 beautiful degrees, but a tad HUMID. My one ankle is telling me just how humid it is. :rolleyes:

Praying nobody burns wood in their firepits tonight. I have the WINDOWS OPEN NOW.

Have a fantastic weekend.
The GRAND PRIX is going on in Downtown Detroit.

Formula 1 Sport GIF by omguac


2nd Officer
I like your idea Lee about, "a Hallmark card to mark Felon’s Day". Good for you for going to Detroit to get that MRI months sooner. Is your travel insurance for travel to the U.S. still in effect for some medical coverage?

K2; You better start taking the Tylenol and Tums now. It's a long time till the election in November. It will be frightening if there is enough idiots out there to elect the Buffoon. But his base is made up of uneducated voters. Did you see Manny yet?

I'm like you Mike; I thought the Buffoon wound be found guilty, but not on every one of 34 counts against him. Enjoy your good weather days. Just sitting outside listening and watching Mother Nature is so enjoyable and calming. I've learned that the more you're out there, the more the birdies and squirrels think of you as part of what's normal and not a threat. Birds and chipmunks will often get within 3 feet of you.

Kathi's cough still lingers. SLOWLY getting better, but still there. When grocery shopping the other day we did pick up some pineapple juice, as a few of you Bunnies recommended.



Wacky Wabbit
Happy Summer GIF by The SOL Foundation

Quick good morning Wrabbits!

I bet the Gran Prix Car drivers are loving this 64F and highs into the 75's for the races today and tomorrow. Beats going around in circles at 95F.

Dave: The Pollen season is almost over and with a few more good RAINS they should be calmed down for this season. I'm still thinking that KATHI's COUGH is allergy related. Hope she has tried taking a over the counter Allergy Pill. They're not exactly "cheap", but they do the trick. My eyes were itching a tad while I was outside in the backyard yesterday. Our Deck Table still has GREEN POLLEN that shows up big time when I wipe it with Windex & a papertowel. That pollen is micro tiny and fly's around everywhere as the wind blows.

All the BEST to her and her cough.

I'm off to the Lake Cottage to pull weeds around the border of the house. The one neighbor that lives up at the lake cuts the grass for the family. My nephews grew up with him in the old neighborhood and his family bought a cottage up there decades ( like 8 decades ago) and it's been passed down in the family. He stores his pontoon on the extra lot next to the Anderson Cottage, so it's a WIN/WIN.

You all have a great day. Be SAFE. Lots of crazy drivers out on the roads these days.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I tried posting this earlier this morning but it didn’t go. So…trying again…
Enjoy your day by the water at the cottage Kathie.

Not much new this morning. I actually slept until a tick after 6:00.
Interesting times ahead for US politics for sure.
Our travel insurance only covers medical stuff while we are in The US Dave. But we can claim the cost of the MRI on our income tax. Hopefully the pineapple juice helps knock out Kathi’s cough.
The Doctor recommended Basha Diagnostics Kathie. The closest one is in Dearborn not too far from The Henry Ford (hotel). I don‘t know if the sound of The Indy Cars makes it across the river from Detroit or not. It did from Belle Isle. How is Mark doing?
We’ve had a couple of nice days too Mike. The humidity is supposed to start rolling in here this afternoon.
Well, like I said not much from here, yet, this morning. So that said, all of you have a really good day.


Chief Security Officer
Dave, for the answer to your question about bananas and refrigerators, I'm afraid that you will need to ask Chiquita Banana. All I know is that in her song, she says not to do that. Perhaps, if when you buy them, they are still green and need warm temperatures and sunlight in order to fully ripen.
Saw my urologist Thursday morning and have a new medication to take and he advised that for the
present I stop taking the low dose aspirin. Then Rita went to the Indian casino in CT and spent the rest of the day and part of Friday there with mixed results.
I was shocked, but pleasantly shocked, to hear the jury's decision especially the fact that they found him guilty on all 34 counts. I had feared that there might be one or two jurors who would create a hung jury but, they did their duty and now we can only hope the judge gives Trump a sentence commensurate with his offenses,

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer
Bill, Fay buys banana green and hopes they ripen when we are ready to eat them.
Basha Diagnostics, I had to look that up Lee. As usual I slept a tick and a lot to tocks after 9:
Dave, I hope the guilty verdicts convince the people that are on the fence decide to go with Biden. Frump's fans will never change.. Did you see the ladies crying about frump on trial? I hope they do a lot more come Nov.
K2, how long does it take for t he bush beans to come up? Fay used to plant White Half Runners. We can get them now at a little road side stand.


2nd Officer
K2; Yes, Kathi has been taking Claritin-D for the past week, and she says it does help. The pineapple juice did nothing for her. This has been one nasty pollen season this year, affecting a LOT of people that haven't been effected before. I can look out our kitchen window above the sink and see bits of pollen float by on the wind.

Speaking of the kitchen sink, one of the lights that hang down from the ceiling above it had a bulb burn out yesterday. Unscrewing the bulb, the base broke off. When that happens it sure is a pain in the butt trying to get the base out of the socket. But, with the proper swear words, I finally got it out. :)

I bet you had some choice swear words Lee when your "electronic device" wouldn't take your post yesterday morning. Doesn't that MRI take place in Michigan? Part of the U.S., last I heard.

All I know Bill, is that just when bananas start getting soft, putting them in the frig stops them from getting any softer for a few days. Got a feeling that Chiquita just wants us to buy more bananas. I too was worried about a hung-jury in the Buffoon's trial.

Mike; The Buffoon's base seems to be made up of fanatics, where facts mean nothing. Just a blind loyalty to their cult leader.

Have a good Sunday everyone. Even if it's cold and soggy.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A little rain to keep the dust (and pollen) down today.
Yes Dave, until the upcoming election MI is part of The US. Depending what happens they may want to become part of Canada.
Sure enough Mike, bananas in the fridge are OK in spite of what the song said. Wrapping their stems in cling wrap or hanging them on a banana hanger slow the ripening too.

No early walk but Ava still wants out in the drizzle. Best go. My four legged master beckons…
Have a good one everybody.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning.
Karen: I watched and listened to Rev Lisa at your church this morning. Good sermon. Organ still too loud for me! Hs hs.

Lee: There is a Basha Diagnostic on WOODWARD Ave just South of 13 Mile which is close to Cowell Hosp ( better known as BEAUMONT HODP, Royal Oak)
Might be closer than Dearborn and a better area.

We got all the weeds pulled, the grass got cut by one of the grand-nephews. Jill came and joined in the clean-up too.
There were 7 of us out there. So glad I went out and was able to help. We all sure did miss our ‘Jeff’ who passed away last year suddenly and basically did everything to keep the cottage in shape.
The dock got put in and the boat lift was working by the we finished. A good day for sure.

Got that very light rain through the night and early morning.

Dave hope Kathi gets through the POLLEN SEASON. I keep wiping the deck table and the paper towel is always GREEN! Yuk.

Have a good day all. Later.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Sounds like a good and productive day at The Cottage Kathie.
Yes, I looked at all three clinics and the one in Dearborn is only 13 miles from here. The other two are 26 miles with the one on Woodward being 33 miles. We're not taking Ava so we do have to conscious of time. Plus there is a good chance that our CBSA agents could be working to rule so there could be delays at the border.
Rain continues to be a possibility the rest of the day.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon! It's amazing how easy it is to get off schedule when you have company for a day or 2.

Kathie, glad you enjoyed the service this morning. Feel free to comment below the live stream where you are watching from. Rev. Lisa always goes back online later to read the comments. We have openings on our grounds committee if you'd like to apply. :)

Lee, good news about LuAnn's MRI being moved up! What's the latest on the basement shower project?

Dave, sorry to hear the pineapple juice didn't help Kathi's cough. I know a lot of people seem to get it & it just hangs on & on. One of my friends came to church prepared this morning with a dose of cough syrup in the car, cough drops & water in her purse. She managed to make it thru service without coughing to bad.
You know you can use a potato to unscrew a broke off light bulb right?

Mike, enjoy the time lazing outdoors, down here that would be 15 mins or less. Although the last few mornings & evenings it's been less humid with a nice cool breeze

I too was pleasantly surprised at the jury verdict on trumpty-dumpty! Now if the judge just follows thru with some REAL punishment it will be the icing on the cake!

Picked up Pat from the hospital Wed. afternoon & she stayed with me Wed. night & I took her home around 8 pm on Thurs. Her heart cath procedure showed no problems with her heart so now they thing her chest pains may be GI related.

It seemed strange this morning after church not to have to rush to the bathroom for a potty break & then into my robe for rehearsal, I'm sure just about the time I'm used to having time after church choir will start up again.
Not much else going on around here, I need to go Tues & mow at Jane's since I didn't get it done last week. Have an awesome Sunday all!

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer
Chiquita used to have their home office in Cinci but moved because CInci. didn't have a direct flight to the Carribbean.
Karen, I don't know if I could handle the hot Fl. temps or not b ut I 'm willing to give it a try if there is shade somewhere. I do like the heat. When every one is burning up here I'm comfortable.
Good job on getting all t he weeds pulled Kathie. I think the pollen is bothering my left eye.
Dave. is the rain helping Kathi with her pollen? I believe it was Einstein??? that said idolizing a person and ignoring the facts could be a direct threat to our country. He pretty much hit the nail on t he head with that comment.
Today is our 69th anniversary. We will celebrate it with family and a few friends. next Saturday whem most of the family can be here.


Wacky Wabbit
Old School Dancing GIF by Boomerang Official

Just don't have anything valuable in your car when you go to Dearborn!
(just saying!) :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

Mark as of Friday was at 12.2 blood level. Needs to get at least up to 14. Still waiting on Bone Marrow results. He looked good when I dropped off the Choc Chip Cookies! :emoticon 0115 inlove:

It's getting more HUMID by the minute over here right now at 3:44 pm. The Sun finally broke through the clouds and the wet ground is putting off some humidity.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well now Kathie, aren’t you just a Goodwill Ambassador for Dearborn! :oops: Thank you for updating us on Mark. The sun has been in and out here which, along with humidity, is usually the precursor to the forecast thunderstorms.
Everything is framed in per the plumbers request Karen. Problem is if Jim and Gail want this project done they have to stop heading to Cleveland every week for their grandkids sports, graduations, dance recitals and so on. Then the whole family goes to Ireland for a vacation later in June. That’s great news about your friend Pat’s heart! Let’s hope if it’s gastro it’s easily resolved.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: I re-read the "area" you said that Bashia Office is located in and if it's close to the "HENRY FORD HOTEL" I think you should be just fine.
Now I must say, if you were going anywhere in downtown Dearborn I'd have to stick to my not so nice review about the City.
They have had their issues as any city does. Just want you both to be safe. :emoticon 0100 smile:
Jim and Gail obviously are in no hurry to get that bathroom done. So I hope the OGC gang enjoys their Summer, after all it's just a spare bathroom.:emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

I had to laugh at the Winner of Detroit's Grand Prix when asked how he liked the course! He said it was much improved from last year, but "DETROIT NEEDS TO WORK ON THEIR STREETS". Too funny. Art and I saw how some of race cars on the straight-aways were going over some rather NOT SO SMOOTH and EVEN pavement. The cars were almost jumping up in the air at times. It was interesting picking out areas of downtown that we recognized as they ZOOMED by certain buildings and streets.

Starting the week off with a quick (hopefully) trip to the DERMO Dr for ART. Other than the usual spots on his head, I saw a spot on his lower neck area that I feel should be looked at. Of course, Art thinks I'm over-reacting. NOT!

Hope you all had a delightful Sunday. Enjoy your week.

Nite all. Windows are open tonight. No backyard fires so far! Whew!

Good Night Stars GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios



2nd Officer
Congratulations Mike & Fay on your 69th wedding anniversary!

Thanks for sharing that Chiquita banana commercial, Lee. Haven't heard that in years. And until you showed the video, I couldn't remember it at all.

K2; Sounds like you and your clan made quite a good group of landscapers. Thanks for the update on Mark.

Thanks again KC for welcoming your friend into your home till she was feeling better. Can't say I've ever heard of using a potato to get the base of a broken light-bulb out of a light-fixture.

Should be warming up a bit today. At least partly sunny and getting to 80.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
FOGGY! A capital letters foggy start to this Monday morning. You can hear the soulful sound of the fog horns down along the river.
I knew you were just lookin’ out for us Kathie. And we appreciate it. Like so many places, a block either way can make a difference. I caught clips of the Detroit race. They need to move it back out to the island! Their downstairs washroom is just part of what they want done. We already framed the bedroom with closet, sitting and storage areas. It is a big project.
We have a real mixed bag of extreme heat, humidity and storms early this week Dave. By Friday it will be cool again. Karen is right. A potato works wonders getting a broken bulb base out of the socket.
A couple of appointments today and again tomorrow.
All of you have a fantastic day.